he nailed it
I watched the Kerry speech and actually quite a bit of the convention last night on c-span...I was excited to see Kerry's speech as I knew it was going to be a cornerstone of this campaign one way or the other...I figured it would result in one of two scenarios, either he totally slam dunks it or he falters and delivers a well-written yet poorly delivered speech...fortunately for everyone looking for regime change at home, he NAILED IT...it was one of the best political speeches I've ever heard...I know the coverage on the networks and the cable networks wasn't as good as c-span, I'm sure they whisked you away afterwards to some ill-advised pundit who was probably more conservative than should have been commenting...regardless, it was an impassioned speech that actually got me to like him...obviously I was going to vote for him regardless but now I actually don't feel as much of a scumbag...of course the dimwits at fox and all the conservatives are barfing up about the speech, but there's good to...it was GOOD...and they're SCARED...nothing was better than kerry finally sticking it to the GOP on "values" and "security" both of which are nothing but Republican buzz words that they hypocritically use, when the GOP sells out this country nonstop and then talks of values it makes me want to puke...it was cool to see Max Cleland introduce him...now that is a great man, and the Rovian ways that they used to unseat him is despicable...calling a triple-amputee unpatriotic is just absurd...and of course ann coulter countered that he faked the injury's circumstances...what a bitch...I'm glad USA today cut part of her "column" on the DNC out...she's a moron.