taste it! J-Sin's musings...


so do you need more proof?

that the explosives were actually there? or that evolution does exist...or that the IRS is unfair (they're not investigating churches who put out voter guides)...or that our electoral college is fucked? or that our economy is in shambles? or that there's something fishy about this tape? - could that be the Rove October surprise?


all your base belong to us

yes, quite possibly the best t-shirt I've seen in a while...

oh say can we see!

Bush's big ole middle finger!...but hey, you could revel in the mysterious ways of creating a smart Lego robot that can complete the first level of Super Mario Bros..and as I sit here rotting in my cube, don't you wish your cube was a tad cooler?...and if you're a cretin that's still undecided, here's a 100 reasons and one opinion why you shouldn't vote for bush...and don't you wish Gary Busey would give you two ferrets


protect yo'self this election!

so MoveOn has put together a nifty little Election Protection card that you can use if anyone tries to purge from voting this November...it has numbers that you can call to register a complaint with...you can also check out my vote my right or ourvote.com for more info...this is especially important seeing as how there's already been issues in Florida (bunch of crackers!)...and in Nevada....how dare someone throw away voter registration forms!...that's absurd! and they should go to jail. for life.

it seems as if Newsmax.com is up to their old tricks

they're spamming ways are continuing this time with nonsense about the "movie that kerry doesn't want you to see!" (of course referring to the liberally truth-stretching "documentary" that Sinclair Broadcasting wanted to propagandize swing states with) and also a new classic Stem Cell Research! ->

"Stem Cell Research
Fact vs. Fiction

There is a ban on stem cell research in the United States. This is fiction!

No such ban exists. President Bush disallowed only federal funding of the kind of stem cell research that would require the killing of human embryos.
Last year, the Bush Administration provided over $200 million for stem cell research, of which about $190 million was allotted for research on adult stem cells. Adult stem cell research is the only stem cell research that has yielded any clinical benefits for humans.
Embryonic stem cell research (which requires the killing of human embryos) is on the verge of producing cures for serious illnesses and there is no other way to obtain these cures. This is fiction! FACT:
Embryonic stem cells have not helped one single human patient. Actually, it is research with adult stem cells that have shown very positive results.
Adult stem cells have helped hundreds of thousands of patients, including those with diseases like Parkinson's, sickle-cell anemia, heart damage, and brain and spinal cord injuries. New clinical uses expand almost weekly.1

Most Americans support John Kerry's position, which would use federal funds for embryonic stem cell research, and supports cloning human embryos to be used in research that would kill them. This is fiction!
In reality, most Americans disagree with John Kerry who wants to use federal tax dollars for experiments on human embryos that will kill them.
Most Americans agree with President Bush's position which provides federal funding for the kind of stem cell research that is really helping patients and doesn't require that anyone die.

of Americans oppose John Kerry's position, which would use federal funds for the kind of stem cell research that requires killing human embryos.2 74%
of Americans support President Bush's position which provides federal funding for the kind of stem cell research that does not require killing human embryos.2

of Americans support a total ban on human cloning -- including a ban on cloning human embryos for stem cell research which would kill the embryo.2

The facts don't lie.
Once again, John Kerry is out of step
with the American people."

so please folks, write to the spammers at newsmax.com and tell them to knock it off...I've actually called them several times to tell them to quit it...it's kind of funny, they've removed their email addresses from their website because of course people started to complain and add them to spam-lists (ohhhh and they get your IP address too!) but see, I'm not one that likes to have conservative right-wing propaganda delivered to me. So here's an email address YOU CAN SPAM!

"Rod Julianus" rod@newsmax.com

Well, I know that I'm not alone in my despise for NewsMax.com and their false articles and propaganda...and of course they're just in it to debunk those crazy liberal media types!...oh and they sure did urge people to boycott france...wow, Newsmax, you're smart!


wellstone memorial is derailing due to republicans

apparantly Minnesota state Republicans don't think the late Paul Wellstone deserves a memorial citing:

"Rep. John Kline, a Republican from Burnsville, has led the opposition, arguing that the hospital should be named instead for a "real war hero."

The bill, which would rename the hospital the Paul Wellstone Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, was introduced by Sen. Bob Graham, D-Fla., and Rep. Betty McCollum, D-St. Paul, as a way to pay tribute to Wellstone's work on behalf of veterans.

"Certainly, Senator Wellstone deserves honor and recognition as a U.S. senator from Minnesota," said Kline, noting that a community center in St. Paul has been named for Wellstone and his wife, Sheila, who was also killed in the crash.

"But we're talking about a VA Center. It seems to me that Senator Wellstone was a senator who couldn't find his way to supporting defense budgets, and had some reputation as an anti-war protester. And while it's certainly his place to do that, it seems to me that a VA center ought to be named for a veteran who is a real war hero."

hmm...maybe it should be named after Cheney--oops he never served, how about Bush!? he never served either...Rove! nope....Reagan! oops...oh golly gee. how fucking stupid. what a bunch of fascists.

send 'em to the wolves

more Bush lunacy has increased the fear factor as much as possible...meanwhile the Wolf PAC (hahaha) speaks back!...but when you've got Eminem on your side it's probably a good thing...and you've got your more jon stewart this time on cspan...I just got off the phone with the EG Games store and it sounds like I can get my GTA:SA game this evening at 7pm...whoohoo I'll be in line for a while I suppose but I don't care...might be *cough cough* sick tomorrow...doh!

what a long weekend.

me and the wife had some company over this saturday so this weekend was spent entertaining, cleaning, and cooking...yesterday I got my sports viewing in proper-like...though my one football fantasy team got completely crushed (so did the rams argh!)...tomorrow Grand Theft Auto comes out...and because us whities are stupid, here's a good link to make sure your Chinese tattoo is correct...haha stupid people...speaking of stupid, how can you be so stupid that you'd bang a watermelon!...makes American Pie look, well intelligent...though certainly not intelligent enough to make your tesla coil...and these are some beautiful pieces...


talk about your gaffes

So Oregon has a measure on its ballot to outlaw gay marriage...typical of stupid GOPers and conservative Christians, they put out a voter guide of "Argument's For" their hate-filled measure...but apparantly no one was paying much attention when someone entered hilarious satirical "arguments for" the measure with fake organizations against gay marriage, what are those organizations called you might ask? Traditional Prejudices Coalition, Heterosexual Breeding, and The Beaver State Defense of Beaver Coalition

some of the laughs include:

"Divorced persons may not marry (Luke 16:18).
And if a man dies without leaving a male heir, it is his brother's responsibility to impregnate the widow (Genesis 38:6-10). If he refuses, he shall be fined one shoe (Deuteronomy 25:5-10).
This is the sacred word of the Lord, steadfast and unchanging.

Traditional morality must become Oregon public policy. All of it. And the older the tradition, the better. The separation of church and state be damned. In order to protect the sanctity of marriage and the sacred institution of heterosexual procreation, unequal treatment and discrimination must be legislated consistently against all persons who cannot or will not breed as God intended. It is God's will that we multiply and fill the Earth and finally subdue it when the population explosion self-implodes. Praise God!"

"Vote to Turn the Clock Back!"

"Leave it to beaver!"

"Polygamy fell out of favor! Women were no longer mere pieces of property belonging to men! Next these uppity women demanded the right to vote! Families could no longer own slaves! Prohibition saved the family from destruction by Demon Rum! The nineteenth-century extended families on American farms were destroyed by the 1950s social engineering of the "Leave It to Beaver" suburban cookie-cutter nuclear families! Blacks refused to ride in the back of the bus! Women demanded equal pay for equal work! Single parents demanded respect! Gays and lesbians demanded an end to hatred and oppression! Flower children protested traditional mass-murder warfare and genocide! Divorce skyrocketed! The silence surrounding child abuse was broken!"

"Frightening social changes continued! And then the religious right began a righteous backlash! First they accused gays and lesbians of being promiscuous! And when this failed, they began accusing them of having long-term committed monogamous relationships and wanting to get married!"

Now that is funny radical stuff my friends.

even Eminem steps it up a notch

Even juan cole suggests that Eminem is fighting the good cause against Bush...though even on his last album, Eminem launched out against Bush...

Bush circumvented the war in Afghanistan and the "war on terror" to strike Iraq

I, pundits, and people that have a brain everywhere have been saying this for a while....but when the Washington Post comes out with a blockbuster article that clearly shows that Bush sacrificed destroying Al Qaeda in Afghanistan (you know that country that harbored training camps where Bin Laden's Al Qaeda terrorist network grew more and more powerful) to fight a meaningless war against Iraq...why did he choose Iraq? was it because Saddam tried to kill his daddy? was it because he felt that the Bush family name was scorned by neo-conservatives who were so bloodthirsty that they wanted to defeat Saddam's Iraq by marching all the way into Baghdad during the first Gulf War? was it because of their oil--oil that could enable the United States to fend off efforts by OPEC to control prices and supplies?

Big quotes:

"That announcement marked a year-long drawdown of specialized military and intelligence resources from the geographic center of combat with Osama bin Laden. As jihadist enemies reorganized, slipping back and forth from Pakistan and Iran, the CIA closed forward bases in the cities of Herat, Mazar-e Sharif and Kandahar. The agency put off an $80 million plan to train and equip a friendly intelligence service for the new U.S.-installed Afghan government. Replacements did not keep pace with departures as case officers finished six-week tours. And Task Force 5 -- a covert commando team that led the hunt for bin Laden and his lieutenants in the border region -- lost more than two-thirds of its fighting strength."

To show that Richard Clarke wasn't alone:

"The contention that the Iraq invasion was an unwise diversion in confronting terrorism has been central to Kerry's critique of Bush's performance. But this account -- drawn largely from interviews with those who have helped manage Bush's offensive -- shows how the debate over that question has echoed within the ranks of the administration as well, even among those who support much of the president's agenda."

And the lies the administration vaporizes throughout their re-election campaign:

"But at least a dozen current and former officials who have held key positions in conducting the war now say they see diminishing returns in Bush's decapitation strategy. Current and former leaders of that effort, three of whom departed in frustration from the top White House terrorism post, said the manhunt is important but cannot defeat the threat of jihadist terrorism. Classified government tallies, moreover, suggest that Bush and Vice President Cheney have inflated the manhunt's success in their reelection bid. "

And how the world's opinion doesn't matter to the reverse jihadists in the White House:

"Bush and his aides most often deflect questions about recent global polls that have found sharply rising anti-U.S. sentiment in Arab and Muslim countries and in Europe, but one of them addressed it in a recent interview. Speaking for the president by White House arrangement, but declining to be identified, a high-ranking national security official said of the hostility detected in surveys: "I don't think it matters. It's about keeping the country safe, and I don't think that matters."

That view is at odds with the view of many career military and intelligence officials, who spoke with increasing alarm about al Qaeda's success in winning recruits to its cause and defining its struggle with the United States."


get on up

and shout asshole!...while maintaining the righteous strategies for contention...while helping more progressive endeavors win out...especially when you consider how evil and one-sided the drug war has been and become...and when you combine art and technology, you can get beauty...but not nipple beauty cuz that's just bad, mmmkay...

the improbable in the improbable world

so while the improbable happened in New York, the improbable was predicted yet was so improbable it makes you think both of these guys are fucking nuts...more deaths are happening in our prison camps in Iraq...while we try to coerce and overtake Fallujah with this Rovian October surprise that perhaps, and that's a strong perhaps could be leading into some sort of big wildfire display of American might and strength and fucking big biceps motherfucker are flexed eschewing the likelihood of another Bush victory towards infinite secret insanity...while the revolutions fall and secrets revealed from the tales before the Bay of Pigs to our own Bay of Horrors to five spies from our big Ally in the sky to the disenfranchisement of true democracy while even the slightly courageous of our fallen celebrities lash out and we forget that our fear(fu)less leader didn't want to even investigate as we're all dragging space and time with us like that cutthroat beast bellowed in his hallowed halls of false proclamations and hollowed scare talk...blech, I can't wait for friday.


DoS attacks and GOP attacks, oh my!

so I'm at work...things are all normal...until our internet connections get all hosed...why? because we were just struck by a massive DoS attack...wow how eLiTe...lame, and extraordinarily obnoxious...speaking of obnoxious, should Mary Cheney be given an apology from Kerry or the Democrats? I think not, indeed it should be the Republicans apologizing for harassasing gays and lesbians and trying to steal their rights...and maybe they should be forced to drive The Wiener Mobile!...is it all that surprising that Reeve would have supported Kerry?...stem cell research is important and we shouldn't let Christian theatre dictate it otherwise...and no, having the latest U2 album on an iPod doesn't make me want to buy it...but trying to get a free one is a different story...what a gloomy day, it's time for the commute home I think.

abigail whups it up

check out the new trailer from Blade Trinity pretty nifty...and speaking of nifty and funny stuff, did you see the Bush and OBGYN love news clip?...now that's disturbing.


more cannon fodder to the "I don't believe the polls" idea

Apparantly, cnn.com was busted for pushing old ass polls...argh, how annoying our "liberal" media is...that's why I go for indymedia.org to some degree and/or rely more on internet independent sources...I don't think our media should be owned by corporations that they're supposed to be policing...america, the land of the dollar.

yeah now I'm an ad whore

well not really but I figured I'd throw in the adSense account that I'm using for Smother.Net to generate a few more nickels...literally nickels!...to help support Smother.Net (I'm up for hosting renewal and with bandwidth and everything else it's practically $500 annually which ain't cheap...so feel free to click away and help support me, or don't and see if I care! argh!...to make this post a tad more exciting, check out www.musicplasma.com...it's pretty neat, enter a band and you'll see a bunch of listings for other bands that somehow relate...enter "Skinny Puppy" for example and you'll see relationships towards other SP-related bands like Download or The Tear Garden...work is kicking my butt today--we're interviewing people for the position I mentioned previously...tonight is my Stats class...get to turn in my take-home test, hopefully I did well on it, I think I did but it's multiple choice which means I could have done something the wrong "right" way and gotten an answer that she was trying to be tricky about...ie. not using replacement when doing probabilities and the like...

scare away the real evil this halloween

No not by listening to Helloween but by carving up your jack-o-lantern in the shape of an anti-Dubya pumpkin


I love bees?

this just sounds really weird, an alternate reality game that's just totally out there called I Love Bees...humans, we're such losers aren't we?...

who's a pirate? who's got an eyepatch?

while I typically agree with this sentiment, I must say I too, found pirates and emperors quite amusing and hitting of the spot...and I must say that I'm pissed for missing, Jon Stewart on Crossfire...sonofabitch!...he calls Tucker a dick! now that's funny.

bush killed superman

watch out Marty McFly Bush is gonna come after you next...per, boing boing...so this weekend was fun, it was nice to have a three-day weekend...got a lot of shit done on Friday, including seeing Team America...saturday evening I had to go with the wife to her great aunt's 50th wedding anniversary...50 years! that's just nuts!...some dude in line to get some food talked about how he was almost at 30 and I said, shoot I've only been married about a year and a half...heck, I still have the wedding vows I wrote in my wallet (so does my wife!)...we pulled them out and re-read them it was pretty neat...so when you go to something that's casual yet semi-formal would you wear a bright pink outfit with f-me boots and fishnet stockings? well someone did (she looked about 30 and was accompanying a man almost double her age! ack! call Springer!)...so that was fun...I didn't miss much work apparantly though I do have some stuff I need to catch up on...also did a shitload of reviews this weekend and enjoyed the Red Sox and Redskins wins though it looks like both my fantasy football teams will lose baring some sort of miracle tonight on Monday night football...blah, I'm ready to go home already!


and michael moore responds

to the lame attacks Republicans flung to him about him giving out ramen noodles and underwear to young people to encourage them to vote (note: it's illegal if you pay them to vote for a particular candidate!)...I like what he has to say...

was it ironicy?

was Bush trying his damnest to be clever or ironic or just downright sleazy when he said, and I quote:

"In all due respect, I'm not so sure it - it's credible to quote leading news organizations about - oh, never mind. Anyway, let me quote the Lewin Report."

but was he referring to CBS or Fox News...somehow I think the former rather than the later, though one makes a helluva lot more sense...but some people don't feel so good about what the Lewin Report suggests and of course as it is, Mr. Bush citing the Lewin Report anyways is just utterly ironic...what a turd...

and yeah, I guess I'll be resigned to be a Cheesehead for a day eh?...sigh

the big beatdown song to end all beatdown songs

check the rapture index to see how close we're getting to "The End Days"...ah the frustration.

the evil empire vs. the last of the debates

well the evil empire won a heartbreaker while kerry won the third and final debate though I will say it was a bit closer...before the debate me and the wife watched another hair-raising episode of Lost (gotta say that this post about them possibly being dead would be interesting if done the right way but it's that type of island mentality that's allowing our nation to succumb to covert Orwellian warfare...while we are resigned to hope that things like Operation: Snowbird work...efforts that under normal circumstances I would be truly offended at but now am resigned to simple cheerleading all because of one of the most evil men the world has ever known...


bush must lose!

so some dude from bucknell university has put together a great wrath of anti-bush and comical genius sites...namely offroaddieselengineemissions.com and even better, youforgotpoland.com...which of course decided to say they were going to remove most of their troops in '05...that on the relative heels of saying their troops weren't going to be in the high risk sections anyways...I mean how pathetic of an international coalition is it when the UK is followed by Poland!? especially a country whose own Prime Minister said this...and meanwhile some morons rattle tattle onwards about how great it is despite:

"This coalition was predictably criticised, particularly by the anti-American Left, as coercive, unilateral and unrepresentative"

oh how lame we are...but I'm sorry the original white house press briefing on the subject was sufficiently lame...I mean any way you draw it up...I guess they did it alphabetically to make it seem like there was a lot of great countries to choose from...but more and more have left what little help they provided in the first place...and the masses are realizing that the myth was just that...just more vaporware from a president whose substance is as substantial as vapor...but "it's hard work"...really, hard

why is it that my Chinese co-workers spit so much?

phlegm ( P ) Pronunciation Key (flm)
1. Thick, sticky, stringy mucus secreted by the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, as during a cold or other respiratory infection.
2. One of the four humors of ancient and medieval physiology, thought to cause sluggishness, apathy, and evenness of temper.
3. Sluggishness of temperament.
4. Calm self-possession; equanimity.

I know that I'm not alone in my utter disdain and disgust at the practice some I work with choose to do in the bathroom sinks (and occasionally in the kitchen sink my whole floor shares) is it cultural?...perhaps...but it's no less fucking nasty...the Chinese were having a problem with it due to SARS in fact...perhaps I should spit so I can lay claim to my own sense of calm self-possession...or something...in other and completely unrelated news, I wonder if Bush will invoke the mass graves argument again tonight...mass graves != weapons of mass destruction

thankfully Bush is trying to make us safer

but if he fails to win and that crazy liberal from Massachusetts who will you know, like let all the terrorists come in the country and get on welfare and abort their kids somehow wins from some sort of ketchup miracle, then I guess I'll have to go ahead and buy myself a quantum sleeper...cuz you just can't be paranoid enough...(after all they want to kill YOU, even the YOUs in Wyoming!)...

pro-life means anti-death penalty

see you can't have it both ways...it is ironic that some of the arguments made against the death penalty for juveniles this morning on cspan radio were some of the same arguments made by the anti-choicers (just for the record I'm anti-death penalty and pro-choice)...guess the difference is that we're choicing to kill someone imagining that humans are infallible and didn't make a mistake during the trial or collection of evidence, etc...I sent out an invite for a gmail account to my co-worker and I have 5 invites left if anyone would like to have one just let me know...today hopefully will shape up to be a productive day...I was nominated by our VP to be on some select group to come up with product ideas for our company...that's pretty nifty I think, hopefully marketing will listen :) actually I think they will in this case since they initiated the request...argh the boston game last night was quite frustrating...argh I hate the yankees...DAMN YANKEES! (that must be what the play is about right-o?)...the new Bury Your Dead album was sent to me from Victory Records...it's funny every song title is named after a Tom Cruise movie...here's the tracklisting:


1 Top Gun
2 Vanilla Sky
3 Mission: Impossible
4 Eyes Wide Shut
5 Magnolia
6 The Outsiders
7 Mission: Impossible 2
8 The Color Of Money
9 Risky Business
10 Legend
11 All The Right Moves
12 Losin' It.

too funny...especially for a hardcore band...so the last debate is tonight...will Bush tell more of the same lies??? of course...while of course Bush will be struggling to defend his poor record on jobs and the economy and speaking of that John Edwards weighed in on Bush's lump/wire last night on Leno...I like how he dissed Bush for being a cheerleader, now that's enter-fucking-political-tainment...so ask your questions of Bush and ask them of Kerry but in the end, we all know who the big liar is...well hey, maybe someone at the FTC will get off their ass and do something about spyware...chew on that while you look at how the war has affected YOUR state...maybe it'll wake the masses up from their loud loud snore of dumb ignorance...


how does your language rank?

on the big ole chart of programming love?

even the wall street journal has started to wake up (sort of)

maybe it's the high oil prices or the fact that one of their reporters is starting to see the big picture of death...but sadly they're still in almost entire utter denial and will continue the coup...but in a society bent on the raging destruction of common fucking decency (pun intended) should it really be that much of an eye-gouging, groin-pulling surprise?

more than meets the I

now you can make Transformers out of Adobe PDF's...now if that's not crafty I dunno what is...and if you don't think so, I'll bitch slap yo momma...and I realized what's causing the Redskins to suck...it's the muscle relaxers in the Gatorade man...and I swear my best friend from high school did this same dance at one of my new year's eve's parties...glorified in VHS land forever!...

you can't have your whip cream and wear it too

The Parents Television Council filed a complaint against Fox for their ridiculous "Married By America" stunt involving whip cream being licked off of someone's body...seriously though, if a parent is allowing their children to watch stupid ass shows like that in the first place they should be sent to an asylum...what's funny is that this is America folks, this is what we watch, what we want to watch, and what the networks want to give us to watch...the puritanical society that America so dearfully clings to (while watching hardcore porn, going to strip clubs, gambling, etc. behind closed doors) is slowly losing out...gasping for air...honestly I couldn't give one little fuck for Fox's programming or weep for their fines but I've never enjoyed the stoic Parents Television Council's (as if they're not just another conservative censor group) attempt at controlling our airwaves...their argument is one so ridiculously faulted--that children could see something bad LIKE A NIPPLE!--that it's not even worthy the laughter that it ensues...after all, if you don't want your kid to watch it, then don't let them...it IS that simple...

new iPod is coming out

So there's this new fangled fancy pants iPod coming out...it's got all the bells and whistles and more...of course you can get an iPod for free still...but who's counting?...

the scum of the bottom is looking even better today

When cybersquatting becomes the newest front in scum bag politics you know that your job as an IT dude looks worse than a maggot farmer...


this or that?

this or that? loop is funny...and reminds me that I played with my turntables this weekend which was fun...but not as fun as this fashion...though, t-shirts that suck are pretty rad too.

superman can't die!

at only 52, Superman is dead...the kryptonite of religious zealots who feel that fetal stem cells that AREN'T going to be used anyways should not be used for research because it's LIFE!...what's that there's no reasonable doubt that your black and retarded and killed someone in Texas? FRY HIM...who needs DNA evidence...we're infallible humans!...speaking of religious stupidity I went to a baptism (my first!) this weekend and listened as a condescending priest told me that most people will go to hell but you can prevent that if you go to church once a week on sunday (but saturday night counts too!)...also handy was the Voter's Guide available in English and Spanish...it gave us the five infallible "issues" that all good Christian voters must vote Christianly to:

  1. Abortion

  2. Euthanasia

  3. Embryonic Stem Cell Research

  4. Human Cloning

  5. Homosexual "Marriage"

Isn't that just precious? so in other words the Catholic Church officially sanctioned Christopher Reeve's death...Note that the war in Iraq which the Pope himself said was immoral and unjust doesn't appear in the bulleted list...but Christopher Reeve isn't the only dude whose limbs were useless that was rad...and that's not the only tragic death of the day...the great third baseman Ken Caminiti also died...at 41...did I mention, I hate the Redskins? but the Rams...whoa baby what a comeback!


wite boy for jesus

this dude is a freakazoid...I mean, who else could get board shorts at an Old Navy wicked sweet sale...just read this profile and connect you motherfuckers:

"Devoted disciple of Jesus Christ. 5'11, fit, 170lbs., Blonde and blue. I'm intresting, fun, honest and careing. Enjoys basketball, all kinds of sports, and jammin'/coolin' out the sax, yet treasures the special, quiet moments with the lady. If your looking for a good guy that knows how to have a good time... connect with me. Rice "

dude I wish I was careing [sic] too but unfortunately I do not care. really.

so it's Friday

and it's good to be in DC though if you had some good old fashioned Heavy Metal Belly Dancers that would make your next bachelor's party super-excellent...but if you could have it at The Ryugyong Hotel it'd be even more essential. but what's more essential than the new Pig Destroyer album? I mean the cover alone:

Pig Destroyer or tit Destroyer?

like fo' real? so who's watching the debates tonight? it's a tough call...debates or baseball...actually it'll be Debates...no way will the wife let me get away with it...but it's totally 40oz night!...what a week of annoyances and a weekend that should hopefully be fun (my first Christening--seriously what the hell is that!?!) and then like a party after that and hopefully Team America sneak preview but ONLY if I get outta the party early enough which is doubtful...

ooooh jetgroove is doing bad stuff

so it appears that jetgroove.com is yet another in a soon-to-be-long thread of seemingly "legal" download stores that are in fact illegal...so I got this forwarded email from some of my label buddies:

From: "Vinny Troia - Curvve"
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 18:57:29 -0400
To: "'Vinny Troia - Curvve'"

These guys are out of their minds. There is a TON of illegal MP3s on this website. In fact, everything on this website is probably illegal.


That link will do a search for ‘Troia’ – look at what comes up! Everything they are selling is ILLEGALL! They even selling my mix cds on there!

If my tracks are on there then yours probably are, too! Spread this around and help it get taken down!

Vinny Troia
Curvve Recordings

I myself went there and noticed that they were selling Engima's classic "Mcmxc AD" album which was on Virgin Records who I doubt allowed them to sell it...so why did I search for that band in particular?...I don't know it's an Enigma wrapped in a riddle...yes that was a J-Sin joke...

bush as isolationist

this was kind of interesting too

of course I'm a douche bag

I mean, of course...of course, there's less jobs than expected...of course the Republicans care about hate crimes...of course, there were WMDs with a 45 minute capability...of course you should be scared of being sick and REALLY scared for our little bastards...of course Afghan women have it great...and of course we should lock up any drug abuser and throw away the key...of course the corporations deserve a tax cut...and of course it was hatfill but not the actual scientist (Lt. Col. Philip Zack) that accessed the same lab without proper authorization and of course there will be less terror in Israel without Saddam, I mean of course...

"I ain't got time to bleed"

you can be a bad-ass too and have a chain gun...looks like I'll be trying to go see the sneak preview tomorrow night...whoohoo!

ask delay to step down

the House Ethics committee in my opinion has not done their job in reprimanding DeLay for his massive abuse of the public trust...please join me in asking delay to step down...besides, he's a douche bag.


bush already won! wow!

apparantly some news sources are already calling the election for bush and it's not the funny stuff like you'd think, while some say that the workings are in place for a good steal...

are you looking for a web developer job?

and are in the Northern VA area (we probably won't pay re-location fees)?? do you got skillz? do you want to work on a [fill-in-the-blank-with-snazzy-buzz-words] team and environment? hey what can I say, I'd love to get some $$$ for a reference!...well here's what we're looking for:

We are seeking a Web developer with strong experience in HTML coding and Website creation. Must be familiar with HTML, CSS, UNIX, cross browser compatibility, and be willing to work within a multi-tier java-based e-commerce website.
Experience with PHP, SQL, JavaScript a strong plus.

Candidate must have strong communication skills, excellent people skills and be able to work in a team environment. Work responsibilities will include participation in the requirements/analysis phase of new projects, translation of requirements to use cases, review of User Interface design and Copy, development of web pages for new projects, and troubleshooting production problems and occasional support of production releases. Work is detail oriented and dynamic. Ability to adapt to new business directives is a must.

• 2+ years experience with HTML/DHTML
• Proven ability to hand-code and debug content in the required languages
• 1+ years experience with dynamic, template-based web development
• Familiarity with a Change Manangement software such as CVS/PCVS or others
• 1+ years of experience with JavaScript
• Understanding of CSS (at least 2 years)
• Ability to work quickly and meet tight deadlines
• Self-starter, highly motivated, works independently
• Ability to multi-task and prioritize deadlines
• Ability to think creatively
• Pluses: Perl, JSP, XML/XSLT.

bathroom woes

most of us have a tad of brevity when it comes to the work bathroom crazies...I admittedly have some issues as well but never fear, the sound princess is here!...now you can read all about how it was a smaller plane not a boeing that hit the pentagon...course you can't watch the video in the stall...yet. so POOT! away

is your mom retarded?

and voting for Bush? well send her ass over here and convince your mom that Bush sucks and plenty in Florida do not like him either.

for those ipod nerds out there

iPod and Bose have partnered for a gushing experience in sound...annoying interland is having more issues with their mail servers...easy to fix if they just recycle the mail server but no....it'll take their fucking NOC at least 5 hours...argh!...very annoying...perhaps I should pee in the snow and send it to them!

har mar superstar

the next big coolest thing in music will be none other than Har Mar Superstar!...I linked to one of his audio streams a while back...yes he's british, yes he's ugly but go figure...hey I was right about Keane right?...damn skippy...anyways he doesn't look like he'd be playing awesome funky music along the lines of Jamiroquai with a touch of electronica, soul, R&B, and even a bit of hip-hop on one song...rad....you um, heard it here first or something.


get your java search on

you can always find some code snippets quick with this new search engine...wicked!

republicans want to arrest michael moore over underwear

wow. they just stupify me. completely. that's right the republicans want to arrest michael moore...though their hero limbaugh does drugs, they think that michael moore is the anti-christ...here's the dilly:

You may have heard by now that the Michigan Republican Party has called for my arrest. That's right. They literally want me brought up on charges -- and hope that I'm locked up.

No, I'm not kidding. The Republican Party, yesterday, filed a criminal complaint with the prosecutors in each of the counties where I spoke last week in Michigan.

My crime? Clean underwear for anyone who will vote in the upcoming election.

Each night on our 60-city "Slacker Uprising Tour" through the 20 battleground states, I've been registering hundreds (and on some nights, thousands) of voters at my arena and stadium events. I then ask for everyone over 23 who has never voted (or didn't vote in the last election) to stand up. I tell these slackers that I understand and respect why they think politicians are not worth the bother. I tell them that I may have been the original slacker, and that I do not want them to change their slacker ways. Keep sleeping 'til noon! Keep drinking beer! Stay on the sofa and watch as much TV as possible! But, please, just for me, on 11/2, I want you to leave the house and give voting a try -- just this once. The stakes this time are just too high.

If they promise me that they'll do this, I give the guys a 3-pack of new Fruit of the Loom underwear, and the women get a day's supply of Ramen noodles, the sustenance of slackers everywhere.

I then close by having them repeat the 2004 Slacker Oath: "Pick nose! Pick butt! Pick Kerry."

It seems to have worked, as each night the volunteer tables are swamped afterwards with hundreds of new and young voters signing up to campaign for regime change for the next four weeks.

The satire of all this seems to have been lost on the Republicans. Or maybe it hasn't. The state of Michigan (where we spent most of last week) reported that over 100,000 young people recently registered to vote, a record that no one saw coming. The Slacker Tour has turned into a huge steamroller with a momentum all its own.

So, the Republican Party, to show their gratitude that so many young people will now be involved in our system, has demanded that I be sent to jail for trying to "bribe" students to vote.

Of course, this would be quite laughable if they weren't so serious about their charges. But they are. I may soon be a wanted man in Michigan -- simply because I convinced a few slackers to change their underwear and eat a healthy meal of artificially flavored noodles.

I thought I'd seen it all this year -- Disney refusing to distribute the film they paid for, right-wingers harassing theater owners who showed "Fahrenheit 9/11," conservative action groups trying to get the FEC to kick our film ads off the air, the unnecessary restrictive R-rating that forced teenagers to sneak in to see it, and all the stupid, crazy attacks on me and my movie that I've had to listen to as I watched the public ignore them and pack the movie houses anyway, where my film was being shown. And when all that failed, five different Republican groups made five different attack dog tapes (oops, "documentaries"!) against me in a period of about six weeks. But they were all so bad, so boring, so right-wing, no one wanted to watch them and they too went away, a sad waste of good videotape.

Now, after enduring all this, with no tricks left in their bag, they've just decided, "Let's toss his sorry ass behind bars -- him and his noodles and his gift of clean underwear!"

My friends, they will not catch me. Though I may be on the run, and I may never be able to return home to my beloved Michigan, I make this solemn vow to you and yours: The slackers of America shall not be denied their noodles, they will proudly wear their clean underwear as free Americans, and they will vote Bush out of office come November 2nd (though they will not show up to the polls until well after noon)!

Stay strong, stay slacker, and please remember to turn the underwear inside out every three days. As for the noodles, add boiling water, stir.


Michael Moore

P.S. My favorite moment of the VP debate: Cheney saying to the moderator that this was the first he heard that that many black women in America had AIDS. Clueless. Cheney, for an entire 90-minutes, only mentioned Bush's name -- that's his running mate, the "president" -- once. They should have called this the "President (Cheney) -- Vice President (Edwards) Debate."

P.P.S. Tomorrow's letter, as promised for today, will be about my new book, "Will They Ever Trust Us Again?: Letters from the War Zone." And thanks, everyone, for sending "Fahrenheit 9/11" on its first day to #1 on Amazon. If you find that your store didn't order enough copies, or to report other problems, please e-mail Sony Home video at HeySony@michaelmoore.com.

keep 'merica scared

the GOP scaring the poop outta ya...weak dude. totally weak dude.

israeli spy probe

maggot hammer pointed out to me that one source I had quoted is of ill repute...can't say I 100% disagree with him (it's probably more like 50-50)...however the conservative anti-war article stating that ashcroft is halting arrests which quoted the new york sun article about how ashcroft just wants to make stuff nice and sensitive (wouldn't want to piss off the Moussad now would we?)...of course Bush aides knew about a leak for years and sat on it...a probe that has a history of around 30 years...which makes me wonder how much the late robert maxwell (while the mirror may not be the best news source in the world, this book is and is a great read) and perhaps the late Senator John Tower...it's truly ironic how many people involved just "died accidentally"...oh jeez now I'm going to be labeled a conspiracy theoriest...fuck.

cheney eats children with A1 sauce

I'm absolutely convinced he eats children...and not white children mind...not that trailer crackers that drink beer and watch football on the sabbath while beating their wives and young'ins crackers but children of race...I'm absolutely convinced he's on the Cheney Diet with A1 sauce to boot...carbs made entirely of children...grounds up their bones and tendons for his dogs while eating the little vittles for himself and throwing the scraps at his lesbian daughter while saying she can eat it but only after it's been cast on the floor...but hey, at least he doesn't have someone whispering in his ear like the devil telling what havoc to wreck now...and sadly Cheney didn't consume one on live TV last night...however he lied a-plenty and gave no respect...


Help Mom! There's Liberal Under My Bed!

ok, the conservatives have officially lost it when they release a "children's book" entitled Help Mom! There's Liberals Under My Bed!...as this summary points out...these people are utter and without a single doubt, totally fucked...to the nth degree...

new video is cool

the new eminem video that is...he makes fun of all sorts of stuff...funny that paris hilton is in it too...he busts on justin timberlake, michael jackson (his nose fell off and kids are jumping on the bed!), among many others...good stuff..

team america ring tones

so now you can get your team america cell phone ring tones/downloads so that you can be the coolest cat to hit the street in a long time...similiarly the florida ballot is out hahaha


supersize yourself

rented Supersize Me over the weekend and checked it out...be sure to read my feelings on the movie...I thought it was great and it definitely is making me not want to touch fast food in a long time or ever...I'll just think about those fries lasting 10 weeks any time I get a craving...YUCK!...also went to see my boss's band on saturday night at Bangkok Blues in Falls Church...it was a great show...should have brought my LaserVibe though!...a little girl was very cute and dancing on the dance floor as we all cracked up...a couple other co-workers showed up and got to meet [not beat like I previously had posted] my wife...rad...was quite disappointed in yet another Redskins failure but hey at least my Braves are going to the post-season! and I'll enjoy watching the Boston series and rooting against the Yankees...whoohoo!...also I watched the new Drew Barrymore documentary about the importance of voting...while the documentary was pretty good, boy is she a bit slow...it really makes me sad how many of the youth feel completely disengaged...argh, get off your asses and do something about it!...I was slightly pro-active when I was younger (till I found about the glories of beer that is)...and I was totally excited to vote for the first time--I got to vote for Clinton!...


but what's disturbing is...

that our consumer software and hardware has technology built inside it that you don't know about...what's the next thing? built in spying software into PC chat tools?...that's some bullshit.

post-college disillusionment vs. post-college debate theory

so college is filled with a different life style than what you had assumed but did you really think your college debate team years [which were no doubt drunken hazings] would translate into success?? what you stumbled over on lame college debate teams would translate into some fangled undistorted shoe tie? that's just crazy talk...bush stumbled and looked like he was loosely associated with reality...meanwhile I thought kerry did an excellent job, especially when he described his position on Iraq...I thought he was distinct and succinct which with kerry is certainly an achievement...of course the retard-o-wingers are already saying the mantra of "wrong war wrong time wrong place" or whatever...etc...just could they be less annoying about it?

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