"Oh I'm through with women!"
Don Knotts also died...so these things come in three's who's next?...dead pool anyone?
A Wild Whirlwind of Wonder!
The last couple of weeks have been pretty hectic. My brother-in-law came into town to see us from halfway across the globe in South Korea. This past week we went up to New York City and saw the almost 91-year old Les Paul play at the Iridium Jazz Club which was awesome...despite the fact that we had to stand out in the cold for almost half an hour before being allowed in...it was colder than a witch's tit (boobies on witches are wicked cold!) and the amount of cigarette smoke was gross--it also makes me mad since my wife is pregnant and all...but we finally got into the venue and sat down...we were handed menus and told that there was a $15 minimum per person which is bullshit when you consider we spent almost $40 per ticket!...so a couple of glasses of wine later and some cake and Pellegrino for the wife and we were good...the show was fun as Les entertained with some stories of performing in front of FDR and to Ike (President Eisenhower to those of us who never were on a first-name basis) to Richard Nixon whom Mr. Paul said he liked as a friend but never would have voted for him...his backing band has an amazing bassist whose voice and skills were unparalleled...I only wish there was more vocals...Les also invited a tap dancer on stage to perform some percussion along with some of the songs and also some dude that an audience member said "was the best jazz guitar player I've ever heard" so Les called his bluff out and had him jam to two songs...the guy was really good but not a very good singer (that could have been attributed to nerves)...then some jokester from the Howard Stern show got up on stage and told a couple of jokes and did a sort of tribute to Les Paul...quite fun indeed!
we walked around the next day and went to the Sidewalk Cafe which many consider to be the birthplace of the anti-folk movement...the bartender wasn't very friendly at all and was kind of rude actually...she was also either pregnant or liked to carry a spare tire around with her while wearing a sleeveless tank top (YUCK!)...we ate at John's Pizzeria which has been featured on Food Network's special on pizza...but we didn't go to the glitzy Times Square one but the original shop near Bleeker Street in the Village...also we ate some Polish food and went to a Korean restaurant as well...checked out some record stores and of course we had to stop at Strand Used Bookstore with its millions of used books...Tuesday evening we drank some cocktails in the hotel's "bar" I put it in quotes because I don't consider happy hour drinks that cost $8 (but you get your second free!) to make you a bar!...then we met the wife's cousin who is studying copyright law at Columbia and went out to a couple pubs...got some Korean buffet and ate it in the hotel room super late like drunken sailors on leave!...on Wed's we woke up early and made the long trek back home...we drove so it was a bit cramped with five people in one car but no big deal...managed to miss almost all traffic except for when we got closer to virginia with some bad traffic on 95 and the beltway as always...
thursday was a pretty chill day as the wife had to work and I got up early to write some reviews for Smother...wrote some 100 or so reviews and then started to post them finishing all that up on Friday...our friends from out of town came in on Friday morning and we all hung out last night after a great dinner was made (Baked Ziti! Garlic Bread!) and eaten by all...got to meet my friend's fiance who was quite nice and very tall...he's a videogame animator who is currently working on the new Jet Li game so we obviously had some things in common...now what you ask?
I'm hoping there's some boxing on television tonight...packaged up to throw out about 400 CDs and more are coming on that tip...it'll be interesting to see how many CDs out of nearly 6,000 I have left and remaining after I clean out my collection of crap I'll never listen to...predictions?
also if check out what I've been listening to lately...fun!
the last of the famous international playboys?
Morrissey was recently questioned by British intelligence and the FBI after speaking out against the war in Iraq...personally I think The Smiths are/were a little bit better than his solo stuff...I need to get more of their stuff...someone hook a brutha up...
the fantastic new album by Jenny Lewis (girl from Rilo Kiley!) and the Watson Twins is available for free...here's what I had to say about the album...
clearly I was inebriated
because that post doesn't make a whole lot of sense! though I do have this notion that I should cleanse my self and sort of get back to being a vegetarian full-time and knock out eating fish too...not that I've really eaten a lot of meat lately but I have fallen off the edge a bit...doh!
our friends got into town around 6:30am so we had to wake up around 7am so me staying up till 2am was a bad idea...hopefully soon I'll be hitting up guitar center and trying my damnest not to spend more than $20...
later than hell's angels to a motorcycle rally...
like really really FUCKING late...seriously it hasn't been this long in a w long time and stuff...I'm almost there (well a few months I guess), almost away in that Friday evening airhorn for quitting time. Those guys know how to live, it's all fucking whiskey, beers, beef stew, and rotted guts for whom mere depths of ingenuity are rarely required and often cast aside. also I have a flickr account now and a last.fm one...make sure you join up and let this whole web 2.0 just rattle with impending excitement and stuffs...
hell on the original note:
I've gotta get this crazy fun in now...I think next week I'll be cleasning my entire body of improperness and I might even fast!...seriously my internal guts are a miss and my innermost lifestyle is following suit, albeit a quick soaring harmonious one and stuffs...
ps. this post is intentionally dumb.
dedicated to the wife?
You're Pregnant, So I Kicked You In The Stomach
there's reasons that hell has an open door...but dude, Anal Cunt RULES...
Sixth-grader Collin Wyler shows his winning form as he sings the 1975 Styx ballad “Lady” during the first “Bulldog Idol” competition at James Wood Middle School in Winchester on Wednesday. The production, patterned after the “American Idol” television show, featured nine students chosen by their classmates to reach the final round.
It's a damn good thing I don't live in the Winchester area anymore...
let's hear it for open redirects on google
Google has an open redirect on their server that phishers are now exploiting to misdirect users to their sites where they steal your information. How does the phisher do it?
Using a url formed like this:
Open redirects were made popular in this practice even more so quite recently when it was discovered they were doing this on via the IRS site. Pretty lame if you ask me...but it's hilarious that it happened to google who no doubt will fix this as quickly as they did with the 302 redirects that harvested and stole content from other sites...
the wife would not sign
I'm horribly resigned to admit that my wife wouldn't sign this...even if I doubled the Good Behavior Days!
fucka snow
why is it always near my anniversary that it seems to want to dump a lot of snow...I got married three years ago in one of the worst storms this year has had...last few weeks it managed to get into the 50's and even the '60's...I was hoping that would continue...which was one of the only benefits of global warming...but NOOOO...boo.
I dunno about that whole Earth and Sun thing man!
$1000 to the first who can prove that the Earth revolves around the Sun! I wonder what proof they offer in regards to their religion!? Do they think their proof meets their rigorous challenges of:
“By "proof" we mean that your explanations must be direct, observable, physical, natural, repeatable, unambiguous and comprehensive. We don't want hearsay, popular opinion, "expert" testimony, majority vote, personal conviction, organizational rulings, superficial analogies, appeals to "simplicity," "apologies" to Galileo, or any other indirect means of persuasion which do not qualify as scientific proof.”
it's a slippery slope folks, a slippery slope...because if your faith is your religion that's fine, but it works both ways, if a bible or koran even is an acceptable amount of proof of jesus and god and muhammad and all of that, then it goes that scientific evidence should suffice those who believe that the earth revolves around the sun...I mean, I know I'm being all loony and all but damn if these folks don't give religion a bad name!
Porter Goss's op-ed in the New York Times failed to mention...
anything about the Plame case while he derails those who reveal classified secrets, lamblasting the use of "whistleblowers"...sorry all the press assaults that this administration will unleash upon us doesn't change the fact that what this administration was doing with secret wiretaps is illegal and an egregious slap in the face of our civil liberties...to curtail the importance of the Foreign Intelligence Survellance Court is just disgusting and a clear abuse of power...I hate the direction our country has taken amid people's fear of another 9/11...and the fact that Bush came out and said that he stopped another attack is hubris that seems all to conveniently timed...
books, music, kin, and work
I just finished reading "Choke" by Chuck Palahniuk, yes the guy who wrote the novel that became the movie "Fight Club"...it was a strange book but a good one nonetheless...I really didn't know how on earth it was going to end until the very end...his books are usually quite gritty and very graphic both of which are key ingredients to make me go "YES!"...I'm a slow reader and an absentminded one...in fact I've been reading this one book for the past five years...it's a bit heavier though...I'd like to read another one of Chuck's books but I'm not sure which one to go after next...or maybe I should read something entirely different or finish some of the other books I've started!
musically, I'm still rockin' out with my awesome bandmates...I want to work on some solo material under dRed again...this time up, it's going to be an ambient drone album...also I still want to make a crazy grindcore album that doesn't use guitars but instead just keyboards, with ridiculous amounts of distortion...what all this amounts to be is that I really need to get a good digital recorder...something that can hold more than five minutes worth of freakin' music...
this afternoon my brother in law comes into town from south korea...it'll be great to see him and see his reaction when he sees how pregnant his sister is...it's really incredible to see how much her belly has grown, I'm just dying to meet the little guy inside!...I'll be leaving work a bit early (!!!) and going to pick him up from the airport this afternoon...maybe we'll eat some mexican food and have some laughs and talk about fuck-all...this weekend I'll be having band practice and on sunday going to some wack play since it's my mother-in-law's birthday...
work wise, I've been strugging to get our new app server to work with all of my build scripts, and to work in general...SunOne is amazing stupid to work with...it's clunky and often doesn't make much rudimentary sense, like why you should have to bounce the DAS before you can stop the cluster after you've done a deploy...it's just total lunacy to the max! I'm really looking forward to working on the main project I should be working on right now...hopefully I won't be tied into getting this ridiculous piece of crap to work for forever, otherwise I will cry...and these will be rivers of pained tears...I mean, rivers...
just recently I got back in touch with a long lost buddy and former awesome guitar playing god for fistagon...it's cool to hear from him and that he's doing well...it's crazy to think of how different I was back then...now I'm, um, much more laid back (?!?)...dunno about that...but I certainly drink a helluva lot less and am naked a LOT less...no more crazy barrelling through a room totally buck naked anymore for me...whew!
also I'll be getting rid of a crapload of my CDs soon...I'd like to cut my collection in half which should be somewhat easy to do since there's a bunch of stuff I'll probably never listen to again...I also will have to be changing the whole review policy on smother...I'm tired of writing 120 reviews every couple of weeks...and soon with the baby coming, I won't have the time...I'd rather spend half the time on just the CDs that I think are good...also I need to finally set up that band section on my site before I get too busy to do it...damn this became a long post...whatever!
digg the flavr of groupr
The members of my band Mir are some talented folks that have brought flickr a new app called Groupr which I totally dugg...
those guys are making me feel like a tremendous underachiever...but it's still refreshing to note that I have higher page rank than say corpsegrinder could hope for!!! hahaha just kidding corpsey!
yeah I won't be going back to being a meat-atarian
I'll just think about how I couldn't finish this documentary...
my glasses just broke
they were bent and fucked up...they just broke...fucking have tape on them. it would be cool if it was on the front, but no it's on the fucking side...damn it. I hate glasses...stupid blindness.
I wish I had said...
A guy called just a moment ago from some polling agency, wanting to take down my thoughts about some news nonsense. I didn't really feel like talking so I blew him off by saying I didn't have the time right now. He replied:
When would be a better time?
and I should have said:
March 13th, 2015
But I didn't, I just hung up on the poor bastard. Now my day is fucking ruined. Lesson learned.
insanely busy to the max
my job has been consuming my entire life for the past couple of weeks (and weekends)...it's a bit stressful but this week wasn't as bad as the last two...there's just so many projects and craziness going on all at the same time that we all look like scared lambs going into the slaughter...but it's all good...on Monday we had a big broo-haha meeting and they gave away a bunch of awards and amazingly (and surprisingly!) enough I won the coveted CEO Award...it was very nice and incredibly (blush blush) humbling to be nominated by folks even outside of my department...besides the sweet picture with me and the Champ (our CEO), there's a six day spa resort stay that I won AND as if that's not enough a big fat $5000 bonus...whoa!...but sadly that money will be repurposed to use to pay my taxes since we fell into the lump of having to actually pay...damn you uncle scam!...seriously that totally blows...dual incomes rock but not when you find out that tax cuts for the wealthy don't include you and indeed you'll be paying more than say Paris Hilton...sonofabitch...I'm looking forward to band practice for the first time in forever this weekend...that should be amazing...unfortunately the last couple of weekends I've had to work which sucks to the maximum...in another couple of weeks my brother in law comes home from south korea which should be awesome...we have some stuff planned including going up to new york city...
but besides that can you believe my 3 YEAR anniversary is like 2/14 which is only a couple of weeks away?! that coupled with the fact that I will be having a baby and I'm going to be 28, I'm like feeling old...my bet is that by this time next year I will have gray hairs...and also a propensity for crying...