taste it! J-Sin's musings...


he nailed it

I watched the Kerry speech and actually quite a bit of the convention last night on c-span...I was excited to see Kerry's speech as I knew it was going to be a cornerstone of this campaign one way or the other...I figured it would result in one of two scenarios, either he totally slam dunks it or he falters and delivers a well-written yet poorly delivered speech...fortunately for everyone looking for regime change at home, he NAILED IT...it was one of the best political speeches I've ever heard...I know the coverage on the networks and the cable networks wasn't as good as c-span, I'm sure they whisked you away afterwards to some ill-advised pundit who was probably more conservative than should have been commenting...regardless, it was an impassioned speech that actually got me to like him...obviously I was going to vote for him regardless but now I actually don't feel as much of a scumbag...of course the dimwits at fox and all the conservatives are barfing up about the speech, but there's good to...it was GOOD...and they're SCARED...nothing was better than kerry finally sticking it to the GOP on "values" and "security" both of which are nothing but Republican buzz words that they hypocritically use, when the GOP sells out this country nonstop and then talks of values it makes me want to puke...it was cool to see Max Cleland introduce him...now that is a great man, and the Rovian ways that they used to unseat him is despicable...calling a triple-amputee unpatriotic is just absurd...and of course ann coulter countered that he faked the injury's circumstances...what a bitch...I'm glad USA today cut part of her "column" on the DNC out...she's a moron.



snow white grill

I could really go for a hamburger from The Snow White Grill in Winchester...mmm damn I haven't been there in at least 8 years I'd imagine but damn if they weren't good...I had thought for some reason that it was a white castle burger joint so I looked it up and that's the name of the place...kind of weird...why's it named after a disney cartoon?!

sites that link to Smother.Net

whoohoo, check it out tons of linkage...go and link to me today and be an OG...or something...


Last night I watched, Outfoxed a new documentary about the media's conservative bias with an emphasis obviously on Fox and Rupert Murdoch...included on the DVD are a variety of internal memos that are handed down from upper management that make it inherently obvious the type of spin that Fox puts on all of its programs...in addition, it was nifty to see a former DC Fox 5 reporter talk about its bias...pretty interesting and worth the money to buy it and support projects that protect free press like this one attempts to do...


fahrenheit 9/11 airing in crawford, texas!

with Michael Moore present no less...it's being held by Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas Rolling Road events and my friend in Texas is gonna go...how rad is that?

christopher lawrence

cool, there's a new artist (and his first) CD from Christopher Lawrence...but even cooler, are some of his event photos at the site like this one:

pimp n ho party



so maybe I should like go clubbing! hahaha

I use too many paper towels

at work to dry my hands off with...probably responsible for at least one tree's death to date this year...also to note, it's funny how dudes will even stand two or three faucets apart when they wash their hands just like they do at movie theatres (even if they're just friends and not some gay duo fighting, although that's what they appear to be!) and at urinals...urinals, I despise them...I use stalls because standing next to a man holding my wang is not fun...actually it's not that so much as everyone wants to talk to you as if some how talking makes the situation more comfortable although it results in me having like some sort of weird stage fright or something...oh well. it's lunch time. and I have a sandwich with hemp bread! we'll see if I like it or not...I did think it was funny that they put "this doesn't get you high" on the packaging...silly stoners!

the whyline and sierra connection

whyline with its simplistic questions reminds me a bit of old Sierra games like King's Quest (no not the more recent variant like King's Quest IX) but the older ones that command line/text command based...those games ruled and still kick it

today's great quote

is from Al Gore:

"I'll be candid with you. I had hoped to be back here this week under different circumstances, running for re-election. But you know the old saying: you win some, you lose some. And then there's that little-known third category."

hope you enjoy my poem

as much as I enjoyed writing it...haven't written a poem or a song in a dang long time...I guess you can't say it's a song unless there's music to it though right?...I guess I've been in kind of a writing mood as I also wrote an article called Eleven Reasons Not To Vote for Bush...there was some nonsense on the pheer board yesterday about stupid Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza and their last show at Hellfest...what a dumbass band...they totally screwed up March Metal Meltdown when I went years ago...bastards...I wonder how my buddy's wedding went...I felt bad that I couldn't go...sucks, but that's the way things go sometimes...blah...it's weird, so now I have like a step-mom and a step-dad...I'm the typical average american!...bizarr-o!

you're fucking smART

it's just lUSt;
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee proclaimed,
with vocoded vocals of voice
and more lines of p-ROSE-oems
too smART for f-ART,
laughter, pokes fun at everyone.
can it not be simply enjoyed again?
without legal laws and points for pause.
rhymed time or reversed sublime thyme?
all this from a preacher's paltry pulpit
from whence we once were wet
listening in earnest to that which
is to be special and studied
all from a Don's John
reverberates backwards in time
to spell reason like Fine!
offenses are taken words are shaken
and poetry becomes as serious as a
final solution to the answer of a
true or false question that a
old hag wearing stockings
as if!
to say she was all-knowing
ubiquitous and not showing
that regurgitation is genius
dissent has descent or da scent
of mysterious smoke up one's anus
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee makes symmetry
and I become i;


whirlwind of a weekend

my b-day weekend was pretty cool...sat. night I was able to check out the Gatti fight...which was damn good...sorry I didn't go out and see death or eldona, I had thought about it but ruled it out when no one wanted to go with me (bastards)...I was able to use my grill for the first time despite the slightly wet weather...it was great except you know, you should read the freakin' manual so that on the first use you would have realized that you're supposed to let it warm up for 15 mins to "cure" the paint and whatnot...oh well, paint or no paint, those were damn good dogs...I also got a chance to update Smother.Net with a gazillion new reviews...new Dieselboy album is dope...watch out you double-clickers! you might have to pay for that right b!...I got a new scanner finally only for the damn software to whirl my hard drive around until my frustration level reached a zenith of growls and screams...I went and beat the shit out of my drums to loosen up...ack!...boston's game last night was damn good...apparantly, the most important way to avoid terrorism was missed in the 9/11 report...one of the cooler presents my bro-in-law got me was a No Bushit 2004 shirt...although bushes against bush might be slightly more clever than librarians against bush...though it's real slight...of course you could be a band against bush or a knitter against bush or hell even bluetooth users against bush...methinks he's got a lot of hate...da ali g show was great last night although staying up that damn late and waking up at 6am to go work out can taste it...anyone that forgot my b-day, can make it up by getting me this shirt celebrating my main man johnny damon...and if you think that shirt is wacky, wait till you check out transformer porn...that's just weird...booyakasha!


danger danger will!

While this story is quite interesting the fact that it cites ann coulter takes away some of credibility...as she's a known psycho...but perhaps an different type of october surprise that's not terrorist related is in store to save bush's behind...

I always knew I wanted to be a soldier

after all, there's plenty they have to offer...though, peeing on my food doesn't sound like something Emeril would advise...

sick and accidents

I've been sick and tasting it lately...ugh...was out yesterday because my step-mom was in a bad car accident...yikes, she's alright though thankfully though I could tell it really bugged out my dad...last night my wife and in-laws had a little get together for my b-day since the wife's working the whole weekend...it was very nice, we had some steaks and some great corn on the cob...yummy!...she got me a grill too, freakin' rad! now my porch is adorned with a table w/umbrella, my two tomato plants, AND a propane grill...cool!...we wanted to cook out however the perpetual rain storm prevented us from doing it...doesn't it seem like it rains almost every evening?!? ugh it's sooo annoying...not too much else is going on...to the anon user who posted about the show tomorrow night, I just may go...although there's a great boxing match that I wanted to see that night...course tivo will get that one...


singing flowers?

apparantly the latest rage is singing flowers which I just can't understand but of course it's better than building an iPod from an altoids tin...I guess we all can't know what the next black is until of course it becomes inherently bizarre yet oddly alluring like IM watching though I already hit its lame max of 40...hahaha I'm a loser. big time.


media matters for america

a non-partisan organization has formed called Media Matters to help people debunk all the bogus conservative rhetoric that attempts to pass itself off as news...whoohoo! so join up and help combat the nonsense the conservatives are pushing on all of us...this past weekend was a blast...my dad had a great time and it was fun hanging out and all that jazz...boo I'm gonna be 26 this weekend...ugh...I feel old...it's depressing when I think about it...ugh. absolutely filthy...also to note, I got two free tickets to go see the warped tour...there's tons of bands that are playing that I can't wait to see...plus I get to take a weds off! whoohoo...ugh am I really going to be closer to 30 then 20?! fucking a.


funny joke

not that I'm big into forwards but regardless...here ya go:
Subject: FW: ROBOTIC BARTENDER A popular bar had a new robotic bartender installed. A fellow came in for a drink and the robot asked him,'What's your IQ?' The man replied, '150.' So the robot proceeded to make conversation about quantum physics,string  theory,atomic chemistry etc The man listened intently and thought, 'This is really cool. The man decided to test the robot. He walked out the bar, turned around, and came back in for another drink. Again, the robot asked him what's you IQ? The man responded, '100.' So the robot started talking about football, baseball,etc The man thought to himself, 'Wow, this is amazing. The man went out and came back in a third time. As before,the robot asked him 'What's your IQ?' The man replied, '50.' The robot then said, 'So, you gonna vote for Bush again?


look what amazon reviewers are saying about...

the book that Bush was reading while 9/11 was happening...now that's funny stuff...

postcards for mom?

now this seems like a great prank...people from around the world send postcards to one mom...you can find out more at postcardsformom.com...stupid humor every day.

blair's party suffers defeat

sweet, it already looks like blair is going down whoohooo!


weird personality test

I saw a link on a buddy's blog and decided what the hell, I'll take this test too...well here's my bizarre results:

Wackiness: 66/100
Rationality: 40/100
Constructiveness: 56/100
Leadership: 72/100

You are a WECL--Wacky Emotional Constructive Leader. This makes you a people's advocate. You are passionate about your causes, with a good heart and good endeavors. Your personal fire is contagious, and others wish they could be as dedicated to their beliefs as you are.

Your dedication may cause you to miss the boat on life's more slight and trivial activities. You will feel no loss when skipping some inane mixer, but it can be frustrating to others to whom such things are important. While you find it difficult to see other points of view, it may be useful to act as if you do, and play along once in a while.

In any event, you have buckets of charisma and a natural skill for making people open up. Your greatest asset is an ability to make progress while keeping the peace.

da ali g show

is coming!!! whooohooo, check this though, he did an interview with the New York Times, how rad is that?


fucka hangover

when you've got AWOL machines...and before you say it, no it's not a machine that makes you president like Bush...and don't replace your dog with a cat and other useful bandwidth knowledge...

the repulsivicans

That's the GOP's official new name as far as I'm concerned...hell at least I'm not the only one...and while Asscroft repeatedly scoffs at congressional requests on usage of the Patriot Act...so I say, fuck Asscroft, let's get him out!...and he after blasting 9/11 panel commissioner Jennifer Gorelick (falsely) of writing a memo that created a 'wall', he concedes a bit though doesn't discuss how her memo was more lenient than his own Deputy Attorney General's...what a big piece of shit...indeed he's used the Patriot Act to investigate a strip club owner accused of bribing local politicians...doesn't sound like very terrorist-oriented huh?...oh and by the way, fuck the logging industry and the handouts given to them by Bush...argh, this administration does nothing but line the pockets of corporations and the wealthy, while stripping away all the rights and freedoms of the lesser fortunate...so frustrating...

get your hoodie on

Cool, the makers of my Jack Tripper shirt, have redesigned their website now it looks even cooler...excellent

I'm only going to live to 77

boo. according to the lifeline calculater I'm only going to live to 77...that sucks!...but I think it might be because I didn't check the section about a grandparent living past 85...I had GREAT grandparents that did but all my grandparents are around their 70's...also I listened to Tony Blair address the Intelligence Report at the British House of Commons on c-span this morning...gosh he's a good speaker...even if he is a scumbag...


free the grapes

I thought this was pretty funny....freethegrapes.org


she's no angel

this is funny...cameron diaz has her own paris-hilton like video problem...haha my wife sent this to me this morning!


dishonest dubya

or if you prefer, dumbya...this is a pretty cool action figure (hint the more bloggers who link to it in this way, will google bomb "action figure")...so come and join the noise...


last night I watched The Butterfly Effect and I must say it was quite good...I was well surprised at how good it was...of course it would have been nice if the acting was a bit better and if some of the lines were improved but overall the theme and concept of the movie was quite deep and worth exploring...sure you can read some thoughts on chaos theory as well as string theory, etc. but of course, it's no Police Academy Part 123121325489798, but what is?...and speaking of films, has fahrenheit 9/11 inadvertently helped the extreme right's desire to invade saudi arabia and steal their oil?


google globe

I thought this quicktime movie of google requests across the globe was pretty nifty...also, I think now no geek has an excuse for still smoking

bloggers to cover the conventions

whoa! it appears bloggers will be at both conventions this election season...ugh, today is Bush's birthday....he's 58...and perfectly disgusting...maybe that's the reason that Kerry decided today was a good day to make his announcement...haha, if that's the case, that's awesome...some are wanting Moore's movie to talk more about the neo-cons who wanted the war and I say, perhaps that should be the sequel!...and it appears there are other films that tackle the same subject as does the French movie, Liberty Bound which I hope makes its way to 'merica soon...

put away your wallet, it's useless

my three-day weekend was wicked fun...glad to have some time off...managed to finally go to the Arlington Cinema Draft House for the first time and saw Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind...first off, a great outstanding movie and further proof of Jim Carrey's great acting ability...but the venue was awesome, maybe it was the fact that I could sit in a movie theatre and drink beer, maybe it was the fact that it only cost $5 to get in, maybe it was the fact that I was with great company and the food was pretty darn good too, or perhaps it was the two pitchers and all of the above...regardless it totally rocked!...on the fourth we went to my grandma's house and had a cookout and some great beer...of course my dad was a tad on the annoying side with his insistence that my trade of Angel Berroa and Joel Pineiro for Jason Giambi was a bad move...well damn it, I like Jason!...yesterday I went to the Vienna Inn and had three chili cheese hot dogs and a couple of beers for lunch...good place, very down-home and semi-redneck-esque...who else is happy that John Kerry picked John Edwards for his VP candidate???... I voted for Edwards in the Virginia primary and I think he brings a great amount of vital life to the campaign...hopefully Israel will finally admit to having nukes and sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty


eve of destruction

absolutely great yet depressing, bloggerheads give us a great flash movie about bush and blair's journey towards the end of the world.

sigh, this is what we've come to

Unfortunately John Kerry is a douche bag but I'm voting for him anyway...I couldn't agree more...it's a shame that the Democrats didn't put forth a good progressive or liberal guy...but hey anything is better than the current resident...and according to box office mojo Fahrenheit 9/11 is the number two movie in the country and has made a shitload of money...I saw a Declare Yourself ad on the front page of yahoo this morning...whooohoo!...and it appears that the neo-cons have more chest-thumping to do towards Iran...ugh.


forget corporate policy, it's all about the benji's

as I previously discussed I had called my local theatre to bitch about them not playing Fahrenheit 9/11...of course they told me it was corporate policy not to ever play documentaries, which is a load of crap...as it turns out money talks and corporate policies get changed wicked-quick, as now they're playing it hahahaha! I'd like to think my couple of calls had an effect...whoohoo, in addition I heard that virginia may be a swing state this month due to the amount of "liberals" (I use this term extremely loosely) in Northern Virginia...of course this was reported by Fox who may just want a bigger turnout of their republican faithful this november...


shouldn't this domain name be backwards?

shouldn't dyslexia.com be aixelsyd.com??

impeach bush

Help get this ad in the New York Times and elsewhere by helping out the good folks at votetoimpeach.org


vegas or amsterdam?

so is it bad of me to push for my company to hook us up with a good event now and again?? I mean I do all the damn ad work on the site!...

dave thomas vs. dave thomas

On this wonderful Canada Day, work saw several links fly by...one of hoser quality and another to deflect comparisons to the other dave thomas who was not a hoser but a burger master!...and this time britney's doing it for love! for a whooping 35 hours damn it...and don't get confused as to whether it's a doy tog or a marital aid and if you're like me, you work with fools

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