taste it! J-Sin's musings...


a totally raw cop-out

the snow came and sort of did, and kept sort-of-coming all day and evening long...my wife since she's essential (in more than just work I'll have you know!) had to stay in a DC hotel so she could come in to work tomorrow morning...overkill? maybe...but it was nasty here after 7pm or so and still looks sick outside...so since I was alone I decided to fill on some WWE Raw...wow....nothing's changed since I used to watch that show all the time back in the day...blah blah, drama, more drama, insert predictable nonsense here, drama, washed out wrestler has to wrestle big-time wrestler (talk of Ric Flair fighting the big contender Batista and Stone Cold being "back" at Wrestlemania) here and there...the guys that are the bad guys are just silly stupid, the good guys are just slightly less dumb...and to finish it off...a "street" match between Edge and Shawn Michaels (dude how is HE still around?!?)...Shawn tries to put Edge over by hitting him into a folded chair which MIchaels doesn't hit right but still manages to bust open his forehead...it's funny though, don't you love how the ring is apparantly the center of all misplaced wrestling weaponry?...seriously they pulled out kendo sticks, chairs, ladders, trash cans, etc...out from under the ring...a ring that's surrounded by seats so you know it's no accident...but I watched it nonetheless as Kurt Angles comes out busting down...he's funny...but what can I say? after all that I have no regrets...

awesome pulp fiction figures

wow, it doesn't get much cooler than acting out your favorite scene from Pulp Fiction, with your very own Pulp Fiction GeOms...

these people need to get a life

seriously, the PTC is no longer allowed to complain about anything until they remove their heads from their asses...

get a firewall! patch this!

first off, check out how Putin issues a funny beatdown song

and then read this idiotic story about dumb "net users"...sorry folks, it's not that you have to be a "savvy" computer person to avoid worms and virii, you just SHOULDN'T OPEN ATTACHMENTS!...or let's see go to bad websites...it's not whiz-bang magic...it's common sense...

hasan chop!

Sunday afternoon I watched my tivo'ed copy of HBO's latest boxing adventure with Miguel Cotto coming out on top (yeah!)...that fat bastard kicked Chop Chop (aka Slipknot)'s ass and then the dumbass ref stopped the fight early but as East Side Boxing tells it there was plenty more to be excited about...all in all another great fight...I'm starting to feel spoiled with such good and entertaining bouts...today was supposed to welcome us with a huge snowstorm that has yet to greet its ugly head...hopefully we don't get too much or it all goes away by the time it's time for me to leave to go home...I don't want my wife to have to stay up in DC in a hotel...that would suck...


more yawns

this opinion letter to the Boston Globe claims that evolution and creationims don't clash and glamorizes the overall truth of the matter...there's nothing wrong with believing in some higher force that helped bolster the Big Bang along but as is pointed out here there are plenty of reasons not to fall into the engulfing trap of so-called Intelligent Design--a methodology of inaccurrate sciences that attempts to encapsulate people's religious faith within the confines of evolutionary evidence that cannot be ignored...

but I do believe that god or some higher force created Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper...for this is surely the elixir of the gods!

the new sameness is just the old sameness

while the story about the McMansions and their inhabihants in Prince William and Loundon Counties was interesting it just goes to show you that ultimately many Americans really just strive for the togetherness of not being different...personally I couldn't handle this much social engineering especially since I value my privacy (and I hate people)...but the underlining fakeness of the whole thing is something I just couldn't shake off...these gated communities--whether real or just for show--make me sick, it's as if it was all ripped straight from Stepford and molded into some lame new age fitting-in thing...hmm, maybe I'm just annoyed that I highly doubt I could put out a newsletter that states, "Do you enjoy drinking 40oz's in brown paper bags? I'm starting a 40oz appreciation day..." either that or I'm just nervous that I got a spam mail whose subject line read :

"Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia"

which of course urged me to contact some drugstore related to an "exclusive on1ine phharmacy", must be pretty damn exclusive if you spell "online" with a 1

last night was fun...our homemade pizzas turned out great and were very filling since one of the girls last night was a freshman when I was a senior at the greatest high school on Planet Earth known as Sherando (sarcasm is indeed very sharp this morning) I had to wipe out my senior yearbook...it's weird to look at those things remembering all the funny catch phrases of the day (the days of "taste it" lay to our future because back then it was all "four?" and "I got twenty bucks") and all the forgotten promises to "K.I.T." and more wittiness than you could shake a sharpened stick at...so after all that nonsense we went out to play some pool and see some live music...Pete Schmidt was really good, but seriously Sharpshooters in Manassas is a fucking hole...I went to the bathroom (which was on the second floor past the trophy case with shot glasses) and shuttered as I listened to two rednecks converse about the age of the water heater and the state of the shower (yes you read that right) that was next to the stall I was peeing in (of course there was no door nor toilet paper for said stall), the conversation went something like this:

Redneck 1: "Goddamn, fucking kids must been in here, there's fucking paper towels stuffed in the pisser" (referring to the clogged up urinal)
Redneck 2: "Fucking a, that's one fucking old water heater..."
Redneck 1: "Yeah must be near fucking 30 years old, they don't make them like that no more."
Redneck 2: "Yeah I would have given you at least 20 years, shit reminds me of that fucking house I bought in Madison County, fucker lied to me and said it was only 12 years old, course that was in the fucking '80's"
Redneck 1: "Whoo, Madison County--nice."
Redneck 2: "Yeah but that water heater is fucking 30 years old at least. That shower's fucking dirty too. "
Redneck 1: "Yeah this place is going downhill fast, too many fucking goddamn kids..."

but pool was fun as was commenting on the plethora of funny rednecks, girls with big fat midriffs that were exposed in clothes not intended for their decidedly unattractive bodies, and of course the singer in the "main" band who looked like Kyle from the Real World and was wearing an official Sharpshooters t-shirt...his band later went onto cover such hits by Sublime and Counting Crows as I shook my head and realized that '96 was never going to let us go...


a retouching

I decided to touch up my blog here a bit and put in my own template...hope you like it...and yes those are real blood stains from a real crime scene...and yes that's a real blood spill also from a real crime scene...what can I say? I hate the crip's and I'm a true blood at heart...booyakasha!...tonight we're going to see Pete Schmidt at Sharpshooters in manassas and play some pool with some friends...they're coming over early and we're going to have some hand-made pizza...yummy!...we watched "The Holy Grail" by Monty Python last night which neither of us had seen in its entirety...it was quite funny...this morning I drafted a yahoo fantasy baseball team, which I thusly dubbed Team America...hells yeah...I'm excited for baseball to start up again...anyways I should go and help the wife clean up and prepare food as we wait for our pizza dough to rise...booya...

stop virginia from going nuclear

yes Dominion would like to build a big nuclear reactor near Lake Anna in Virginia...uh, no...no more three mile island's please...so please take some time out of your busy day and sign this petition...


you're an ashcroft!

Apparantly some wise-asses, decided to overdub the word "asshole" on an in-flight version of the movie Sideways with a synonym, "Ashcroft"--of course referring to our former Attorney General who thought that dancing was the devil's play...and who of course lost to a deadman

also to note in that particular Washington Post article was that James Guckert's alter-ego the Hot Military Stud himself, Jeff Gannon is trying to exploit himself and his own infamy by attempting to line-up paid speaking gigs and gain admission to another place where he doesn't belong, namely the coveted, White House Correspondents' Association Dinner (you know where Bush always makes jokes, ok so that's entirely different from most of his "press conferences")...but if he does gain entry, what will be his name? And will he sit next to whoever his lover, White House insider buddy is?!?

time for car-work...

(don't) let it snow

ugh so as if last night's weird car trouble thing wasn't bad enough, I awaken after fits of crappy sleep to crappy white stuff all over the place, and closings and predictations of doom and gloom and inches upon inches of snow...so yeah last night my stupid engine coolant light keeps flickering on and off...great, just when my car's about to be paid off, too...ARGH!...so I have to see if I can get my car into the shop soon...then we top it off with a big crappy snow storm...heard some dude in my neighborhood sliding about...I swear people suck when driving in bad weather...boo...all signs point to me working from home today...


so jeff's out of not just the closet

but also talon news who issued a groveling belly-ache of a resignation for Jeff Gannon aka Hot Military Stud...our liberal patriots friends point out how talon news also put a username/password for all their archived news (gee I wonder why?)...it's funny when this kind of thing happens...

now on a more personal side:

Last night I received an automated "political poll" phone call from some unnamed institution or polling agency who quickly spit out their phone number at the end of the message after asking me in confusing doublespeak whether I'd rather pay higher taxes or not, what Virginia should do with its massive budget surplus (they seemed to indicate, lowering taxes, another obvious Republican lame tactic), and also whether we should protect marriage from gays, also said in a doublespeak way in which you're inclined to answer a particular way as they derive meaning from it...of course my answers probably didn't work for their "study" but what was most devious, was not only the intrusiveness or the blatant statistical baiting BUT the fact that they indeed phreak'ed a phone number that wasn't what they were calling from but was indeed a local number of some poor lady who told me she had been blanketed with calls of people bitching about getting these phone calls from her...she said "yeah there's something wrong with verizon", in which led me to respond with, "no there's an organization that's spoofing YOUR phone number so it shows up on caller ID as a local number so that people will be more inclined to answer the phone", then they barrage you with hideous political propaganda that the Swifties would just revel in...but what that dumbass organization doesn't realize is that they called the wrong liberal bastard, and I'll be reporting them to the FTC and to my local Virginia Senator...of course he won't care since he's a thousand year old republican good-old-boy, but nonetheless, what they did was illegal.

a contest for my wife to enter

I do believe, she'd love to be dubbed the World's Grilled Cheese Eating Champion...certainly wouldn't mind the competition

Head finds God

uh, what?...dude, I remember watching their first home video, absolutely freakin' hilarious where they're all drunk and drinking Coors Light like it's going out of style...now he's found god? guess he's all sinned out...weird.


the swift boat of retards attempt to strike again

obvious the AARP is not only communist, but pro-gay, I hear they also bash OLD PEOPLE...they hate 'em! they hate our country...they hate our troops, hell all of their member dues go straight to freakin' French wine, they employ people who go to hotels to steal all the Gideon bibles and also go to libraries to remove all references to freedom and democracy from all the dictionaries and encloypedia's!...yes, it's all true, if you begin to believe the latest ads the swift boat idiots are going to shove in our faces about social security...of course this first one was nothing more than a test to see how people would react but they'll come out with something not even close to tame to flame the AARP with, but the funny thing is, I'd like to bet that this will be their ultimate downfall...

now this is Brawny!

brawny to the freakin' exxXXTREEEEMMMEEEEEEE!

signed photo of Dom Deluise! you know you love Dom Deluise, star of such great movies as Cannonball Run, Spaceballs, The Muppet Movie, Smokey and the Bandit II, and Loose Cannons...

Dom Deluise

oh how cute, the Bush family photo album!

you'll smile as you see some of the great photos in the Bush family photo album...

drop the bomb?

apparantly plans to bomb Iran, are already underway, of course we just need to have Bush come out and say "9/11, terrorism, WMDs, Iran, nucluuuar, 9/11, 9/11, terrorists, rape rooms, evil doers"...and set the table for what they've already been set...this kind of confirms my suspicions when a friend of mine in the Navy said they're headed back there in ~6 months...the last time they were in the Gulf they were there to blow up Iraq, so this shouldn't come as much of a surprise...of course, this time they'll have all the secret agent men in there prior to cause havoc and find the good "non-soft" targets...but really what's up with our administration namely Dick Cheney? he thrusts all this support not to mention money towards Ahmed Chalabi who then turns around and sells us out to Iran only to probably be the front-runner for Iraqi prime minister though we're completely concerned about the new Iraqi regime being controlled by Iran...it's baffling and yet our media is relatively silent on the whole odd affair...gee where's some hostages and arms deals when you need 'em?


So now that the Shiites threw their support behind the interim VP what will Mr. Chalabi do now? perhaps spend those billions of dollars that went missing in the "rebuilding of Iraq" fund?

slingshot hip-hop

it seems that others are finally catching onto to slingshot hip-hop...one day, our friends at Microsoft will also find it in their hearts to explain hip-hop lingo as well...but they might not stoop to Bible hip-hop...I mean, "Baby Got Bible"? Sir Mix-a-Lot, how's that musical grave you're rolling about in?

parkway tic-tac-toe

I've noticed this before but didn't really give it much mind...but along the fairfax county parkway there are these giant (five feet long at least) gray X's that are too wide to be duct tape but look like they have the strength of the all-mighty duct tape nonetheless...anyways I kept looking for the O's in the big majestic game of tic-tac-toe but thus far haven't found one...


watch out marge!

so Patty was gay eh? not a huge surprise--after all everyone thought it'd be male and Lenny and Carl...but still it was somewhat a surprise...especially since it turned out Patty was going to marry a girl pretending to be a man...but what angered me was the stupid warning that came on before the show...I mean give me a break people...if you're so impressionable that you can't handle the simpsons poking fun at america's stupid obsession with horribly inaccurate intepretations of the Bible (which is just an excuse to continue throwing a veil--excuse the pun--over intolerance) then you shouldn't be watching the show at all...of course the retards at the PTC will and have weighed in on how awful it is...yes, because we should ALL just watch 7th Heaven right?...boo on that...wasn't it funny to hear (not really hear due to the church bell ringing) Marge go off on the Pastor? that was funny...the true irony was that on CSpan they were airing the Canadian Parliament's discussion of retaining rights for gay weddings...see their ruling party actually supports it! oh how refreshing...if only it wasn't so cold...

a sad day indeed

so I wake up and scour the headlines, to find that the great and legendary Hunter S. Thompson (author of "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" among many other great books and plenty of magazine articles) has committed suicide...BOO...the writing community as a whole shudders at the lose of the great man who invented gonzo journalism...double BOO.


I hate five bucks

I was finally able to really incorporate the best phrase in the world, "I hate five bucks", into a review...oh and I played music today, with OTHER PEOPLE...yes sir...it was fun...mr. reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed still is the premiere songcraftsman and carbomb is as good as ever...and the other jason was fun to play with again as well...should be interesting to see what direction it takes...too bad I totally suck at drums...man oh man was I out of practice...I'm gonna practice every couple of days so I get better...and I really need to reverse my drums so they don't face a wall...Mr. Five Bucks AIM'ed me and said he saw one of my old school friends at a Monolith show...I dunno about those guys...nipple rings?...weird...but whatever...I think it's cool that they haven't given it up or anything after all this time...can't say the same for any of the bands I've ever been a part of...for better or worse...so where's the big snow storm everyone was freakin' about? I don't see a single flake...so go and celebrate President's Day already!...some of my co-workers are in New York enjoying (I guess) the Gates exhibit...YAWN...actually, BIG YAWN...I wouldn't pay or go out of my way to see that...I mean if I was in New York already then yeah sure...but no way would I drive or ride a train or fly a plane up there...just for that...maybe if you couple it with other interesting things than it's all good...anyways I think it's time to play some Kyodai!

whoo good boxing and now good music

so last night I watched the fight, pretty much knowing who I thought would win...and surprise surprise, Jermain Taylor won and so did boxing legend Bernard Hopkins who after a rather dull beginning (no surprise there either if you've seen any of his fights) won a decision...the Jermain Taylor fight was stopped early by the ref after he unleashed a torrid display of fists on the so-called Haitian Sensation who was completely out-classed and out-boxed...but I do believe Jermain Taylor looks to be one hell of a fighter and I can't wait to see him go up against the defense specialist Bernard Hopkins if they're able to fight some time this year...of course a rematch of Felix Trinidad and Hopkins would also be welcome too...I also began to watch the newly released director's cut of one of my favorite movies, Donnie Darko...damn that movie is good...so today around noon I'll be jamming out with the bomber of cars, Mr. Carbomb and the former bassist of my former band for whom this blog is named after...I'm pretty excited even if I'm rustier than the rust belt at the old skins...we're supposed to do some music ala Texas is the Reason so that should be fun...and since my wife is working today she won't have to put up with any obnoxious outbursts of crappy percussion on my part...even though I went to bed at freakin' 2am I somehow woke up at my standard 7:30...UGH.


reason #1237879324 why I hate SUVs

and anything else that kills our environment, new research yet again proves that global warming is happening and yet there are still dildos out there that don't believe it...

also on this weekend's agenda

and partly why I'm not sure if I'm gonna go to see Liars Academy on Saturday is because that evening there's a great match-up with super-great-at-defending-his-title champ Bernard Hopkins...I'm quite excited...Bernard's getting old now and it may be time for that upset everyone's been waiting for...Eastman can knock back heads...I'm also excited to see the undercard, Jermain Taylor...that should be a good one too...

the gannon and thune connection

oh isn't it merry how sometimes the bloggers, strike back...very interesting...

forget the shoe, throw the chair!

it should have been a chair that was thrown at Richard Perle (or the book!) not just a shoe...

busy-esque weekend

this weekend is shaping up to be kind of busy for me...I have a crapload of reviews to write, I'm trying to get back into the work-out club (I even woke up at quarter till 6am and did a work-out this morning!)...I think Saturday I might go see Liars Academy at TT Reynolds in Fairfax...according to pheer they're playing with Off Transmission (ex. pg. 99) and The Hint...hmm, maybe, I'm not totally sure yet since I'd probably have to go by myself and I have a lot of work I want to do this weekend...also on the agenda (and you'll laugh at this)...must beat GTA: San Andreas! I'm currently at 73% complete and I'm not sure if I really want to bother with getting all the stupid races done, those are pretty tough (though I rarely try them)...but hey it's President's Day Weekend so I'll have plenty of time to fuck around...and I might be joining a band. fun!


i want to be in a band again

I would like to sing (preferrably) or play drums (just slightly preferrably) in any kind of band really...I'll do metal, hard rock, electronic, industrial, pretty much anything...well, I don't want to be in a cover band...but yeah I think I just might make a listing on craigslist that'll beg to be in a band again...but yeah, I have a PA...anyone reading this that would be interested in just jamming out with me, let me know...friends, former friends, whatever, I don't care...I just need a great release in the form of music...I think it's most definitely related to me ripping out some converge (old and new) and dillinger escape plan (ditto) and realizing how fucking wack my drum skills are and how they totally need to dominate, and then I went on a big trip about how much I was lunching on becoming a singer again...so yeah, leave a comment if you're interested...

music is super hot

is it music to your ears? or does it just burn?...you know like former Burn the Priest metal guys Lamb of God getting kick-banned from The Forum:

"Lamb of God has been banned from The Forum in Los Angeles. The owners of
the venue, The Faithful Central Bible Church, reportedly decided to ban
Lamb of God because of their name as well as their previous name, Burn the
Priest. Due to the ban, the band will be unable to perform on the L.A.
stop of the 'Subliminal Verses' tour with Slipknot and Shadows Fall."

and don't forget to register your vote for what megadeth should appear on their Greatest Hits, otherwise, your brain could get collected as it drains away on the daily show slash fiction...but is that really any better than, google bombing, google maps using dickhead robert novak?...I think not.

the liger's real!


a better "the gates"

after annoying one of katybeck's friends yesterday I figured I probably should post what kind of art I like...well, this is a refreshingly better taste of 'The Gates' so feel free to peruse my own lame art gallery that features artwork in my house...

the naked truth behind the blatant liars

it's funny when Jeff Gannon a guy who blatantly rips and bashes gays, turns out to be gay himself...the money paragraph is:

"This is the Conservative Republican Bush White House we're talking about. It's looking increasingly like they made a decision to allow a hooker to ask the President of the United States questions. They made a decision to give a man with an alias and no journalistic experience access to the West Wing of the White House on a "daily basis." They reportedly made a decision to give him - one of only six - access to documents, or information in those documents, that exposed a clandestine CIA operative. Say what you will about Monika Lewinsky - a tasteless episode, "inappropriate," whatever. Monika wasn't a gay prostitute running around the West Wing. What kind of leadership would let prostitutes roam the halls of the West Wing? What kind of war-time leadership can't find the same information that took bloggers only days to find?"

now let's note that this guy may have also been involved in the outing (excuse the pun) of Valerie Plame too...he deserves to get the big media smackdown for this heinous abuse of power...after all, why DID the white house let a person who had an alias go and ask questions of the President?!

beat the fischerspooner puzzle

because, you won't...

you park like suck

so let 'em know about it the shizz!


clear channel, schmear channel, want your propaganda? go to the DISH Network!

ah, oh friends of television, we now can raise the spectre of wonderous satellite propaganda everywhere once again! no longer reserved for those old school World War II posters, we can now lick our chops at the all-pentagon, all-the-time channel! check it out:

"DISH Network has just announced that under the guise of public interest programming it is adding to its broadcast lineup a 24/7 channel produced by the U.S. Department of Defense that previously was aimed only at U.S. military personnel.

Under U.S. law, the federal government is banned from producing propaganda aimed at influencing the American people. Despite this ban, the television channel which is one hundred percent controlled by the Pentagon, will beam highly produced daily news programs promoting the interests of the Pentagon and paid for by U.S. tax payers into millions of American homes."

I for one, signed the petition against this monstrosity.


so after a nice little hiatus from work I get to come back in, only to be interrupted in the middle of work by one of our famous and fun fucking fire alarms (TESTING)...for the past four months, every week we have a fucking fire alarm test as the stupid assholes build out the rest of the building...I swear, I think it's a way for our fellow tenants to try to kick us out of our building...ARGH!

uh, didn't they seem Terminator?

apparantly the Pentagon didn't...


CNN busted

oops, it appears, that CNN posted the same identical picture for a nuclear facility in North Korea as it did for a similar story about Iran....isn't it interesting? wonder who's supplying those satellite photos anyways? will war ever end?

get a black box and see the future!

now I thought this research was pretty compelling...the outliers of heads or tails chances are often rare and could be interpreted the way that the Global Conscienceness Project would like you to believe...I think this kind of research is direly important....

last night was awesome

I had a great time, eating, and everything else...it's good to be married and loving life...after all isn't that what's most important in life? forget all the materialistic nonsense that you can surround yourself with, forget the day-to-day struggles of stress, forget all the rest...you have companionship and love and honestly what more do you really need? we watched The Notebook when we came home and it was a really great movie and story...sure very romantic and all but I could like it and if a dickhole like me can like a romantic movie than anyone can!


2 years!

wow whee, I've been married for 2 whole years! it's awesome to think that I've found such a great person and that we get along so well and are so hopelessly in love...I took some time off of work to spend time with my wife...it's been great, even though we weren't able to actually go anywhere we've spent some time together and have realized how much we still are in love and are still finding out new things about one another...but all gushiness aside, there's a nifty plugin for firefox I have to check out

oh and did I mention that yesterday morning sucked ass? after my computer crashed due to a shitty driver for my HP scanner that was incompatiable with iTunes (huh? and yet more reasons why iTunes fucking tastes it) I had my mouse go kaput, so I had to travel to Best Buy only to find out that on the Sabbath they don't open until 11am! so I went to staples and got myself a good Microsoft mouse that's truly USB but has a plug-in on the end that adapts it for PS/2 ports...rad. and it's better than my old optical mouse anyways, so it wasn't all that bad of a day after all...Saturday found us celebrating my mother-in-law's birthday, while Friday I ran a shitload of errands and then wound up meeting up with the wife and hanging out--she went to see some sappy movie with her girls and ate at Cheesecake Factory...she was pretty wiped when she got home, as was I so we just stayed in that evening...Sunday we finalized our Opening Day at Yankee Stadium plans by booking our hotel and getting tickets to see the legendary Les Paul play...gnarly...tonight we go out to dinner and I took tomorrow off too so I don't have to worry about getting home late, heck maybe I'll be able to convince the wife to open that bottle of champagne she's had for about six months in our fridge! whoohooo, oh and I went to Barnes and Noble's and got the Baseball Encloypedia, so I can know truly who the best team was in the 1880s! go Hugh Duffy, it's your birfday...oh and did I mention that the Grammy's are dumb?


the tsnumai affects the metal world too

from Relapse Records:

"Vocalist, Mieszko Talarczyk, of Relapse Records recording artists NASUM has been officially been declared missing by the Swedish government. Mieszko and his girlfriend went to Thailand to spend the holidays. They left a few days before Christmas and were scheduled to return right after New Years Eve. They were staying in a bungalow at Phi Phi Island and when the tsunami came and swept the bungalow away, the two were separated. Mieszko's girlfriend was found injured has returned to Sweden.

Mieszko Talarczyk is among the more than 500 Swedes still missing in Thailand following the massive undersea earthquake measuring 8.7 on the Richter scale. An official list of the dead and the missing was published in the February 9th edition of the Swedish daily newspaper Aftonbladet and can be viewed online here.

The Relapse family is very saddened by this tragedy. Mieszko is a legendary person, both in music and in character. Our sincerest condolences to his family, band-mates, and friends. "

I always thought that Nasum was a pretty good band...what a damn shame...


you think google maps is cool?

wait till you get a load of the nu-hackers, as they "hack" their way into your dumbass web-linked world

and some links stuff

as part of an organization I work with, I'm here to spam you with some links...

mudvayne media player (don't worry I'm not a fan)

Lost's episode guide (I love this show)

Pre-order Brothers in Arms (looks like a rad game)

sweeeeet, GOSH!

You are Napoleon Dyanamite and a buttload of gangs
are trying to recruit you.

Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


the bland super bowl still somehow offended people

oh give me a break...hmm, maybe I should be offended by the very obvious lighted cross of a stage that Sir Paul performed on...nice little subversive tactic to quell the lame idiots at the PTC who would prefer us to all watch Pat Robertson all day, every day...but yeah, here are the complaints on the '05 Super Bowl...ugh. allow me to ponder if they'd be holding the torches in Salem, Massachusetts?

oh canada

I finally figured out why so many of my site's visitors are from Canada, apparantly I'm listed on this site...wierd but since I wasn't seeing the referrer traffic it made it a very difficult thing to finally figure out...so AH-HA! now in the words of marketeers everywhere, "how to I monetize..." and yes I'm kidding.

dot the i

yet another sleepless and restless night as I awoke at 6am and finally dragged myself out of bed half an hour later...lame especially since I took the day off of work and should have been sleeping in...oh well, what can you do?...but for you my friends or lurkers or what-have-you, I present a trailer for a very intriguing movie that was an official selection at Sundance, a movie called dot the i...it looks pretty interesting, at first appearing to be a romantic movie but there's something much more sinister and surreal going on there...regardless today will be a day of errands and crossing my fingers that I don't need to go into work for any reason...blech, and I really don't like the fact that between Norton Internet "Security" and Windows Update, I've had three massive downloads for security patches...yawn, that just gets tiresomely lame.


voting in Ohio?

Voting in Saudi Arabia could easily be mistaken for '04 Ohio

could that have been Ohio just with the poor and minorities left out instead of the women left out in Saudi Arabia (one of our friends!)

civil rights attorney faces huge sentence

I think the verdict that was handed down to famous (or infamous depending on the way you look at her actions) civil rights attorney Lynne Stewart slightly unjustified, especially noting that the main charge stemmed from a statement that didn't really result in any "violence" and that she could be in jail until she's 95 (she's practically a retiree now!) but regardless, articles of this nature are compelling arguments to the later--which are clear and precise and while not 100% of agreable content, at least it wasn't some lame "but she helped THE TERRORISTS" argument...as something like this nonsense resorts to

another reason to move to seattle

apparantly they have mandated recycling!...that's awesome...I just wish our recycling people took paper too...

join me in bemoaning the utter lameness of the music industry

now it's come out that the Big Labels are spamming the net universe with their lame BS attempt to market their acts...no real surprise there actually...after all this is the same industry who cries about peer-to-peer networks while making huge profits and giving artists an even smaller share...I feel for the artists but organizations that are supposed to care like the RIAA actually don't...and I still remember when I tried to set up a FREE street team for the Deftones only to have Madonna's brother tell me that they had paid people to do that...gee, I wonder why Maverick had so many money problems!?!?


ah the moral liars strike again

and here's more reasons to not read the freerepublic.com's site or pay attention to conservatives who launch into nonsense about "moral values"...hypocrisy much?


get it, with your cedric...

sign Hillary's petition

and try and get all our votes properly counted...we can't spit out about democracy if we don't have a good one at home first...ya shizz

great new bumper sticker

Does Being Pro-Life End at Birth?

the miserable failures still lurk and quake

ohhh I think I'll bet a grand that Mr. Goldberg will never do anything worthwhile to humanity for the rest of his life...he's one sad human being I've bantered back and forth with...oooh he even threatened to "publish my e-mail so that all the NRO readers would hit me with email"...wow, threats like that just make me laugh at such a miserable failure of a paper and an editor...what an unbelievable waste...and did I mention his sick-o wife writes for an equal sick-o, the miserable failure of a human being known as John Ashcroft...wonder if she'll write for Mr. Torture Gonzales too?

so what exactly is conservative about $1.2 trillion?

really, honestly, oh right-wingers, oh supposed fiscal conservatives, oh false prophets of "less government", how precisely does this fall in your realm?...I hate to say I told you so, but I did! this is what happens when you let lobbyists enter the fray and help form legislation...it's as dumb as this Virginian law about low pants...


more oreo magic

Ben Cohen updates the Oreo explanation...

and more of candice michelle

gee, she (the godaddy girl) used to be a bikini model too...imagine that...more info on her official site and the definitely-not-work-safe-so-I'm-glad-I-didn't-click-on-it site...of course I think these suggestions would have been more effective

but hey at least I'm not a TOTAL dick

like superman

a few things real quicklike

as I ready myself for the fasttrack that I'm working on, I thought I'd post a few thoughts real quick...first go rent "Without a Paddle"...I know it looks like a stupid comedy that's totally mindless but I really got something out of it...guess when I get a chance I should write a review of it or something...the superbowl was wicked lame, not only the result of the game but the fact that Sir Paul sang on a great big giant flashy cross, the godaddy ad was stupid as were most of the commercials...seriously I know the ads are expensive but each year I wonder why because there hasn't been good and funny ones in quite a while...oh well...work has been a pain in the rear lately what with stupid crap that has people up in a tissy when there should have been more thought behind things in the first place...but I digress...other than that, life is good...taking some time off upcoming soon so that I can relax and enjoy my anniversary with quite possibly the hottest yet coolest, sexiest but smartest, sweetest yet most honest lady I've ever met and yes that's the wife!

also I want to start a restaurant that specializes in SMALL sizes...everything here in the states is super-sized, big, lavish, and expensive...I want to make everything in teeny tiny portions and have drink sizes like Extra Teeny, Tiny, and Small...that could be the new diet craze...not to eat as much as we do!


not quite automagical but fun nevertheless

who doesn't love a semi-automagical mixtape generator?

yawn what a big snore fest

seriously a lame superbowl...not just the result of the game which by far was the most important aspect but the halftime show sucked and the commercials sucked even worse...our lame ass competitors ran their stupid ad that resulted in them being kick banned from airing it a second time...of course if you missed it you can watch it here...it's annoying that the stupid moral minority once again grabbed America by the throat and shook it thusly...the result? a big fucking snore fest...


who said google ads aren't content sensitive?

I had to restrain my outright laughter when I noticed the CNN article about Dick Cheney choosing not to run for president in '08 (why would he when he already is in control?) had Google Ads that were related to heart attacks and heart problems...check it out:

Dick Cheney's Heart Attack Garners Fun Google Ads!

I screen capped it because it made me laugh...click on the image to make it bigger...that turd was in my wife's building this morning and she just missed all the bomb-sniffing dogs and heightened security...though one of her conservative co-workers had to snap a quick pic of him (I'd have liked to ask him what kind of baby he ate this morning)...

a TRUE blast from the past

"I can't let go, I can't let go, I can't fucking let go!"

my cotton anniversary

my wedding anniversary is coming up...it's on Valentine's Day (double dose of romance baby!) and it will be our second anniversary...so what to get, what to do...well apparantly the second anniversary is cotton...so should I go get some Hanes white t-shirts?...ooooh I'll buy crafty cotton balls! or a cotton field in Indonesia....or take her to the Cotton Club up in Harlem! hmm maybe cotton sheets are in order!...well we are going to Lauberge Provencale the evening of our anniversary and we had tossed around the idea of flying out to Seattle to visit our friends, though we were afraid of the weather screwing us over--looks like we were way off on that...so any ideas what I should get the wife?


whatever happened to Baby Jessica?

well you can find the answer to that pressing question and more at Whatever Happened to......what a funny way to waste a few minutes...

a gross ad that appears on this very site

so I just hit my blog for the heck of it and saw a massive advertisement for W Ketchup...no doubt no self-respecting right-winger would be caught dead eating anything less...especially that crappy Heintz ketchup...I mean dude, they probably, you know, support Castro...puke...and they bravely discuss that very thing:

"Choose Heinz and you're supporting Teresa Heinz and her liberal causes, such as Kerry for President.

Choose W Ketchup and you support the Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund, which provides scholarships to the children of our brave heroes who have fallen in battle. "

hmm, let's see, W or Dumbya as he's affectionately known in lesser circles avoided war as best as possible during Vietnam, but Kerry volunteered...hmmm, what was all that again?

"W Ketchup today confirms media reports that it has been officially denounced by Communists for Kerry. Referring to W Ketchup as “shameless bourgeois propaganda,” Comrade J.F. Che, Great Leader and Field Commander of Communists for Kerry, charged “the sensitive young tomatoes, along with the more mature, hardened plants, lie together in heaps of mangled tomato paste, in the poorly air-conditioned warehouses with no plant food or water, being sadistically tortured by the American capitalist ketchup makers.”

oooh that's right...funny those wacky commie's down south have better health care than us...and offer cigars that even the right's biggest idols admit to smoking...


and as was said unto thy

ok, that's it, I'm a creationist...I've given up...but hopefully I'm never quite this bad....or baaaaad as the lamb says...oh sigh, I forgot THIS is the word...me and my co-workers were laughing our asses off at the Brick Testament...truly a work of art.

I rescind...

until the web can accurately convey sarcasm and do something better with my seemingly belligerent prose I'd rather just not even attempt to debate this...but really, check out the CDC's facts...


16 words

so what are your sixteen words?

the yogi and samantha connection

Yogi Berra you are no fun anymore

house GOP moves to make sure delay doesn't get thrown out

so they go and gloss over all his bullshit and boot out the ethics chairman for some delay slums...republicans are more evil than I ever thought possible...they will even eat their own.

this pretty much sums it up for me

the Editorial in the New York Times does it best for me...I only hope that some Republicans stand by the Democrats in their opposition of these nasty and ludicrious "reforms" to Social Security...of which will result in making those mutual fund managers who contributed so much money to the Bush re-election campaign all that more rich...


fox news buys al-jazeera!

yeah man, hannity and hussein...the funny thing is that colmes would still be even more rightwing than Saddam...frightening eh?...


come on help out the women

I'm male and got my ticker checked out, so should you regardless of women...

I'm so ready for Keane tonight

today at work has been far reachingly annoying and I can't wait for the sold out show at 9:30 that I scored guest passes to featuring the bands Keane as the headliner, The Redwalls (band I have passes for) and The Zutons...I haven't been to a show in a while in which I'm on the guest list...I just typically buy my tickets since it's usually a big pain in the ass...hopefully tonight won't fit into that category...I have to ride the metro up and meet my wife whose working and then we'll go from there...sweet, they should be killer!

speaking of google, now by file extension

check this out, you can search by file extension...like say you're thinking you want to find some converge mp3s...

enter google

into the wild and wonderful world of domain registrars...

evolution taking a back seat in classrooms

this makes me sick to read...come on people, don't let your arrogance and ignorance get in the way of true hard science. you can embrace god AND evolution. otherwise you're basically stating that God didn't invent science...yawn.

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