team sleep mash-up
the internet just got better...check it...
I hope that douche bag McDonnell isn't the ultimate winner...more on the attorney general race in VA
I'm all for personalized license plates and all but sometimes they have unexpected take for instance the car I saw the other day whose license plate said:
when you can't sleep because you can't breathe and you go to blow your nose and your sinuses are draining nasty green mucus that's super dark. yes folks, I think I got myself a sinus infection. oh the joy. I just cancelled band practice because my ears keep popping and I don't think I'd be of much use (not that I usually am!) today. so is it a bad idea to take more than 2 of those big horse pill vitamins?!?
before I start this post, I'd like to proclaim that people who say they live in a townhome are stupid fucking yuppies who suck...seriously, it's a townHOUSE not a townhome...just because you feel more uppitty by saying you live in a townhome doesn't mean I'm gonna let you get away with it...and if you spend over $500k to share a wall or two with someone you deserve my spite...
I listened to a bit of the DMC champions mix it up on Radio 1 and damn if it wasn't pretty impressive...check it
maybe I should quit my habit...I'm just drinking fucking water from now on, seriously...oh and beer.
Ear Candy Magazine reviewed my dRed project's "Found Sounds Vol. 1" album and also wrote a piece on Curt Porter's (my brother-in-law) "India Journals". Both can be found here
Curt Porter,"India Journals" (Whose Mother Records)
This started off like an Indian version of Primus with the song “I Wasn’t Born A Saint” but soon changed gears to a more subdued sound. “Circus” is another track from out of left field. I really enjoy the odd stuff and by odd I mean the songs that don’t fit the mold. Mr. Porter has accomplished that on more than one occasion with “India Journals”. This is his self proclaimed attempt at expressing some of what he saw during his travels to India and I think he’s succeeded at giving us a glimpse.
dRed,"Found Sounds Volume One" (Whose Mother Records)
In this day and age digital editing is launching musical creativity forwards very quickly allowing you too cut, paste, twist, layer, and loop to create abstract electronic pieces that the mind and it’s senses can barely fathom. And this side project of J-Sin known as D Red is a great example of this new revolutionary mind manipulation including some guest appearances by Paris Hilton and The Hiroshima Boys Choir. In “Factory Leg” J-Sin creates a sci fi world of bloops and bleeps, here and there and they are coming and going in a world where time is absent where there are no beats just randomness, a perfect backdrop for a intergalactic post war struggle. With “Spelunking In the Dead of the Chilly Nightlife”, I think of alien abductions, waking up on a cold metal table with wires coming out of my head and abdomen and feeling afraid and violated in the worst sense. I’m sure we would do the same thing to aliens if we found them. Right? “Position Faded” throws you into a realm as an automaton in the industrial sense. The same movements over and over, day after day, reminding me that we are all tiny little pistons working hard making the world grow and grow as we slowly destroy it. Seriously this material is decent, interesting, and intriguing but don’t take it home to your mother, she wouldn’t understand.
yes it's snowing. the day before thanksgiving. anyone else still think there's no such thing as global warming or climate change?
this video of kate moss dancing topless is pretty hilarious but boooooy will all the fan boys be disappointed in her rather small boobies...seriously, weak, and before you give me crap for posting this ladies, I'll have you know that it was my wonderful wife who pointed it out to me--this a mere day after telling me about Gwen Stefani's nipple slip). what this tells me is that my wife likes me looking at famous boobs. whoohoo! (she better not look at famous cock!)
because he still hasn't made me a GUI...if he finds his bass amp in disarray it was Jack Tripper's fault not mine!
because my main man, Dane Cook will be the host on Dec. 3rd....hell yeah
so despite the fact that I review hundreds of CDs every couple of weeks I rarely post on here about music in general...I found a nice blog that lists some good mp3's that you can download...very nice indie pop-rock stuff mostly...shmat records reviews and releases a lot of really great indie music...this blog reviews mostly pop stuff and much of it is bland and boring but still worthy of a quick mention at least more than one that was for sale...certainly as much as a crazy cop stopping a pick-up...he obviously wasn't wearing his foil what other music is good you ask?
The Washington Post has a story about US-aid financed construction projects in Afghanistan and the race to rebuild them. it's disheartening to see how poorly constructed they are in the first place--not building a structure as earthquake proof is simply I wonder how the Unocol sponsored Trans-Afghanistan pipeline is making out as the various oil wars and conflicts extend...we are mere pawns aren't we?
Last night's show at DAR Constitution Hall was beyond thrilling--it was exhiliarting...after a nice dinner at a mexican tapas place in downtown DC we zipped on over to the place right in time to see The Magic Numbers open up with their rowdy rendition of their big single...the band was amazing and able to pull off their incredible three-part vocal harmonies perfectly live...they've got a very interesting sound in which they melt doo-woppish '50's vocal harmonies and arrangements with roots rock, a bit of, and straight up rock-n-roll all with modern twists...dueling xylophones? yes, that's right and I didn't even get into the melodica playing...incredibly talented UK kids that know how to bring down the house...up next was a band I had only heard bits and pieces about and didn't really know what to's's bascially a Canadian female singer/songwriter who can pull her own next to the likes of bjork...she does crazy vocal arrangements and it was pretty amazing to watch her record a loop live of some odd vocal harmonies and then sing live over top of them...the music is also somewhat rootsy but more pop with a rock-n-roll twist and crazy multi-instrument symphonic arrangements...we're talking trumpet and xylophone, her playing a crazy rock-a-billy style riff on the guitar, and samplers and of course a drummer with electronic drum triggers on his gear too...very interesting and while some of the songs were very atmospheric and moody to the point of me getting tired with them, I still enjoyed the show...basically this is a band that can be thoroughly enjoyed live but REALLY appreciated on disc...I can't wait to get some stuff by song featured a colloboration with the chick from Rilo Kiley and Conor Oberst from Bright Eyes and there was also another dude from Bright Eyes in there whose name escapes me...then up last was of course Bright Eyes...Conor's voice was pretty incredible live and he played most of all the songs I wanted to hear with the exception of the b-side "True Blue" which is probably my favorite song of his...they had seven people on stage with most of them completely multi-instrumentalists...for example one lady played the xylophone, the harp, sang, played keyboards, and did some crazy almost thermine like effects with a laptop but I couldn't quit tell what it was from my vantage point...also on stage was upright bass played with a bow, keyboards, several different types of guitars, a drummer, plus a percussionist and another guitarist...there was also some trumpet and some other wacky stuff going on...very cool and it came out sounding simply amazing...I just don't know how songwriters arrange stuff this incredible and intricate...he encored with three songs, one of which brought the house down which of course was the political acoustic song "When the President Talks to God"...the thing that blew my mind was the audience which was mainly comprised of kids from the age range of 14-22 with most being young teens...and these were teenie-boppers to the's pretty hilarious to see a bunch of indie kids who are all trying so hard to look so different all smashed up into a room where they all LOOK THE SAME...I know I did shit like this when I was young but boy was it was funny to hear people blurt out stuff like "Conor I love you" or the dude that followed it up with "I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABY" which brought a laugh from Mr. Oberst...great show and good times...if you get a chance to catch this tour than DO IT
so some of my reviews are showing up in iTunes now...that's exciting...
geez our military leaders sure know how to inspire the Iraqis to like us
man was today a looooong day. got in the office a little before 9am, left the office around 8:30pm...YUCK! so it sucked to the maximum extreme but at least it's over I'm trying to catch up with the internets which I have not been able to do since this! this Friday I'm going to see Bright Eyes which should be amazing and this weekend coming will be filled with amazing and incredible things--like seeing my moms!
that I'm not part of the first annual myspace stupid haircut awards...I mean really?
explore this site and the molecular biology of's pretty interesting and there's just a TON to read there.
Yes it's true. My wife is preggers. She is about ten weeks pregnant. I'm going to be a dad. ain't that some crazy shizzzz?...our families have been very supportive and it's extremely seems to hit me in waves, like OH MAN I'M GONNA BE A DAD! on Thursday morning we went to the doctor and got to hear the heartbeat. damn that sucka is a straight up death/black metal or grindcore drummer I tell ya what...we'll be finding out what sex it is but that's not for a couple of months my old roommate's wife is pregnant too and due right around the same time (June 2006) so that'll be pretty awesome...I've already begun and before we were trying had started making some lifestyle changes...I cut back even more on drinking (really just a little bit on the weekends) and I'm eating better and trying to exercise more...I want to be in bomb shape again but it's tough to stick to any sort of regiment with my work schedule the way it is...sure I only work between 8 and 10 hours a day (sometimes longer but thankfully that's been rare these last few weeks) but my commute is a pain in the ass and I spend probably 2 hours or so every day on the road in total...
the crazies are out...
Pat Robertson warns Pa. town of disaster
VIRGINIA BEACH (AP) — Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson warned residents of a rural Pennsylvania town Thursday that disaster may strike there because they "voted God out of your city" by ousting school board members who favored teaching intelligent design.
All eight Dover, Pa., school board members up for re-election were defeated Tuesday after trying to introduce "intelligent design" — the belief that the universe is so complex that it must have been created by a higher power — as an alternative to the theory of evolution.
"I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover: If there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God. You just rejected him from your city," Robertson said on the Christian Broadcasting Network's 700 Club.
Eight families had sued the district, claiming the policy violates the constitutional separation of church and state. The federal trial concluded days before Tuesday's election, but no ruling has been issued.
Later Thursday, Robertson issued a statement saying he was simply trying to point out that "our spiritual actions have consequences."
"God is tolerant and loving, but we can't keep sticking our finger in his eye forever," Robertson said. "If they have future problems in Dover, I recommend they call on Charles Darwin. Maybe he can help them."
Robertson made headlines this summer when he called on his daily show for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
In October 2003, he suggested that the State Department be blown up with a nuclear device. He has also said that feminism encourages women to "kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."
be sure to avoid walmart and instead shop at the AFL/CIO union shop
what kind of camera are you? (I'm apparantly the The High-Quality Digital Camera)
but hey when I saw that 21% of the precincts had reported that Kilgore had a lead of 51% or so and had a somewhat commanding 50K more votes, of course I'd freak...because this was quickly turning into yet another election cycle in which disappointment was surely around the corner...but thankfully Virginians voted in the right man for the job...I look forward to continued economic success and better infrastructure and roads being built...I'm disappointed that Byrne lost...after all she was the first person I voted for in a primary that actually made it to the general election...oh well, at least it was close!...hopefully the absentee ballots will ensure that Douche Bag (he got his law degree from Pat Robertson's law "university") will not become Attorney while my panties, Carbomb, are still slightly bunched up, I've relaxed them a bit...haha
it looks like tim kaine won't be winning tonight...I guess virginians are as fucking stupid as I thought...well there goes the nice amount of jobs in northern virginia and good public school systems...hopefully I'm just being pessimistic...
punching a fat person in slow motion is soooo early '01
This morning as I was walking into the office building from the parking garage, I noticed a lady walking in a skirt in front of me. Note that I said noticed--not gawked. So she keeps on walking in front of me and I keep on not looking at her anymore. We both take the mighty journey down three flights of stairs from the parking garage (elevators are for wussy boys). Then she opened the door in front of me and quickly slide her left hand ALL THE WAY UP TO EYE LEVEL! She was flashing her freakin' ring at me as if I was looking at her behind. Yuck! Gross! And I hate it when women think that, because I'm not starring at you, ya jerk! So then we both walk in (I highly wanted to test my theory when she had to open the next door). And again she opens the door at the handle and then forcibly puts her hand right in line with me. THEN SHE STEALS A LOOK BACK AT ME. As if to say, "yeah I'm married and I know you want to hit it but you can't because you're just a dirty bird wearing crappy cargo pants when I do all my shopping at the Gap and Bloomingdale's" or something at least pretty damn close to that sentiment. So then we both get in the same elevator and a dude I know from work is there. So I say hi and she presses her floor and then chuckles when I say something about how I'm a total jerk to my buddy in the elevator. He's like "yeah I know" and she chuckles as if she knows me. I'll tell you what, she's damn lucky that I was caring a broken bottle because I probably would have gutted her like the dead fish she totally was--or more likely, I'd wonder why did I carry a broken bottle this far from home. And the answer would again be that I'm a jerk. So the next time this happens I'm going to be like "WOW THAT'S THE NICEST DIAMOND I'VE EVER SEEN! HOW MANY DEAD AFRICAN CHILDREN DID IT TAKE TO MINE THAT SUCKA?!?!?!". And she will cry like the poor egotistical yuppie girl that she is. I bet she didn't even vote.
GOP leaders want to investigate the leak into the CIA "black sites" to the Washington Post but I wonder why/who/when they'll wake up and realize their hypocrisy for not offering the same attention to the Plame case which was vengeful and not a whistleblowing situation like this "leak".
it's here! make sure you vote today if you live in Virginia or New there's other regions with local elected spots up for grabs and of course several ballot wife and I were 10 and 11 in our alphabetical section (I think it was something like s - z or whatever...whoohoo! I really hope Kaine wins and I also hope that that fascist religious right freak doesn't win!
the other top ten most ridiculous black metal photos...dude your gauntlets suck.
Seth Putnam where are you when I need you the most???
So far I've had a pretty productive weekend...I had Mir practice on Saturday and the new singer is coming along absolutely fabulous...she's way more prepared than the entire rhythm section (sorry Corpsegrinder!)...we're learning a Smashing Pumpkins song and considering we collectively might have listened to it only a handful of times it was coming along pretty well...
it blows my mind that anyone is so mindnumbingly inane that they discount evolutionary science entirely...kansas, you're raising fucking morons...
Unless you plan on voting Republican that is...because you should just stay home and shrink into continued denial that your party isn't representing what "conservatives" or "republicans" are supposed to stand for...
but you'll cry when you realize that something like this is precisely the direction the US is headed with the Christian fundamentalists at the head of the pack...
when hackers start to use the panic for gain you know it's a stupid stupid thing...but Bush wants to spend $7 billion (continuing to prove how conservative he truly is!) on flu shots to help
Apparantly Kirk Cameron was a DEVOUT atheist until he realized that it was school that taught him to be that way...yeah, I hear that mathematics and gym class make you not believe in god...oh wait, it's because there's a science class that doesn't claim that the world was created in mere days and isn't even 10,000 years old yet! that's what makes you atheistic! hmm, that or perhaps you're just a moron and can't find how religion and science easily can co-exist...