cardinal attacks chavez
castillo is a douche...I'm sure that the Catholic Church has the best interests in mind and this has nothing to do with the rich who were angered by Chavez's take on the oil industry...
castillo is a douche...I'm sure that the Catholic Church has the best interests in mind and this has nothing to do with the rich who were angered by Chavez's take on the oil industry...
wow, it's ridiculously late, I've been up since 8am (that was probably a bad idea)...I now have been here going on 5 and a half hours...yippee...but this evening before I came in I saw this movie called "Hostage" with Bruce that movie blew me away...Ben Foster stole the show playing a total creep...
actually if I drank any beer right now, I would probably fall asleep...seriously, doing releases kind of blows sometimes...I probably won't be getting home until at 4am now...
tonight I have to go into work to help supervise a release that I've worked on for the past five months or will be cathartic to say the least...I tried to stay up late last night but I failed going to sleep at won't be done tonight until sometime around 3am if all goes well...I sure hope it does...otherwise I'll be one sleepy sonofabitch...sunday I'll probably be sleeping for most of the day but I want to try to get up in the afternoon hours if I can so that I can watch a baseball we went up to meet some friends at the cheesecake I'm ridiculously full from a huge lunch...I'm listening to Lorene Drive, a fantastic new band on Lobster did I just do a "currently listening to" like post?, I might need to say what my current mood is or something next...anonymous, you're welcome, the site does rule
apparantly Venezuelans actually like being in a socialist nation...duh, because it's first and foremost FOR the people...not FOR the corporations...die capitalist pigs, die! (I say hoping to add a nice DLP wide screen TV to my basement home theatre system soon)...hey, I'm a hypocrite but at least I don't drive no SUV no-how!
check this out:
so yeah, anyways now that we're going to finally find out more about Judge Roberts and his evasive tactics...the Washington Post has a blog about it...
I hate almost never works...but Virginia might considering doing that to the Dulles Toll Road for a mere billion bucks...a group of investors would get its revenue for 50 years in exchange for the billion if it generated enough money to have a surplus of $28.5 million dollars in ONE year, imagine what it will generate in 50 do the's a helluva lot more than what they're this doesn't say whether there'd be any cost/price control...what a mistake...I hate virginia, I hate republicans, and I hate conservative ninnies who think that privatizing fucking doesn't.
just got back from pre-ordering the new Madden game...boy I can't wait for that to come out!...I have a feeling I might be sick the next this afternoon I left work early so I could go get my refund check for my car's cadillac converter (yes I know my spelling's off, but I swear it should just be "cadillac" converter--could you imagine if your car could switch Go-Bot style into a cadillac?) since it's replacement is covered under a federal warranty due to the Clean Air Act (whoohoo!) and low and behold the stupid dealer actually gave me back not only the money for the part but the labor too which according to the law they don't have to I made off with a couple hundred extra bucks...excellent!...speaking of video games, IGN released their Top 100 Games of all Time and each day is adding to the far they've included a bunch of games that I love...but there's twenty left, my bet is there's at least one of the other GTA's plus Super Mario Bros. up there and of course Pac-Man...I'm going to have to read this in more detail later...and lastly, I hate it when dudes stare at my wife and check her out...yes I know she's hot, but damn it, she's my wife...I'll beat you up ya shizz!
are pretty should check it out...AJAX to the max!
Yes I just turned 27...most everyone seems to say "no you're not old"...well damn it, I feel old...this past weekend I had a little get-together that was pretty fun...some of my family came, co-workers, the wife's family, bandmates, and some was a rockin' good time (at least I thought so) the best part is that a TON of beer was left over...that I get to drink...whoohoo! this Rove thing needs to stay in the news...I think it was lame that they put forth this anti-choice nobody for the supreme court in an obvious attempt to change the talk in washington...this weekend is the release of the project I've been working on since Feb of this'll feel great to have it finally out in the real world...this afternoon I'm going to leave work and go pick up a refund check for part of the work that was done on my car since it was covered by a federal warranty...the guy on the phone was all trying to kiss my ass as if his company didn't just try to royally screw me over...fuck that guy...I hate car places, it makes me want to learn more about cars so I can be all like, whatever I know what's going on bitches...but that's not going to happen...
so apparantly China revalued the yuan and in more personal news, I checked out my quarterly 401k statement and it kicked chips did well and my "health sciences" fund (made up of Big Pharmaceuticals and other health-related fascist companies) had ridiculously good positive market fluctations...everything in my portfolio performed well in the positive with the exception of my slight investment in an income equity fund which was that the yuan was revalued you'd think I'd o have to switch some of my investments around but it doesn't appear that it's going to have much real impact at least not immediately...UGH...the US Congress still needs to step in and pressure China to change their trade policies...
with as many funny 8x10 photos as I've gotten for Smother.Net I could easily do busts like this or that or even this...I mean really...I should be ashamed that I didn't think of this first...damn it.
man dies while having sex with horse...sure does make me want to move to Seattle...
a smurf movie and a transformers's hope Will Smith has nothing to do with either of these projects...
saw this in something related to work but I thought it worthy to pass's the scope monkey trial written in play the testimony really scares me...everyone's entitled to their belief but it scares me to know that the judge opened up the case with a prayer...I mean, how ridiculous and in direct violation of our religious freedoms is that?...could you imagine if he opened up court by bowing to Mecca...obviously everyone has their own beliefs...and those beliefs belong to the person NOT the people...
rubber johnny...this has been spreading around the Internet for a couple of days now and I love it...more aphex twin for everyone...!
uh oh, looks like Rupert Murdoch strikes again...this time Fox is buying! what will happen to all the boob shots and stupid hip-hop video streams!?!?
I took this past Friday off to do a bunch of house-related chores and what not to prep my basement for painting...we wound up painting it "Cafe Mocha" instead of the radly named "Ten Gallon Hat" brown...the paint is sort of like a purplish brown color...looks good I think...I'm still a tad sore from the rolling--we did two coats man!...the rest of the weekend was also quite eventful...Saturday we took in a minor league game which was a whole heck of a lot of fun...our seats were right on the 3rd base side literally three rows from the field...a foul ball landed ten feet behind me and some kids raced to go grab it...before then we ate at Macaroni Grill with our friends and their kid...that was a lot of fun...later Sunday my in-laws stopped by for some father-in-law dyed his hair red just for shits and giggles which made me laugh out loud...also caught a couple red sox games and disappointedly watched them not win...damn it! has already been a pain in the ass with me fixing something that we've fixed at least 5 times already...very frustrating...I'm excited for this weekend as I have a little get-together for my b-day...ugh I can't believe I'm going to be 27 years old...I feel old sometimes...not all the time but my body aches a lot due to tendonitis and other various things...most likely much of it is due to stress (at least that's why I thought I was having panic attacks)...but more or less my stress level has been considering down...yippee I gotta run to a my new shoes by Steve Madden!
"And really, there's no reason to be licking anything for that long, let alone a girl's butt. Her poo could be actual Swiss chocolate, and it still wouldn't make sense to lick that thing for more than twenty minutes tops."
this letter
if winnie cooper can so can this lass:
this is so money:
since I had a coupon for network solutions is having a big sale, each for $11.99...speaking of that, if you want to try out their hosting package I have some coupons (man I feel like such a shill):
"And the world’s got me dizzy again
I just bought a cell phone and it cost $189. it would have been free had I signed up to the sprint plan for 2 years. the funny thing is I've been a sprint customer for the past four or five years...why don't they reward that?...oh wait that's right cell phone business is all about acquisition not retainment...guess I should go and activate my damn expensive phone or something...ugh.
so yesterday my watch's battery went kaput.
a long day indeed, I'm tired and need some Z's...but sadly I hang my head not in despair but in delightful slumber...damn I haven't been this tired in a loooooong time...weak to the max...this frat guy needs some beauty sleep! :)
see today's myGoogle quote:
there's a report that the Israeli embassy in London was warned ahead of the blasts in London...why were they warned and not the citizenry?...if Scotland Yard knew of the attacks but didn't do enough to stop them, then can we consider them complicit in the attacks? of course it only benefits the suffering government officials politically since terrorists attacks are key on the distraction level...I'm certain the G8 summit will now spend more time and effort discussing terrorism and colonizing the Middle East with fascist fake democracies and further work to privatizing and globalizing the third world...between Sandra Day O'Connor and these attacks, it's been a shitty news week...but there's a bright spot, a bunch of Internet rumor mills from the Hill are circulating that Karl Rove may be indicted let's the rejoicing begin!...that is, unless you're an emo kid...
scientists simulated the universe recently...unfortunately the site was slashdotted so it'll be another couple of days before I can actually see it...damn you nerds!
thankfully someone takes the time to write guidelines for the news
yesterday I and my wife did some spring-summer cleaning and got rid of five giant bags of clothing...yes we gave it to deductions baby, plus like doing the right thing is always good...we gave it to a guy named Caeser who looked like a woman...but he was nice with or without bitch tits...I finally got a chance to see the Arturo Gatti v. Floyd Mayweather fight...I've never seen such an impressive one-sided fight in my life...mayweather crushed Gatti...yes I love Floyd, he's great, I love his boisterous posturing and the fact that he can back it up with his insanely fast flurries and five, six, and seven punch combinations...sure it wasn't a Gatti versus Mickey Ward type of excellence but I don't care...he pounded on Gatti till he looked like a beat-up version of Benicio del Torro with those swollen I fixed (along with my father-in-law) our bedroom closet that had broken and was all jacked up...I'll be putting away some of my CDs too and watching a movie I think...I'm very tempted to go drive out to get some Kababs but that seems extreme especially considering that it could be closed...I need to run and do some errands though for taste it ya shizz!
I seriously can't stand this useless holiday of dumb...what it is: an excuse to blow shit up and seriously ram flags up one another's asses in the name of false patriotism...want to be a real patriot? go fucking send something to a soldier, talk to a veteran about the horrors of war, run for office, or shit, VOTE.
so last night we watched our Tivo'ed footage from MTV on Live be sure there were some great performances, unfortunately our attention deficit friends at MTV decided that they would cut off most of the good performances...but damn if they didn't give Snoop Dogg or Mariah Carey some favored cuts...what kind of asshole cuts off Pink Floyd!?! seriously, that's lame...Madonna makes me sick, holding this African lady's hand meanwhile blingin' it out with a diamond "M" necklace probably worth enough to feed half of Ethiopia's population for a week...and I seriously doubt that Mariah Carey knows that Africa is a continent and not a country...let's see MTV also cut off Keane, Coldplay playing "Bittersweet Symphony" with the Verve's singer, and continuously aired ridiculous commercials for Def Leppard's new CD and all this other shit that showed how dumbly corporate and commercialized America is...puke. but damn if Pink Floyd wasn't impressive!
my in-laws getting their act in gear so we can freakin' eat dinner...I sit and listen to the Mew CD that lamarocket ironically hooked me up with on the same day I bought it at and am totally blown away...I love bands like this that perfectly capture melody and harmony and somehow seem to actually own's odd, I think some of the bands that I've really gotten into these last few months are so ridiculously melodic...even the metal bands...Explosions in the Sky, Mew, newest Darkest Hour...all of them are so unbelievably amazing at writing rad melodies...I think great vocals are just so unbelievably difficult to do now...I hear what some bands manage to do and am stunned...I certainly remember a time thinking that my weak ass efforts at singing melodies weren't half bad, but shit there are singers that hands down are incredible...I think what I always liked about singing was writing lyrics...I'd still love to be in a band as a singer but I don't think I have enough talent to sing great harmonies or at least I'd have to practice a hell of a lot first...practice today was great, I didn't even feel like I screwed up all that feels like sunday and it's great that it's not and that I have two more days off before I have to climb back into the sewage known as my we got the call, the in-laws are almost home and ready to be jive turkeys
wow, Christianity if you believed some of its extremists sure doesn't have any power huh? but this just goes too far...ugh.
O'Connor just said she's going to Bush is going to get to put in two fascists...ugh...