taste it! J-Sin's musings...


who doesn't want to purchase a signature?! sheesh!

this is f-ing disturbing...


so I don't feel good but at least radical martial arts site is entertaining

Turd Blossom's mom killed herself!

I never knew this but apparantly Turd Blossom's aka Karl Rove's mom killed herself...and he's been divorced once...probably for a propensity for children eating.

Is Rep. David Drier gay?

the validity of this story is questionable but in the sick twisted world of republicans it wouldn't surprise...that's because Drier consistently votes anti-gay...and he's an asshole

the big protest of 2005

a picture from atop the washington monument...this is amazing.


my band wrote songs

and I wasn't part of them. I suck.

seriously, drummers are dumb, who needs 'em?! hopefully we will have practice this weekend and I will told what to do by corpsegrinder because he's a bleeding animated jerk.

ps. I so hope one of you rad automated comment spammers tells me how much you like my blog!

pps. I hate you times infinity.


create your own garbage pail kid!

this is the best idea in the galaxy...share yours!

I'll pay you $5.56!!!!

if you can take one of those radical blurry slow-shutter pictures of me rocking out (either on drums or with a microphone)...seriously that's:


with that much, I'm sure you can buy a mocha grande expresso yuppie cup of coffee or get a gallon of premium gas at the local 7-11!

here are some of my all-time favorites (in chaotic order):

Explosions in the Sky

Skinny Puppy

Between the Buried and Me

Darkest Hour


refuse, resist, doth protest too much!

this just seems like a stupid move on the part of the law...I listened to the White House press briefing on my long ride home tonight and found that the new catch phrase by the administration is "lesson learned"...as in the "lessons learned" from Hurricane Katrina...yes, they're spinning that they can deal with a mild hurricane (at landfall) as a "lesson learned" (a full twelve occurrences!)...what's ironic was that douche bag actually saying that Katrina was something no one could have predicted...yeah except for the weather channel and anyone paying attention to elemental climate shifts caused because of global warming...I loved how the press attacked Scott McClellan over Bush saying that Americans should conserve as much natural gas, gasoline, and energy as they can stating that we shouldn't take unnecessary travel while Bush is flying about for freakin' ludicrious photo ops...

I'm glad that the anti-war movement is starting to take off again...hmm, speaking of which I think I'm gonna go and watch the heavyweight fight I Tivo'ed...

I need a pair of these

I'd really like to get the classic blackspot...taste it megacorporate shizz!!!!!!

she's a soapy minger!

british slang is the best


prepare yourself, I'm about to be a dickhead

So I'm glad that Rita wasn't (or at least not yet) all that destructive and has pretty much died down...why?...because I'm a bleeding heart and I want no one to be hurt...well that's a great second thought...but mostly I'm glad because that means that this story won't be as buried...and neither will the illegal Frist stock sale...or (hopefully but I doubt it) another in the ever-increasing Rovian controversies...whoohoo!

oh yeah, I hope not too many poor people who couldn't afford to evacuate aren't harmed either...

food is yummy

and it's a shame that a good Pad Thai is hard to come by...

the world needs more pinups

and the Pin-up Portal is here to help...I'm excited!

the protest was amazing

We got back a little after three. It was pretty awesome, tens of thousands--probably closer to a hundred thousand people in all, with everyone rallying centrally around the anti-war movement but with tons of the other usual stuff you find at protest rallys, you know the whole Free Palestine, Stop the Embargo Against Cuba, Help Haiti, etc. etc. ..which while I agree with much of what they have to say, I feel that it personally detracts from the main cause and perhaps even isolates those folks who are just against the war and don't in particular want to hear about Mumia or Peltier...and with someone as normal and unassuming as Cindy Sheehan leading a resurgence of anti-war protestors, you just hope that it doesn't turn too many people off...interestingly most of the people there were in their 30s and 40s with probably the second highest group being in their 20s...for every person with a drum, there was twenty "average" folks...it gives me hope that perhaps if we all join forces then somehow this evil war could be ended and politicians would start paying attention again...but who knows, I'm just juiced because it was such a fun event...plus I got TONS of awesome propaganda, even some stuff from the Communist Voice! whoohoo!

and as far as the anti-anti-war protestors (or "Protest Warriors" if you will), I saw exactly TWO...one in Desert Storm military fatigues accompanied by another meathead (I mean this in the most endearing way) wearing a silly shirt that says "Jane Fonda Is a Commie" (this resulted in a snicker from me)...wow, will they EVER let that go?...it's like liberals getting criticized for busting on Bush's dodge drafting or something I suppose but boy is that tired...why bring a celebrity into the fold when there's plenty of politicians and policies to talk about instead? oh wait, that would require constructive thinking and less slogans!

fight the power!

I'm about to head out despite my head cold (I think my wife's nostril steroids are working!) and go up to the war protest in DC...good bands are playing too but I doubt we stay up there that long...


and I totally believe that

Bush is a drunk again

bush continues to hate black people

evacuees are still stranded from Rita's path and they're all poor and minorities...imagine my surprise...and I thought we had learned so much...will the buck stop here AGAIN for Bush, or will he fire Rove? ridiculous...money quote:

"Eddie McKinney, 64, who had no home, no teeth and a torn shirt, stood outside the EZ Pawn shop, drinking a beer under a sign that said, "No Loitering."

"We got no other choice but to stay here. We're homeless and we're broke," he said. "I thought about going to Dallas, but now it's too late. I got no way to get there."

Where will he stay?

"A nice white man gave me a motel room for three days. Just walked up and said, 'Here.' So my buddy and me will stick it out," he said, pointing to another homeless man. "We got a half-gallon of whiskey and a room."

too dangerous for the classroom

I'm sorry, despite the authors best intents, this is still too dangerous for PUBLIC tax-payer paid schools...


yakuza created katrina!

Hiroshima Revenge!™

beat up the bums

yes it is satire


but more importantly he's a vegetarian

no really...

mudvayne is probably the best band ever to have existed

I'm highly disappointed in the lack of proper masks.


the king of pitching

ESPN offers a great glimpse at the best pitching coach the world has ever seen


the danish take care of their disabled

could you imagine if America paid for prostitutes to sleep with the disabled??!? that would be awesome...Christopher Reeve if alive would totally be headed to Denmark!

duck doom: punch the dog!

I can't wait to play this...duck hunt was fun, I swear!

awesome bumper sticker!

I saw the funniest bumper sticker this morning...and no it wasn't funny in the way those anti-choice stupid bumper stickers are when they're on a car driven by a white guy who believes that man was made outta clay...but instead it said (insert radically metal drum roll here):

Fat people are harder to kidnap

but the best part is apparantly that's just one of many sayings that can help you eat mints and also apparant is that others have seen it...bizarr-o!


Bill vs. Napolean?

your mom goes to college


Here's the video footage


adam brody vs. al bundy

adam brody


Al Bundy!

The match-up begins...

Brody walks down Rodeo Drive bouncing to the Coke beat thinking that he's all smart and goofy and like totally going to land that next awesome movie where he can starve himself and look disgusting and yet women will flock to him as if he's not this ugly creepy goofy looking bastard who Ashton Kutcher could fool. He makes his first move with his hand diving down the front of his pants readying the stink palm of doom.

Al Bundy gears it up. Sits down, waves his mane back and forth. Lets out a giant belch. Farts. Repeats. Reaches for the remote. Realizes that remote's batteries are being used in Peggy's vibrator. Roars "NUDEY BAR!!!". Launches right hand deep. Deep. Very deep inside pants. Wiggles fingers back and forth.

Brody falls victim to the patented Bundy move and collapses desperate for a rebound. Heck if this was wrestling he would be awaiting the roar of the crowd as some superstar's trademark intro song blasts through the PA speakers. Instead he's greeted by the same silence that accompanies many of his movies. He rolls over only to be run over by a big truck carrying a grand piano that once it hits the new speed bump nicknamed Brody Bump flips out of the truck and lands on his swollen and split head in a gigantic storm of Pianist irony (whoa there the piano just played YOU dude).

Al Bundy laughs then realizes he sells shoes and sobs himself to sleep.

Truly a death match for the ages folks...but then someone whispers in our ear that it's Adam Brody and not Adrien...and we all shrug our shoulders not knowing who the fuck Adam Brody is but super glad to see his corpse.

matt damon!



when they start coming for you...

will you do something?

every day I engulf a bio agent

Aspartame kicks it old school in my tummy

dude stop smokin' my ottoman

hemp furniture is all the rage?


weird...but I'll have you know I was almost "Existentialism"

You scored as Hedonism. Your life is guided by the principles of Hedonism: You believe that pleasure is a great, or the greatest, good; and you try to enjoy life�s pleasures as much as you can.

�Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die!�

More info at Arocoun's Wikipedia User Page...







Justice (Fairness)




Strong Egoism






Divine Command


What philosophy do you follow? (v1.03)
created with QuizFarm.com

just when you think they might be slightly human...

you find out that firms with ties to the White House, get clean-up contracts a storm...all of this encircling us around the four anniversary of another Bush failure...all of this surrounding us as his mommy talked down to the people displaced by a storm caused and strengthened by Americans and administrations who would pollute our land and air and rape our earth of its oil so they can be "safer" in their big inefficient vehicles...as the administration goes into full spin mode to put the "blame game" onto local officials, officials who have lost everything too...it's despicable and shows that for all the bullshit about being Christian and uniting the country that Bush and his cronies have blown up our ass for the last few years, it's nothing more than another political tool all used to control us and make us believe that we have any say...or any power


the world needs to be on myspace

seriously, everyone should join...I think that the ENTIRE world should be on there...it could be the world's directory, with like videos, and emotional outbursts and horrible Tom jokes...why you ask? because I want to friend EVERYONE.

lOLLLZZ <3333

my chemical romance has a new video...it's good...and yes I like them. so taste it ya shizz

videogame mashup!

the big list



absolute punkers are going off about lacey!...it makes me guffaw!

oh what a world

as if the whole katrina mess and it's pure display of Bush's administrations faults weren't enough to get ya down...how's about screwing up at work?...so that's why my day is in the world of suck...nothing's worse to me than making dumb mistakes...hopefully some good old fashioned football (go Raiders! I hate the Patriots) will cheer me up this evening...it's really not that big of a deal but I'm always hard on myself when I biff something easy not to biff...this weekend it looks like we're going to have band practice which will be nice...then we're supposed to hang with friends and then sunday I'm going to watch football on the big screen...that should be intense with a capital "I"


hurricanes? more like sugar canes.

I bet all of these people want to beat up hurricanes...


wasted hispanic blog!


best games ever

Sierra makes the best games...and well I guess I should say "made" since all of these games are wicked old school...but I was playing King's Quest just last night...what a great batch of games!

dudes and dudettes!

I brought the Fistagon site back!

and also...drum roll please...

my personal site is done (sort of)

I need a real design though...who wants to help!?!?


Looks like Clarence Thomas and Anthony Scalia are gonna be a little pissed off...


while some noticed that the flags aren't at half-mast (who cares it's the poor that are dying!) others point to Rove's illegal tax break as evidence that all the cats aren't in sink and that Bush is a total fucking retard

ps. tell him not to break up the band...no really. do it.


john madden

is still the coolest guy in the land...my fantasy football draft went well...I hope to dominate again this year as I have the last two years...booyakasha!

no more bloodied hand

because my wife complained about it...and so did I...and so did you...so there bitches, you can read everything without having to resize your shit or highlight your shit...or something...taste it!

supreme death

man it sucks that Rehnquist died...as much as I hated that fuck it just gives douche bag two seats to fill...of course it could be worse a "democrat" or "liberal" slanted judge could have bought it...


my new hero

is kanye west...Congress you better do your fucking job this time.


What metal band are you?


You're Moonspell! You have a very weird style of singing, but people are intrigued by you. Your music is like a drug, and everyone wants to buy it after they've tried it a few times. People can never get over how strange your music is, and that's why you're well liked.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz


you're special

new Mew is very special and very promising...I'm excited!


and true to their word, a better kind of mash-up...dontcha think?

Mr. Bill you're comin' correct

pretty telling a year in advance...quick to the Nostradamus batcave!

add this to your site

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