taste it! J-Sin's musings...


No, You're the Best Mr. Joe Esposito

You’re the best!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down
You’re the Best!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down
You’re the Best!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you dow-ow-ow-ow-own


normally getting psyched!

Barney's Get Psyched Mix should continue the excitement!

1) YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME - Jonathan B. Jovi
2) THE HUMPTY DANCE - Digital Underground
6) YOU'RE THE BEST AROUND - Joe Esposito
7) HIGH ENOUGH - Damn Yankees
8) JESSIE'S GIRL - Rick Springfield
10) HIP HOP HOORAY - Naughty by Nature
11) CHANGE OF HEART - Tom Petty
12) RUN AWAY - Slade


the worst story in the history of the universe

"The accident Wednesday, which also killed two young relatives, cast a pall over this small town of about 2,000 people in northern Florida. After hearing of the accident, Barbara Mann's grief-stricken father suffered a heart attack and died."

read more

I'm sure that our wonderfully sensitive media will not exploit this. I mean it's not like a "runaway bride", terry schiavo, etc.

I mean it's not as if there's any real news stories to cover like, you know a war based on lies, corrupt politicians, outing of a CIA agent, the failure of the government on almost all levels to help its citizens from mother nature, the Bush administration spying on its citizens illegally, or the nomination of a man bent on breaking precedent and hellishly wanting to wreck havoc on the legislative branch to the supreme court...I mean, dude, there's HUMAN EMOTIONS TO EXPLOIT!


lamarocket's belt buckle got pwn3d!

by an LED...

don't be disappointed in me that I actually love this video

I mean I have a feeling too and that feeling is that I absolutely love gay house with or without KIT...

he was great...

Chris Penn dying totally sucks...I loved him in "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas", "True Romance", of course "Reservoir Dogs", and "One Tough Cop" among others...totally sucks man...


dude's even Napalm Death belongs to PETA

when napalm death is in PETA you feel worse about breaking edge a couple of times even if it's in the span of well over a year and a half...I mean RIVERS OF BLOOD!


it's about time

wow, gmail, I know you guys thought you were cute by not having delete buttons for so long ya know because you just offer SOOOO much space, but dude, it was about freakin' time already...


not farmer ted, but dead grandma fred

it's sad that he died...

nicole richie gets ironic

talking about not flashing when flashing is awesome...seriously this is fucking genius at work...now only if she HAD something to flash...in other words, Nicole, we're telling you that we called the GNC and had them FedEx you some fucking vitamins...preferrably Vitamin F and E for "FUCKING EAT"

Joe Theisman is the governor of West Virginia

also I had no idea that Joe Theisman was the governor of West Virginia...

Hi, I'm 2006

and I'm questioning why we still have people in mines?...oh that's right, we like cheap products and energy...so for everyone who is mournful for the latest media obsession, keep that in mind. it's partly your fault.

the "liberal" media strikes again

you know because the Washington Post is certainly a leftwing organization bent on the destruction of Reaganites and Hawks everywhere...I mean, there's just so much proof

how the republicans will win in 2006

they're gonna pull some bullshit move and capture Osama Bin Laden...what do you want to bet? I think he's still a CIA asset!


The EndFest

back in the day, there was everything blah blah "fest"...I hated it...I'm pretty sure all my band buddies hated it...it was dumb...generic, over used, and blatantly lame...I mean, come on...be creative...oh that's right there were creative folks...they called things blahblah-palooza...because if you're too cool to use "fest" as the suffix, obviously "palooza" is the next best thing...that's why when I put on a concert it was merely called "Freedom for Burma"...no fest, no palooza...nothing more than what it fucking was...stop marketing your shows...people can say other words, I promise...unless of course the below post is more true than I realized and then I just am scared for humanity...

I'm getting this t-shirt

Why did Bush have a 90% approval rating after 9/11?

After one of the biggest intelligence and competency failures of our modern age, why did Bush have such a high approval rating? Was it because the "nation was united" and "behind our President"? Was it because Bush delivered stirring speeches? Was it that we were shocked that our great nation could be held emotionally hostage and violently assaulted by a rag-tag group with box cutters? No. It's because even college students are fucking stupid...I mean, maybe I shouldn't be surprised that a nation with huge federal deficits doesn't understand basic checkbook math...but not knowing how much to tip the guy at Olive Garden?...give me a fucking break. But I bet they know all the lyrics to that fucking milkshake song and they know all about the runaway bride and what's going on in the various myriad of "reality" shows...fuck americans. and fuck reaganites (sorry that's due to an annoying cspan radio show that told me how "right reagan was" and that the last quarter of a century was all about how reagan was "right")...cough, gag, sputter.


anyone still wondering where the supreme court's slant is?


OK, so this is pretty cool

try it out

We respect life, because we'll kill you later when society says it's ok!

"At no point are we not going to value the sanctity of life," said prison spokesman Vernell Crittendon. "We would resuscitate him," then execute him.

makes tons of sense to me.


normally seeing this?


oh wacka wacka COUGH COUGH

disturbed's singer suffers from vocal problems, doesn't realize that it's just his voice.

Europe rules!

Europe is an amazing band, I mean dude, there's FIRE ON STAGE. be sure to sing along...

The Final Countdown:

We're leaving together
But still it's farewell
And maybe we'll come back
To earth, who can tell
I guess there is no one to blame
We're leaving ground (leaving ground)
Will things ever be the same again
It's the final countdown...
The final countdown
Ooh oh

We're heading for Venus (Venus)
And still we stand tall
Cause maybe they've seen us
And welcome us all (yeah)
With so many light years to go
And things to be found (to be found)
I'm sure that we'll all miss her so
It's the final countdown...
The final countdown
The final countdown (the final countdown)
Ooh ooh oh


I'm having a blah morning...my poor wife is home sick because my son is kicking up a ruckus in her guts...the weekend soared by and I don't feel like I really accomplished much of anything...mostly the wife was sick all weekend off and on and that's not good...we did get our direct tv set up and so far so good, though I have to complain that the HD Tivo dvr/receiver from direct tv was made by a dumby, why would you have USB ports and not allow folks to use them in conjunction with their wireless network? so why do I have to wait around on Weds morning so that Verizon can come and install a phone outlet in basement? because Direct TV is retarded with their receivers...also my old tivo won't recognize the direct tv box...why you ask? because they want you to use THEIR boxes...jerks...hmm, maybe I'll do some work online today...

oh and I hate that the redskins lost but at least tom "brat" brady and his dumb patriots got whupped up...all in all, a horrible weekend of nfl officiating...boo!


would you publish the al-jazeera memo?

I know I would...


boy that's a lot of stars

I'll be actively watching this...


places I would never move

here even now.


acid and rocket launchers don't mix

even if you're British


move on you hypocrites

I have to admit, that this article about MoveOn.org's lame posture on the war is totally right...that's precisely why I don't say that I'm a democrat...sure when it comes down to voting, I probably will vote democratic but it's only because I'm faced with little choice...I voted for the very liberal Leslie Byrne in Virginia in both the primary and the general election and was amazed that someone as liberal as she was, was able to garner such a high vote...listen if you want to call yourself liberal, you have to actually walk the walk...jerks!


That's it

All I'm going to listen to for the next week will be prog-rock...deal with it.

corpsegrinder, I'll assume that

you've already read this...


Mormons, one letter away from Morons

a Utah movie theatre decided not to show Brokeback Mountain... why? because they're fucking homophobic assholes that accept freaks that marry multiple people and believe in seer stones...plus they believe that blacks can't be priests cuz you know they're wicked and shit...Southpark had it right...and don't get me started on the fucking catholics...organized religion can lick my balls, fucking powercrazy dildos...now it's time to go watch some fucking football, I hope tiki barbers leg gets broken, TWICE...IN A ROW

Dear "Pink",

no one fucking cares...the merger of worthless (he was on the fucking surreal life, give me a break) and more worthless results in the biggest yawn of indifference...

shut up you don't have fucking OCD

I really hate the inclination that everyone has to drop the word "OCD" about pretty much anything...just because you like things clean and proper doesn't mean you have fucking OCD...just because you THINK you obsessive over something minute doesn't mean you have fucking OCD...you want to know what real OCD is? go to a mental health clinic and find the person whose hands are so worn down from compulsive hand washing that you can see the bone...seriously people, shut up...it's soooo American to claim some disorder or problem that doesn't exist...like depression, people wailing "oh I'm soooo depressed"...really? then jump off a fucking bridge or put your head in a fucking oven and act like you're REALLY depressed and stop talking because you're wasting our time

I'm just saying...


drunk text messages rule

well, normally they do...I better hear about +4 drinks consumed or I'll be sore!!!

Having a dude.

Yesterday the wife and I went and got an ultrasound...we found out we're having a little boy...I'm stoked...he clapped (I'm serious) during the ultrasound and I'm like totally positive he waved the metal sign...he was putting on a total show...just like his old man...anyways, it really sank in even deeper that I'm going to be a dad...and there's no truth that we'll name him Luke just so I can say "LUKE I AM YOUR FATHER"...so lock up your daughters, because my son will be a booty magnet!


new google logo is nifty

today's google logo is pretty nifty...


I expect this to be integrated into Carboogle

like real soon...

new office for me

My company decided that it was growing too much and we needed to relocate our office buildings. My group was among the first phase of the moving effort...unfortunately there's plenty to be annoyed at...I'd guess the first thing would be, yo, what up with the internal network connections coming down all the time!? I mean, BOO!...but also the lights are sooooo damn bright in here, it gave me a wicked headache...other than that my cube isn't too bad, but they f'ed up the move such that my second monitor I use for my pc was just hanging out by its lonesome and of course all of my personal gear was just DUMPED on my desk which annoyed me...especially since my personal review and salary/raise crap was just sitting out (when I specifically put it inside an envelope so no one would rifle through it)...but hey, whatever...so yeah, a headache, annoyances, and weird VoIP phones...craziness to the max!


He's glorious!?!!

ooohhh blue say it ain't so!

RIP dude

maps of europe and beyond!

Now try you hand at guessing the countries of Europe and beyond...dude, I suck at geography!

add this to your site

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