speaking of drums
our friends at Pearl have set up a groovy little ditty in flash where you can make (and of course buy) your own custom drum dream kit...here's mine:

(click for bigger)
our friends at Pearl have set up a groovy little ditty in flash where you can make (and of course buy) your own custom drum dream kit...here's mine:
because if the administration hacks did want to be part of it, then they might have to face the music of their crimes against humanity...meanwhile the war in Iraq has been dubbed to be a public health disaster...thankfully some people still care about democracy in the US...though our own media went to great ends to try to "disprove" anything that seemed to be of the scratching-the-head variety...and fortunately for all of us, Wired assembled a great little article about those looking to protect the little man from the BIG MAN as in our shitty government goons that look to cloud reason and fairness with blantant obtuse warnings of terror...those same goons that want to make sure critiques like this don't hit the headlines...and unfortunately they're quite successful...oh and I'm totally psyched to rip open the box holding my x-mas present, a wonderful new assembly of a drum rack...ROCK!
haven't really been writing much lately because well I was off on holiday at home and didn't feel like it...and of course I don't have much to say...plus I've been wicked busy at work lately too, which obviously bites the big one...today we go bowling to build team building skills or whatever...wheee! that should be fun...though, I have class tonight so I can't enjoy the finest of the fine at the bowling alley anyways...this time of year is so hated by me...I mean I'm not a hot weather fool but I really don't like coming into work thinking my hands are going to fall off they're so cold...me and the wife are looking to go visit the West Coast and survey Wine Country as something fun to do on our 2nd (HOLY SHIT!) anniversary next February...and by the way one of the better CDs to come along on my desk this past weekend was Michal Cohen's Henna...what a great album...merging Yemen traditional music with more electronic-based pop stuff...nifty...good stuff NOW BACK TO WORK!
for one, I don't hate Christians. or Muslims. or Jews. or Hinduis. or even Wiccans (though they're outfits are funny and remind me of myself in high school--"such conformists"). BUT. I do not like hypocrisy. nor do I enjoy people pushing THEIR values onto ME or OTHERS. Nicholas Kristof today pretty much summed up what I think about the whole "Left Behind" nonsense as well as what I think about a lot of folks strung up in the religious funk...I get just as irked about Muslim fanaticism as I do about Christian freakjobs too...of course some may take it a tad far with their remarks but whatever...all I guess I'm trying to get across (no pun intended) is that I don't think it's right for ANYONE to push their religion unless invited to sit down for discussions...things that have irked me that directly involve religion:
apparantly the dumbies at travelzoo have decided to inject aim with a dose of annoyance (as if there couldn't be more) and I'm not the only one that's pissed off...argh but I really don't like trillian that much (the stupid going idle thing is rather dumb)...blah...but it's not enough to make me a crazy nutjob in texas...I have class tonight and a quiz and I totally didn't study...boo. and to top it off I brought the wrong dinner to work and I had to eat just doritos instead...but hey I'm taking tomorrow off and enjoying a FOUR day weekend...whoohoo...and MX records can taste it. stupid nonsense...
this weekend I moved Smother.Net's hosting from Burlee aka Interland to 1 and 1 Hosting...so far everything is chill and worked well though it's annoying to wait for DNS and MX Records to propagate...in fact if I send myself an email from my work account I get bounce backs...pretty damn annoying...some goes to my old one still while most goes to the new mail server...ARGH!...other than that this weekend was filled with me being a butthead and watching too much football...also watched the Stepford Wives and saw Alli G in Da House...good stuff!...today we go bowling with our new employee on our team...double good...I'm glad we have a short week though I wish the wife also had a short week too...BODY MASSAGE.
after my review of the new self-titled American Eyes album it made waves enough to land on their official site...whoohoo-ie!
as we all waited for the boondocks to come out swinging post-election, we fell asleep as both the Washington Post and New York Times dumped Ted Rall's comics and I don't understand why, cuz he tells the truth damn it about the hypocrisy on the right are we on the left and liberal side of the equation to continue to face the hate-squads of the right-wing fascist regime of evil oppression and political correctness meanwhile RushCo. is allowed to call Mexicans' the w-name (and I don't mean 'dubya') and make other outrageous claims their own twisted savoir-faire?! well whatever, I found all the gang tags in Grand Theft Auto...
if so why are they completely avoiding the whole issue of uncounted and manipulated votes? Answer: They're still afraid of the Republican juggernaut that controls the media. My answer: They're a bunch of pussies.
I feel as if I'm in the midst of the longest week on record...I can long for a nice beautiful drum rack but that does me no good as I shake my fist in anger at the betrayal of the Democrat Party...damn them...they're such wusses...hey I mean we just slaughtered 800 civilians in Fallujah...though some would blinding disagree but hey who cares about fighting for your own democracy when you have others to stand up!!...the american leftist gives us a good summary of what the so-called foreign fighters in Iraq add up to be...regardless I chowed into some television that was sitting on my tivo last night...popped off two episodes of The Wire so I'm all caught up but org charts still help a lot...
Reasons to move to Canada, as cited by www.canadianalternative.com:
if you're too lazy to actually don the camo gear and pull the trigger yourself, you can always hunt online, it doesn't surprise me that this comes from Texas...meanwhile the hunt is on for tomatoes...meanwhile a bunch of weenies barf about the intro to Monday Night Football but ignore the fact that this is a brutal sport in which I've personally seen plenty of broken bones, close calls to paralysis, etc...but a girl in a towel!? oh my god we can't handle that...what a bunch of bullshit. this country is so far up its own collective moral ass that it can't sniff the hypocrisy of highly rated shows about having surgery to change your physical appearance because your self-esteem is that low or switching wives and trading 'em but when you've got your sugar-coated cheap-ass cereal on is it any wonder that the world isn't as round as everyone knows it is? well all I know is I'm glad I don't have a fucking x-box but I really wish I still had an old walkman
sit down and be prepared for one of my patented knee-slappers:
some new pictures from Fallujah have come out and showcase why our nation is so fucked...just read some of the comments people have anonymously left...trying to prevent another 9/11...bah! what a joke...I especially liked the money quote left by one:
my beautiful wife sent me along this info on Tom Hanks playing in the Da Vinci Code...apparantly Ron Howard will be directing...can't wait!
well now I'm starting to finally feel better, several hours of sleep will do that for you...especially when you sleep like shit the night before...so I learned what "yagai" as well as other variations of bizarre japanese porn slang, but yagai is when they hold a contest in public (and of course on film) where women try to hold their urine for as long as they can ending in the inevitable peeing-of-the-pants and while one would think you'd blush at either the sight of that happening or being one that participates, I'd scoff and shout "NOT!" and other various playa slang because if you'd be in either one of those silos of human depravity than how could your cheeks turn a slight rouge or other make-up induced oddities?...and in following Neil Gaiman's advice post-Election craze, I think I will embark on just making good art...and after arming myself with boundless new music reviews including a review of the most magnificient new Slayer DVD! so after much chagrin this weekend, I decided to scrap the last track off my CD in place of one I just finished...oh and since my boss talked about Guy Fawkes day while he was over in London I decided to look up some stuff on him...odd running into from Neil Gaiman's site eh?...oh the beauty of linkdom. it brings us stuff like an ASCII rendition of The Matrix which is just damn nifty and there's more!...and Don Knotts is Dubya! though he doesn't quite revise his role from Three's Company as Ralph Furley...and if you've been paying attention to this blog (and really, who doesn't?!) you'll remember my discussion on dancing transformers and now it's broken out into the mainstream, heck it makes ME want to buy that car...rad. also this weekend I got a personally autographed poster from Griz, nifty.
some dildo at imao (wow is that aol-ese or what!?! wtf mate) tries to be funny and sometimes is but mostly he's just plain and out lame but you gotta wonder motives when you link to ridiculous shit like this...though, one can always find ann coulter comical as well...
Well, I'm sure I'll hate the added traffic but this new concert hall would be literally like 2 miles from my house...
I feel the brow-beating on the Washington Post forums, I mean really are conservatives THAT dumb?! wow. the fact that Bushie gets to take a mulligan for 9/11 and yet get credit for "taking the fight to Iraq!" is so obscene. than I remember that we're a country who excels in the quick explanation so that we can get on with our life filled with blubber, bullets, and booze. after all, it's not like there's credible evidence something fishy is going on especially when there's lock-down of voting but hey at least there's a request in to the GAO
today's Boondocks was pretty on target:
since the press once again dropped the ball on another Bush election, they're trying to cover their tracks attempting to explain away mounting evidence (and credible, given the circumstances) that bloggers and Internet political junkies have been saying since before the election--that this election was wrought with fraud, deception, intimidation, and vote wrangling....they attempt to strip away credibility with labels like "conspiracy theory" despite the fact that they are just trying to magically whisk the ideas and evidence into some sort of neo-Magic Bullet Theory...but hey, maybe there is some hope that someone will find something out...and it's sad that we must rely on a Kucinch to do so.
So here's the tracklisting for my new CD entitled "Found Sounds: Volume 1" :
While I know we're supposed to get our "heal-on" and keep on truckin', there's still the idea that Kerry conceded too early and there's even more mounting evidence of rampant voter fraud in Ohio and elsewhere and elsewhere with extra votes and more glitches and more nastiness while the early votes went bye bye with long lines in predominantly poor precincts while the media tries to cover its collective ass meanwhile, The Big We makes sure that those crafty Arabs living in America are censused and catalogued and rubberstamped for internment at Gitmo...but when the news is talking more about Andrew Sullivan's butt scratch and I do mean talking a LOT you can resolve yourself to the stupid truth of dumb 'mericans (FUCK YEAH!) or resign yourself to what is good and interesting and fun in 'merica (FUCK YEAH!) but hey at least he has a fucking answer and he's not Mr. Sleepy Japanese Business Guy...am I right or am I write? or is Canada right?!?
A fun little tirade surrounding the south and their hypocrisy...got to love it...though we're not the only country that shouts these cusses towards their southern brethren...but there are things to smile about aren't there?
I'm looking for a good RSS feeder and reader that's written in PHP. I found something, but would love recommendations/URLs...wizzle.
seriously, far too many people snap their fingers at work. it's utterly annoying.
I know the world is going in the right direction (maybe?) when I get a spam mail whose subject line reads: "Bush is re-elected..pro-zac anyone?" Too funny.
perhaps a bit late, but nonetheless just as rationally important are the award winners of the semi-annual pseudo-Darwinian awards.
it could come back and bite you back in the form of the secret service. now how lame is that?
looking at Michael Moore's website one will stumble upon this as the splash graphic:
for your Yeti puzzle box? like beef? don't forget about DONKEY KONG! or the annoying mullet britannica kid from the commercial...or wacky wall walkers.
the Ohio election was NOT fair--it's kind of hard to do that when the Secretary of State, again, was a co-chair of the Bush/Cheney campaign in Ohio...while people complained of a riff-raff of problems even voting on this infernal machines while others discuss the thievery and yes Kerry won and the AP jiggled the exit polls up and down...but hey we got our War More Years of divisive nonsensical policies...though it appears we won't be seeing much more of Ashcroft, Powell, and Ridge. Oh yeah, and Arafat is dead and they're making another Bill & Ted's
this is the thought of Democrats and liberal activists everywhere, along with despair, depression, and other "d" words that don't begin with "delight"...
Bali and Java ring in with some new decorations for your home or you could go the moon pi route or the even more bizarre route with freak-job taxidermy...which makes me excited to freakin' paint our downstairs reckroom area (I need to paint the music room too damn it!)...and yeah, some things like picasa are neat to help you organize but then too much organization can sometimes be a bad thing...but the keyhole technology could probably show you but at a very substantial cost...though technology is starting to get even more crazy but still can be decidedly retro can't it?
just as I suspected, exit polling WAS right. it's just that those states with e-voting don't seem to be matching up...virginia had a massive turnout and wasn't called immediately. but we have e-voting. so of course the GOP won. and while Virginia might not be the best litmus test its certainly an interesting case as well...regardless of the lame outcome of the 2nd-in-a-row stolen election, I blame the media who has failed to do their jobs. oh wait, who are they owned by again? I don't belong in this country.
the only empire we Americans could muster to bring down was, the next-to-most evil empire who have now lost their pitching coach...and we can look to new hope in the region of the jets though the rams are shaky and the redskins suck...ack, all in all this was a disappointing year for me all around. I'm depressed.
Yes it seems as if Bush won again...but he didn't.
apparantly Santa Clara is having issues with their Bushian e-voting equipment...imagine my surprise but at least some people are doing something about it and the media is suing Ohio elections chief since the douche will not allow exit polling within 100 feet of the polls...of course in an attempt to hijack more votes in this battleground state no doubt...maybe they're mad that the AP is providing all the vote counting...
well now, colorado is already decided according to a newspaper who endorsed Bush...isn't that peachy?
so this morning after a sleepless night and a bad headache (my accusations turn to Rove) I got up at 6am and went to vote shortly thereafter...we arrived at our polling place ~6:30am or so and boy was it packed!...fortunately we're in the P-Z line and that one was smaller for whatever reason so we got to "fly" on through and use our electronic vote-eating machines...after I got in here at work I checked my Smother.Net personal email account and found a ton of messages from a variety of organizations urging me to vote...they ranged from The Beastie Boys to MTV to MoveOn.Org to Atlantic Records to Tribunal Records to Human Rights Campaign to a variety of promotional organizations that I work with and candidates that I've supported...pretty nifty huh?...looks like voter turnout is going to be pretty good. whoohoo!
I really hope that the latest Gallup Poll is completely wrong...Zogby on the other hand finds a considerable advantage for Kerry via their cell phone users poll...I do find it quite interesting that all the anti-gay marriage retards can't seem to stay married themselves...though it doesn't seem like it rallied the crazies too much...well, I just hope that the suit with Richard Perle named as a defendent goes well
as the number of conservatives who defect from the Bush regime grows we bear witness to some increased nastiness...yesterday I saw a commercial with Kerry praising Reagan and then bashing everything that Kerry has done that's not in line with Reagan...who fucking cares about Reagan? He's dead!