taste it! J-Sin's musings...


new crawler I discovered

while I was watching production logs today I noticed a crawler/spider that I hadn't seen before, it's become.com's nifty little spider...interesting but will it really stand out in a world of bots? probably not...

so don't call me a boxing critic

because I don't know what the HELL I'm talking about...Gatti pounced and beat on his opponent with one of the best (and I know I'm quoting old gray haired Jim) "boxing clinicis" I've ever seen...jab, jab, jab...big left hook...flattened in what was it the fifth round? he pretty much dominated most of the fight...I honestly thought it would go the distance because of all the out of the ring distractions...Ouma won the first fight with some of the fastest hands I've ever seen...as I watched this there was more than a shred of agony over how our software release would go last night...apparantly it went rather well though there were a handful of issues (per the usual)...so I stayed up wicked late, almost 3:30 in the AM as they say...blech...early last night though I went to my grandma's house in Rockville to eat some dinner and my dad and step-momma showed up...it was great to see them...but driving home, sucked! Interstate 66 is the bane of my existence I think...if it's not tons of traffic in the evening, it's the fact that our fearless Governor doesn't want to spend our supposed surplus on getting the roads clear! I mean there was no plowing and it had been snowing for quite some time...it made me anxious (and we all know what that causes now!) but we made it home safe after a good hour or more on the road...people drive really recklessly in bad conditions...oh well...after my harrowing experience with near-death I want to write more and just flat-out DO more...I think I may learn tai-chi (for the relaxation and quasi-martial arts skills)...I want to add components to my drum set and play drums (and turntables and keyboard) more...I want to learn piano still...I just have to stop being a lazy butthole and do it...I am reading more which is good...and by the way, you *can* believe in evolution and believe in a higher power...just my 2 cents. anyways it was interesting to see that Sammy Sosa got traded to the Orioles...will the Orioles be better this coming year? I doubt it...their pitching is still a big curly question mark especially since they have Aruba's most wanted man as their #1 starter...and as was quite apparant from the get-go the whole Iraqi election is a sham and our media dorks are whistling dixie at it meanwhile the "new government" in this "transition of power" (I swear CNN has the lamest catch slogans) has no power and the results won't be as instant as even our lame elections are so will Americans really be sitting on the edge of their seat?...probably not. pish posh.

do you know what your google is telling you?

some hardcore kids are doing stuff that most of would never dream of with their google...


ohhh boxing match on tonight

I will have to chill out and rest my beating heart to some nice poundage by Gatti...who do YOU pick to win? I say Arturo in 12 rounds as they go to the score cards and he'll win 7-8 rounds maybe more...could knock him out but I look for a barnburner of a fight actually...also tonight I'm going up to my grandma's to have some dinner...it's nice to know that family is concerned about my well-being :)

also tonight my company is doing a software release and hopefully that all goes well, I'm sure it will, I work with some amazing hard workers who triumph time after time (No I'm not butt-kissing) and are the best professionals in a highly competitive market...I only hope that our new products succeed and drive us into all new and exciting frontiers...and for now, I play some Madden...

ooh feedreader

I'm sure most of you (maybe) already knew about Feed Reader but I didn't and it rules...and if you want to use my ATOM feed just grab it at http://fistagon7.blogspot.com/atom.xml come on you know you wanna...


cool fun media conference


If you want to reform our broken media system, then please join us at the National Conference for Media Reform, in St. Louis from May 13th - 15th.

These are exciting times, as we witness an unprecedented explosion of interest in media issues. I invite you to join activists, educators, policy-makers, journalists, artists and concerned citizens as we converge for three days of learning, networking, strategizing and movement-building at the National Conference for Media Reform.

Registration is now open. Go to www.freepress.net/conference to find out more and register at the discounted early bird rate.

Shoddy journalism, government-funded pundits, lack of independent media and rampant consolidation are a few of the problems that will sabotage our democracy if left unchecked.

The conference is a unique opportunity for those new to media reform to learn more and plug into the movement, and a chance for those already engaged to discuss the range of media issues and share successful strategies for reform. We will focus on building momentum to advance positive media policies and engage more Americans in the fight for media reform.

The event will offer dozens of panel presentations, interactive workshops, speeches, film screenings and roundtable discussions on topics such as media ownership and consolidation, grassroots organizing, media literacy, public broadcasting, intellectual property, commercialism, community Internet, and much more.

It's easy to register online (or by phone or mail) -- click here for more info. Register before March 15 to qualify for the early bird discount.

Among those already scheduled to speak at the event are FCC Commissioners Michael Copps and Jonathan Adelstein, Al Franken, Naomi Klein, Juan Gonzalez, Janine Jackson, John Nichols, Amy Goodman, Arianna Huffington, George Lakoff, Robert Greenwald, Bill Fletcher and Eric Alterman. Activist leaders and members of Congress will be there as well.

You can get information on the program, lodging, scholarships and everything else you might need at: http://www.freepress.net/conference. The site will be updated regularly as we finalize the program and add more great speakers.

Please forward this e-mail to everyone you know -- friends, fellow activists, community members -- who won't want to miss this event.

Looking forward to seeing you in St. Louis!

Robert McChesney
President and Co-founder
Free Press


more for the evolution cause

has been circulating recently in the form of friendly and fair chimps...gnarly!

I gufflaw

this is too precious not to share, oh SUV haters unite in one giant laugh!

oooh faces of meth

uber nasty in an even more metäl way!

maybe Bush should go to this site

apparantly there's a bit of an uproar over a website that soldiers in Iraq have been uploading their pictures to...now while I find some of the pictures disturbing there are plenty that really open your mind into a soldier's psyche...let's remember that many of these kids are just that, kids...even compared to my whomping age of 26...so it's no surprise that some of the pictures are incredibly tasteless depicting the "enemy" dead/wounded (which is against the Geneva Convention right?)...personally I just think that they're doing what kids do and while it's certainly tasteless and grisly, the more important fact is that they COULD take those pictures...after all, it's our government's fault that we're in Iraq in the first place, murdering citizens and killing thousands, not those kids' fault...*sigh*, meanwhile we're led by the moron in chief who dodged his chance to take any photos in a real war...

a9 goes a step farther

ah, local search, it's the big booming swinging business of the search engines that has already taken off and will continue its upward's climb in advertising revenue...Amazon has unleashed A9 with full intentions on squashing the opponents with nifty "walk around the block" technology...can't wait till it comes to DC...but in the meantime, read the media's gusher over it...

molly on the superbowl?

apparantly some lady named Molly that has me in her myspace friend's list will be featured in an upcoming Superbowl commercial for Budweiser that will feature members of the Armed Forces walking through an airport terminal to a standing ovation (ugh so will this year's Superbowl be even more cheesily patriotic in all the false pretenses that corporate whore america can bring on?, answers seemingly is a resounding YES)...seriously the whole support the troops sticker things drive me up the wall...I mean are there people out there with stickers that say "Don't support the troops"???...seriously whose out there saying, geez I really hope those troops get fucked over?...well, other than the White House and the non-caring Pentagon whose leader electronically signed death letters and whose White House punks won't even pay more to up-armor their trucks?...*sigh*...

pumping at full steam ahead

so I'm feeling better (more or less) than I did previously this week...bouts with scary close feelings of impending death can make you easily question your existence and make you reflect...so yeah I did all that...I can't believe how much of a happy person I truly am though...I can't believe how great my wife is, to think we almost might not have met is just crazy!...anyways I officially have "chest wall" which is still affecting me but not as bad as Monday or the weekend...it sucks but having that total beatdown of anxiety, tachycardia, and sitting in an ER with a bunch of crazy sick people will make your mind spin like a record...so my doctor suggested I take my own blood pressure as it seems to increase wildly when I'm in a doctor's office (it's called anxiety my friends) so I bought my own little machine to measure it and it's been quite normal thus far...my pulse has slowed to normal rates and while I still flutter and feel my heart rate increase I can now better control it...the anxiety has more or less completely subsided as well...no medicines needed (knocking thusly on wood)...I guess the cool thing about all of this is that I was able to see my freakin' heart murmur which is wild!...anyways I'm too young for this nonsense...


so I get this album by Bill this past weekend that I can't tell if it's supposed to be a gimmick or if it's legit...I mean the descriptions are way off target obviously but I mean I'm all for kids with down syndrome singing...music is for everyone, but damn if it didn't throw me for a loop...

"do you have a flag"?

okay after posting the obvious quote from the best cross-dressing comic out there, you know I have to follow that up with something cool like this!

perhaps more reasons to hate SUVs?

their owners go all suicidal and cause train wrecks...


dissing the tsunami

now I'm the first to say that the whole tsunami disaster relief funds have become a bit of a trend but hey it's a GOOD trend for anyone to follow...I'd rather people be doing something about getting the victims relief than say putting a flag sticker on their SUV but this is what happens when American dumbasses get ahold of something good, they have to go and diss the tsunami victims and make a callous and lame parody...while I'm sure no one thought it was going to get them fired I'm glad it did...and you can hear Jin's response to that stupidity which was great...find out more about hip-hop's Jin...pretty cool...


it's official, I'm crazy

so yesterday was the worst day in my life...I had been having pressure on my chest since saturday morning and when I woke up on Monday morning it was even worse...I started to freak out a bit and had my mother in law take my blood pressure...it was REALLY high...so we decided to go to the hospital rather than just wait till 9:30 for the doctor's office to open...I go into the emergency room which is freaky enough as it is but when you think you're going to die and your heart literally feels like it's about to jump out of your chest it's even worse...sitting there trying to not to look at the lady clutching her hand that is horribly and I do mean HORRIBLY out of joint/socket is nuts enough but when you feel like you're standing still and yet running at full-break speed at the Boston Marathon it doesn't make it any better...I've never been that anxious/nervous in my entire life...after answering some standard questions such as "do you do coke", uh no. (never been asked that before and it was weird!--only coke I do is "diet coke!"), I was admitted and they hooked me up to one of those machines that monitors your vitals like you see in the movies or on TV...well you know how they make those noises when your vitals flip out? well mine made those noises, practically every few minutes (at least it seemed that way)...so here I am trying to relax or calm myself down yet still convinced that if I'm not dead in the next ten minutes it'll be a miracle and they keep running tests and everything comes out normal...even my heart murmur that I knew about is fine...I got an ultrasound (never would have thought I'd have one before my wife), an echo (some cardio type thing), a urine test (no coke, no pcp, no mary jane!) , a chest x-ray, all come back ok, but what wasn't okay was the fact that my pulse and blood pressure was as high as it was (once hitting 183/90!) and all it seemed was an anxiety attack or something, something that the doctors weren't even sure of...so I have a follow-up appointment tomorrow and last night got about 2-3 hours of sleep after completely obsessing over everything, feeling my heart hammer in my chest even though it's 3am and my all tents and purposes my physical and mental exhaustion should have knocked me out...I talked to my mother (after a year of not speaking to her) to find out if we have any family history of anything similar...apparantly both her and my grandmother have high blood pressure (ugh) and my grandmother went through almost the exact same thing as me when she was 30 (racing heart, panic attack, etc.)...I really hope that I don't have to go on any anti-anxiety medicine or anything like that...in fact most people will probably be surprised that I'd blog about something this personal but writing this post actually helps ease me a bit for whatever weird reason...blech...so fast forward to today where I still feel anxious, I'm exhausted as all hell--both physically and mentally, I have a massive headache most likely due to lack of sleep but I'm hesitant on taking any aspirin or tylenol as I'm freaked that it'll make my blood pressure shoot up even higher...and STILL my chest hurts, though I think it might be similar to the back pain you get or neck pain you get when you're stressed out and bottle it all in...damn and I didn't think I had anything to be stressed about...family's good, work's good, finances are fine (though the inevitable medical insurance quabbles will probably be lame), cats are good...boo, I'm broken.


just finished watching some great boxing

this is pretty much a sports-filled weekend what with the NFL conference games and one of boxing all-time best boxers in a match...of course Floyd Mayweather won and so did this great newish heavyweight that I've never seen before tonight Samuel Peter whose home country is Nigeria...interesting fights that both ended prematurely which I personally usually like to see rather than a brawl to the end when you know who is going to win anyways...of course if it's close I love to see it go to the scorecards but not if it's a blowout like these two matches were...Henry Bruseles looked weak and confused at times...and while I think Mayweather is a turd outside of the ring he's of the polished genre inside it...so do you think that Don King's so-called defamation is worth $2 billion?...I don't...I think he's not even a polished turd but a frightful freak of nature that doesn't deserve all the money that he's made...of course it'll all come back to haunt him when he passes...no hair that big will stop heaven and hell's urchins from unleashing upon his soul...I miss my wife greatly tonight and wish she could be here to steal the covers and snore my way into sleep...I love her bigtime though...all day today I felt as if my heart was literally going to explode from my chest...I dunno what is causing it, if it's real or imagined but regardless I've vowed to go to a doctor and get at minimum a check-up...hopefully tomorrow it'll all pass...I've felt my pulse and at times it felt faster than normal but usually it was ok so it's most likely just my mind playing tricks on me...but I remember that I technically have a heart murmur so that's why I'm a bit overcome with dread and mental nausea...fo' schizzle...anyways it's almost 1am and I think it's time for bed...so in the meantime ponder whether or not the Bush administration will default on our loans...that'll put anyone into a coma for sure!



boo it's snowing...I hate snow...because of the snow, my wife will be staying in a hotel tonight in DC since she's an essential employee...she rules, the best thing that's by far ever happened to me...and to think that we literally had a shot together on her 21st birthday only to go a whole year without knowing one another and then finally meeting the love of my life literally a couple of weeks before school was over for me...I mean it's incredible and makes me believe in fate and even a higher power of some sort!...and regardless of whatever I say, I do not think I could ever truly handle the Burning Man Festival...sure it would be neat and these pictures prove it but they also prove that despite my best intentions, I've grown up to be an old crotchety bastard of a man, who will open to many things could not possibly ever handle something that absolutely insane...all the best drugs in the whole world couldn't make that happen...even if I have something for "raver chicks"...hahaha, what a buffoon, I laugh to myself!...taste it!...and yes my car slide in the snow as I made my way to blockbuster and waited in line with the half a billion other folks who thought that getting a movie during a snow storm is a good idea...hmm, after reviewing some 40-50 cds I think I will take a break and go play Madden!


Japanese experimental indie stuff

this band called Asobi Seksu sounds pretty cool...man I have some weird tastes sometime...this morning for example I rocked it to Atreyu's first CD and then the latest by Sander Kleinberg...that's metal(core) that's all thrashy and hyper fast and then electro-house...different but good.

but hey at least M. Powell resigned

it can't be that horrible of a weekend if Michael Powell resigned from the FCC...perhaps one of the worst chairmen in history he's responsible for leading the crusade against common sense in media...I'm sorry but parents, you need to step up and act like parents...if you can't handle that, then keep your diddle in your wallet...so yeah, let's all suggest that Bush elect a better FCC chairman...not that he'll listen

spongebob is gay?

apparantly our brave new world armed to the teeth with its moral values have taken aim to sponge bob, that pineapple-living-in, latte-drinking, gun-hating, super-queen sponge...gosh, the creditibility of these groups is so immense...wonder what they've done lately for people that need help?...or is helping people akin to bashing what they don't understand and cannot tolerate?...oh silly fruitcakes, god has a special place for you...how lame people.

oh but we shouldn't fear Iran, after all, Israel will strike first

as Cheney outlined on the silly and stupid show "Imus in the Morning", apparantly he thinks that Israel may act first to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons...now this is ironic because first of all, there's no such thing as them acting alone when we pay their bills and arm them...and secondly, one would think even if they did "act alone" or do so "without asking", you'd have to imagine that they would insist on US forces to back them up...but the money quote from Dick:

"We don't want a war in the Middle East, if we can avoid it," he said. "In the case of the Iranian situation, I think everybody would be best suited or best treated and dealt with if we could deal with it diplomatically."

uhh, why couldn't we have done that with Iraq?...oh yeah that's right, Iraq's supposed to be the "easy" war that should have been won quickly and with flowers thrown upon us...Iran however would be a harder war because more of their citizens support them (not to mention get annoyed with the CIA playing around in their country attempting to start coups and whatnot) and invading them would send a clear message to ALL Middle Eastern countries, America is not your friend and you could have a bull's eye on your head...besides maybe Cheney remembers how many weapons we gave them for hostages...

bare your teeth my friend

for those still insane about the lack of ape-dom in your gene pool, I point to yet more discoveries...get over your selves, you're NOT special or a snowflake...

ooooh now it's Iran!

hey ho, it's time to go...to Iran! or so says our VP...cool, I'll be armed with my deferrments too! but sadly I'm already married so I can't have that one, but maybe I can get my kid-on so I don't have to serve in their wars...actually the funny thing is I've totally realized how this administration has figured our foreign policy and our war strategies...they simply play Risk and sees what happens...*sigh* I'm sure that's only really half-a-joke too.


whoooooa there old schoolers

it seems our friend thy master of basser's, the one, the only Jimmy Reeeeeehheeeed has a blog...now comes back the era of "olleh" and piss...

uh, the bible gets re-written for the youth of today?

firstly, we have to thank Rolling Stone for not being stupid and putting up this kind of drivel (they do that plenty with their reviews) but what I find most intriguing about this article is that this company rewrote the bible! like what, they have to say that "Judas dissed Jesus" or something so that the dumb youth of today can figure out what was up? first of all, it's an insult to young people and secondly it just further goes to show you that the Bible indeed was written by man for man...and now it's getting rewritten for man's kids by man after man wrote it...honestly, does this sort of thing have ANY creditibility at all??? I love the nonsensical copy too:

"In a world of almost endless media noise and political spin, you wonder where you can find real truth. Well, now there's a source that's accurate, clear and reliable. It's the TNIV -- Today's New International Version of the Bible. It's written in today's language, for today's times -- and it makes more sense than ever"

oooooh because yeah it didn't make any sense before what with all those verses that could be intepreted one way or the other, so we went ahead and did the difficult part of your faith FOR you, because we know you're too lazy to do it yourself...so I wonder, will they just go ahead and change some Letivicius to just come out and say "GAY IS BAD!" instead of being some arcane bizarre fire-and-brimstone intepretation by Pat Robertson's church-on-tv obnoxiousness?...sorry King James, your punk ass just couldn't write for the times! gee, I can't wait for the re-issue of the Koran, this time written for today's youthful Islamics!

for our enviro-friendly friends

driving your SUV down to the supermarket? pissed at all the people who ride bikes or drive hybrids as crouissant eating boinkheads?...well just read some little known facts from our friends at Environmental Defense:

  • 2004 was the 4th warmest year on record. The 10 hottest years on record have all occurred since 1990!

  • Record heat waves battered Europe in the summer of 2003 - the hottest on that continent in 500 years - and more than 26,000 people died from heat-related causes. Studies have found that global warming doubles the risk of events like the 2003 heat wave.

  • A piece of the Larsen B Ice Shelf the size of Rhode Island broke off from Antarctica in 2002; rapidly warming temperatures on the Antarctic Peninsula were to blame.

So I say that we should all support:

Climate Stewardship Act (introduced by Senators McCain and Lieberman) to find out more about this intelligent bill go read some more at the Union for Concerned Scientists site or even the Pew Center's analysis or at Climate Network's site

oooh and on a completely different topic, Not In Our Name is taking out a full-page spread in the New York Times tomorrow...and heck Democrats led by Kerry are delaying confirming Dr. Rice and some are even voting against confirmation! will wonders never cease?

do you watch lost?

if not you should...why? because it's awesome...I think next week's is a re-run...man no other show on TV gives me the chills like that show...anyways, go check out this "game" based on the TV show "Lost"...

do you have little fingers?

because if you have some small fingers and they match on either side you might be a sex machine...but of course not as rad as the two-headed dog...yeeehaw!


rice confirmed?

ugh...that bizzzitch was confirmed just a while ago, despite continued and rampant lying...but hey what else is new? this is the bush administration part 2...poop smells no matter how you fry it.

I just posted some movie reviews!

I had written these already and figured I'd post some new movie reviews in advance of my HUGE weekly update to Smother...

the first day of tight club

went rather well actually...woke up around 6am and than battered my alarm clock because I was all having some weird dream involving robots planted by republicans (I think I have some persecution complex or something)...but yeah they planted an "egg" (I dunno) in my computer (again, I dunno) and then some robot that reminded me of the Trojan Horse left in Troy (which I saw last night most likely triggering said dream) arrived at my door and I was all down with it until I found out that it was some crazy rightwinger's spy!...how'd I accomplish this in my dream? why, I asked it a simple question about the media and it gave weird responses like that msnbc was led by a bunch of liberal crazy commies...so I knew something was up and that's when I was woken up by BLAAAARGHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!! by my alarm clock...but yeah so that sucked...I was trapped in my blanket and struggled to turn it off and then it fell off my side table thingy by my side of the bed...clank!...so that sucked...yeah and then I finally got up and went to the gym and ran a mile...whoohoo! and not too shabbily I might add considering that I haven't run in forever...and then since it was kind of crowded, I came home to do the rest of my workout...which was nice and so far I'm not sore though I'm sure I'll be tasting it tomorrow...and yes I hate the snow quite horribly and today is the first snow that we've had all winter despite predictations of horrid winter conditions...perhaps it's storing itself up for a bad Jan/Feb, which would taste it as well...so yeah, tight club rules have been successfully followed, I ate b-fast and had a good and filling lunch of veggie lasagna and yogurt and no not the yogurt from Space balls....

you know you love Testament

they're apparantly re-releasing some old Testament documentary on DVD and I'm sure you're going to want it...I still remember when my friend's band was dissed at Main Street Bar-n-Grill when Testament said they didn't want any opening bands...what a bunch of shizz'es...

well now it's apparant

Senator John Kerry is starting to grow a pair as he asks for Rumsfeld's resignation...hey bud, way to catch up!

never fear comment spam again

apparantly and finally the search engines are doing something about comment spam...nothing's more annoying...is it?...on how the search engine optimization companies will scramble, "I got it, put breadcrumbs on your site!!!! that'll fix it!"


so maybe I shouldn't be working out?

some would say too much working out could kill you...doh!

ah, the Iraqi election and the Iranian question

so it seems as if our wonderful war-wroughten and rotten administration in the White House have gone ahead and labeled Iran as the next step in their global war of terror...as has already been reported it seems that we're in cahoots with Israel to do their bidding and dirty work...meanwhile the rest of us civilians are left to clean up the mess...as has been pointed out there is considerable evidence now that the El Salvador option will be carried out in the Middle East...and we all know how well Central America turned out didn't we?...wow I knew that Bush loved Reagan so much but invoking his assault team mantra and barfing about with PNAC firmly in toe...psychos aren't this chaotic!

of course we'll move on right on after the Iraqi election and conclude "Mission Accomplished" (once again) and leave and then move from country to country...leaving destruction in its path...

welcome to tight club

so as I was driving into work this morning totally not feeling like coming in as I think I got perhaps 2 hours of sleep last night! rolling about in bed is for the birds by the way, so anyways as I was driving in I was thinking to myself that I need to get into shape. and not that I'm a big fatty batty now--my weight range is 135-138 give a pound or two and at 5'7" that's still in the "ok" or "good" range--but I just want to be in better shape, like 6 minute mile shape, like back in early years of college shape (read: before I'd get wasted all the time and eat poop and be a porker)...so I decided to start my own little club, and for brevity's sake I'll call it "Tight Club", yes an obvious reference to Fight Club...so what are the rules for Tight Club?, well the first rule of Tight Club is:

"Motivate myself"

yeah it's simple but it's necessary to do it...I need motivation to actually go through with all of this...it'll be hard to wake up early to go work out at the gym but I need to get back into that again...do I want to be diesel? no. the second rule is:

"Eat better"

yeah so fortunately I'm not into sweets, I rarely drink anything that isn't label "Diet" with the obvious exception being beer on the weekends and Gatorade so it shouldn't be that hard...I'm also a vegetarian (though I eat fish for protein and because fish suck and have no fucking feelings and if Asian people can eat fish so can I damn it) so I won't be mashing up the potatoes with a big ass steak or anything...so this part shouldn't be too hard but that includes eating breakfast which I always skip, but that should be easy if I can accomplish the first rule...I do eat way too much pizza and other "easy" meals which involve less cooking...and I rarely eat enough veggies and rarely eat fruit...that needs to change damn it!...My ideal weight is 120-125. yeah I know it's not much of actual weight loss but it should be enough to get rid of my slight beer belly...the third rule is:

"Work out"

yeah also a no-brainer and again if I can accomplish the first rule than this one goes hand-in-hand...I'd like to set a goal at least initially of working out at least three times a week...that shouldn't be that hard to accomplish right?...I hope not...so does anyone have any advice as to what sorts of work outs I should do? obviously I'll be riding the bicycle and running in circles (whoohoo!) at the gym and probably lifting light weights (I don't want to be Vin after all)...but any advice yo?...I'm a total shizz for posting this...oh the big L on my forehead.


dRed is added

to myspace so go there, you can even stream music from my new album and stuffs...taste it!

firefox extensions

so I tried this RSS extension for Firefox and boy did it suck...it crashed after I tried to uninstall the extension too...it would make the browser hang even though in the background it had completed it's task and would not allow the browser to be "redirected"...what a shizz.

it seems reasonable not to know who you vote for

it appears as if we are punting our own wack form of democracy onto Iraq...how wack you ask?...well some of the candidates will not be known beforehand...isn't that lovely?

wife is illin' and not chillin'

boo, my wife did not feel well last night and still under the weather...boo! but now's the perfect chance to move her unto Thunderbird and away from poopy Outlook Express...which by the way after installing Norton '05 has a corrupted reg key...lame.


my horoscope is weird

after just finishing a conference call with the good and secretive folks at Google, I read my horoscope:

"There's little correlation between a high IQ and success in lemonade sales."

alright! break out the limes, it's limeade time! taste it, ya shizz!

no way does it exist

yeah, there's like no way, that global warming exists I mumble as I recall using my air conditioner on the way home from work last night...

we live in a big universe

isn't it just nifty that scientists are able to explore such (relatively speaking of course) far space as Saturn?? now will the car company of the same name commission an advertisement??? and kababs were fucking great today for lunch. yum to the max.

a sequel to XXX?

apparantly there is a sequel to XXX...should you be shocked to know that I think this actually looks good? man I'm a sucka for action movie aren't I?...

wasn't this in the onion?

I swear when I saw this article on CNN I thought it was on the onion...it's official, we have a retarded president.


okay I sucked it up and did the lame myspace thing

I got tired of all the hardcore and metal bands out there inviting me to myspace so fine, I freakin' did it...my profile is dumb but I do not care.

people need to lighten up

when the mentally disturbed get disturbed over a a teddy bear you know our society is wrought with a bunch of whiners...I mean really who would have thought there'd be a National Alliance for the Mentally Ill???...and fucking Karl Rove canceled so my wife won't get to meet the real life Darth fucking Vader...I mean, what are you, a glutton for punishment?...well, if my wife had the choice, she'd make me do something like this with all my game systems...well as long as she doesn't expect me to start doing insane yoga with her I guess I could be down for that...but when it's harry potter vs. badgers we all know who will inevitably dominate the motherfucking charts, ya shizz...


making the celeb nonsense look even more lame

who really cares if Bradennifer breaks up when a comet could be a big killer??? but the money cheesy patriotic moment by far is suited in this money quote:

"It will be a one-way trip that NASA hopes will reach a cataclysmic end on the Fourth of July."

so like North Carolina kids everywhere will shout to their step-father after the beating that usually follows a lost job and a severe bender on Mad Dog, Schlitz, and Pabst (excuse my icon folks) up to the mobile reared up on some beat up tires and cinder blocks will be saying "when can we blew shit up like'n this?". well only if you go and join forces and be a member of the salvador option...then you can blew shit up all you want.

no more WHFS

hahaha, it's funny but the station that originally sold out, apparantly HFS REALLY sold out and went to the Latin music format...oh well, I guess there's still WRNR right?...or better yet, just fill your iPod with music and get the radio adapter and be your own radio station, I broadcast on 89.1 on the FM dial (course you have to be within about 2-5 feet of my car to tune in hahaha...

the rove connection

my wife works at c-span, you know that cable network that is non-profit and actually non-partisan and probably lulls many a person to sleep...well occasionally she runs into politicians...tomorrow she may run into the legendary evil of Karl Rove...unfortunately she doesn't want me to come into work with her because, obviously I could not possibly be able to hold myself back (I'll be surprised if she actually can)...but she'll hopefully get a picture of herself with him that I'll be sure to post...seriously, there are chills down my spine, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with my wife meeting the spawn of satan...


this is lame

I thought this was pretty dumb and lame...I mean, I'm sure Dimebag had his faults and everything but this certainly doesn't belong out there...and somehow I doubt this is his real info:

Wewontmisshim.com Wewontmisshim.com
1313 Mockingbirdlane
Amarillo, Tx 79104
Phone: 8066666666
Email: contactus@wewontmisshim.com

Registrar Name....: Register.com
Registrar Whois...: whois.register.com
Registrar Homepage: http://www.register.com


Created on..............: Sat, Dec 18, 2004
Expires on..............: Sun, Dec 18, 2005
Record last updated on..: Mon, Dec 20, 2004

Administrative Contact:
Wewontmisshim.com Wewontmisshim.com
1313 Mockingbirdlane
Amarillo, Tx 79104
Phone: 8066666666
Email: contactus@wewontmisshim.com

Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
Domain Registrar
575 8th Avenue - 11th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Phone: 902-749-2701
Fax..: 902-749-5429
Email: domain-registrar@register.com

Domain servers in listed order:


plus he uses a totally weak hosting company (and a shitty registrar!)

for those planning on protesting the inauguration

be sure you get your map on first...


Mississippi confirms that the 1800's were pretty damn good

right on the heels of a "conviction" that took years to undertake, some libraries in Mississippi have turned to banning America...and do the Democrats really want to go here?? this nation is fucked.


white power is stupid

seriously, what's up with crap like this?...what a bunch of fucking honkies...I guess, they're too white for me...consider me, joining the ranks of race traitors...or something.

the orange bowl of boo

so I didn't actually see this but I caught it online, the embarassing chorus of boos that showcased yet another lame Ashlee Simpson "performance"..what's wrong with music these days? ah, I guess things haven't really changed all that much, there's always hacks like this...if it wasn't her, then it would be a Milli Vanilli or C&C Music Factory replacement of Martha Wash or even Elvis (who would have been 70 today) stealing Big Momma Thornton's "You Ain't Nothing But a Hound Dog" (which was written about a man, so was Elvis singing about a man or a woman?!) and whose been compared to Jesus...the point is there's always been controversy and stupidity and hacks that have risen to the very top all because of the right amount of publicity, marketing, and constant hammering, sure for every hack there's a band that worked hard and still fights for good causes despite superstardom but there's plenty of overhyped losers who make it big anyways and who lame critics at media outlets like Rolling Stone barf on and on about...but in the end, it's the true music listener who gets the last laugh...and speaking of music listening, I realized that if I were to listen to every album I own straight (giving each album a less than generous 45 minute span--I have plenty of long players and double discs, but I needed to account for short EPs and singles) on CD I'd be listening for 104.8125 days straight...wow, that's crazy, when you think about it...I merely own a miniscule drop in the bucket of all the albums out there...could you imagine being able to hear every note, ever recorded? it would take lifetimes I imagine...that's what's so beautiful about this world, it's never going to be fully experienced, and all I was referencing was music, could you imagine meeting everyone that ever lived, or seeing every place in just our small planet--let alone the galaxy or universe?! that's what God is to me. it's the experience of everything, all at once. ok, now to watch some football!


get your own drumhead

dude this would have been so essential during my Fistagon days!...how rad would it have been to have a bad ass logo on the front rather than the then-current-and-still-current look of tons of stickers...which reminds me, I should take a picture of my new drum set up. which further reminds me that I need to buy a new cymbal stand!... in your face ya shizz

frank must die

no really, he must die so help out!


you gotta admit some of these are funny

some of these letters are so ridiculous they're damn funny...but damn it, these people should have their right to vote waived (if it's ok for felons, it's gotta be ok for someone saying :

"Subject: Jesus Of one thing I am certain: No part of democrat follows JESUS. You cannot be for homosexual relations, and abortions and claim to follow JESUS. Also those who partake in such activities will definetly not be in the "Eternal Kingdom". They would have the same chance as satan their father. I'll pray for you because you are so obviously decieved. "

I mean seriously! how's this for a t-shirt for my bro-in-law?!? freakin funny...do we honestly think these ten questions will be addressed during the confirmation hearings for gonzales?? probably not since the White House won't even release the memos regarding the torture scandal...and finally this post makes me glad I don't have roommates anymore, though we serenaded my one roommate as he lost his virginity while listening to Yes (which I'm sure had nothing to do with him saying something along the lines of "hey do I have a shot" --double pun on that one if you're old school enough--and her mistaking it for him asking what band was playing)...wow, now that WAS pretty old school...speaking of the term "old school", why is it that "new school" can sometimes be written as "nu-school" or even "nu-skool" but there's no equivalent for old school like ol^school or ol' skool even, without it sounding superbly AOL-ese?...oh well

exciting new music

who else realistically isn't excited for the new killwhitneydead album?...yeah!


Sign the Declaration Against American Torture

I got this in my e-mail and felt it important enough to pass on:

"Hearings on the appointment of Alberto Gonzales to attorney general of the United States will begin this Thursday, January 6. Serious questions still remain regarding Gonzales' apparent advocacy of torture as a legitimate practice by American soldiers, government agents and contractors.

ActForChange has teamed up with True Majority, MoveOn, Faithful America, Sojourners and Win Without War to call on Alberto Gonzales, nominee for chief law enforcement officer of the United States, members of the U.S. Senate, and other responsible government officials, to sign a Declaration Against Torture, unequivocally renouncing all forms of torture and abuse as instruments of American policy.

The Attorney General is charged with protecting the civil liberties of every American, and the American public must be assured that the person who holds the job is up to that task.

Click here to read the complete Declaration Against Torture and to take action!"

so sign it already!

technology is dumb

see, a lot of people that surround me are all into the tech stuff, the geek stuff, the what-have-you-got-on-your-belt-clip-today crowd...but me, I abstain for the most part...sure I have an iPod (I got it for free!) and a cell phone (that gets calls from wife and boss almost entirely only) yes I have a wireless network (so my Tivo connects and my PS2 can connect at lightningly slow pace), yes I've had a website since forever, sure I have my CDs in a database (too many to remember what I have and don't have), sure I have a gmail account (that I never use), I have a domain name with several domain pointers, heck I even got a PDA (that I don't know the location of for the past three years) but it's these idiots that make me hate technology in the most luddite of ways...to think that we're wasting bandwidth and microchips on stuff stupid like games on your cell phones, or GPS for your Lincoln Navigator so you can find the easiest way around the backed up traffic...turning an iPod into a laser pointer? how fucking dumb and pointless is that?...that's not geeky, that's a waste of money.

so yeah, I'm embolden on a new power mission to wreck fatal havoc against devices like Nextel phones. I swear if I hear another one of those damn chirping sounds I will lose my marbles!...seriously, those phones suck. but not as much as Virginia Tech who put me into fits of laughter when they lost and looked stupid and I got to laugh at their wasted stupid effort on 4th and inches when they could have easily kicked a field goal but wanted to be bold and score a touchdown and then didn't because they suck and ciphon money from real programs for Virginian public schools. booyakasha indeed.

there is no such thing as moral absolutism

but there is a such thing as moral obstructionism which quite apparant after reading Evolutionblog's take on the whole Scarborough incident...those two dingbats really showcase the complete ignorance some people have and hold oh so dearly to their heart...love when he says we're slaves! that's some insight.

lame and more lame

so will the republicans follow suit and barf up on themselves greedy with power? she thinks so, money quote:

"Supremacy always comes to an end; the Roman Empire, Mao, the Democrats. Will the Republicans share the same fate?"

and also in the tune of lame lyrics, check out the dumb-ass-ness of Mudvayne's "Determined" ->

So Fucking Determined
Yeah, yeah Go...
you better believe it, confidence
So Fucking Determined
Yeah, yeah Go...
spit out all reason,

I'm flushing the trust of everyone, stabbing in the back and thinkin' they can break me,
Set my sight can't die till I'm done, mind endurance
Never wanted anymore than what I deserve, better bring it I'm taking it all,
Fuck an inch 'cause I'm bringin' a mile,

it's on now 123 go

So Fucking Determined
Yeah, yeah Go...
you better believe it, confidence
So Fucking Determined
Yeah, yeah Go...
spit out all reason,

This fire, is growing, is burning deep inside of me, focused, driven, certain, the way it's got to be.
Fire. Growing. Burning. Deep inside of me, focused, driven, certain, the way it's got to be.
Crooked, no trust, liar, conman, drunk with, power, mentor, taught me everything that I know... "

WOW, that has got to be some of the lamest angsty lyrics I've ever read!...oooh you're determined, determined to write crappy music that no doubt will be purchased in the masses because some pre-teens want to pretend they're all hardcore in the "pit" and like to scream about nonsense that they're white little cracker middle American asses will never see while cushioned in their parents big gas guzzlin' SUV on their way to McDonalds to purchase a 48oz Coca-Cola and a big juicy non-real cow flesh hamburger and then onto the mall where they're beautifully set out costumes of Hot Topicness can sizzle and shine and they can be called freaks and fracks and shout about "bein' on crack" and HATING, no, scratch that, FUCKING HATIN'!!!!! rap and country music because that "shit is weak dude, no really dude, fuck the crunk" meanwhile their silly stupid asses are slackin' in school, sleepin' through the day, talking about how they hate life and suicide's "like totally probable" and all that jazz, and yeah I probably just described myself. but I really don't like the crunk. ya shizz.

check out brothers in arms

scope out the new Brothers In Arms trailer


make your own labels and hearts!

seriously, it's cool to have your own label maker and heart maker...word?

emo is awesome

yeah it is mofo's...you know you fucking like it so don't be all hatin' emo like you've never really felt the pain of Appleseed Cast or something...so yeah, emo is awesome...don't be a shizz, get your emo on

the best top ten list of '04

was provided by the american leftist's top ten questions of '04...quite intriguing and would mirror my own list, if of course, I actually had one...

I just ate lunch and now am battling sleepdom...I listened to Statistics's "Leave Your Name" album this morning and have to think that it was perhaps the best album of the year...stellar isn't even good enough an adjective.

why should our world conform to theirs?

seriously why should my taxdollars be wasted on making spots big enough for gas guzzlers?...if the parking spots aren't big enough then they should get smaller cars.

back to work ya shizzes


I'm back at work after a nice long vacation of doing-nothing-ness...this morning I downloaded the newest jdk that comes bundled with Sun's application server (yeah!)...yippee...was able to watch and root screamingly for both the Redskins and Rams this past sunday...I'm not sure if a lot of people wound up taking this day off or what because the drive into work was pleasantly devoid of a mass of traffic--though I did leave quite a bit earlier than usual...double *yawn*...watched Ron Burgundy last night which was okay but not all that funny...my Bushisms calander is now finished...whoo, the new year! actually I really could give a crap about the whole new year's nonsense...new year's was fun back in the day, not it just seems to be this compelling thing that makes you feel like a loser if you're not going out or going to some big blast of a party, hell I'd rather stay home and drink a couple of beers or something...sit in my hot tub or whatever, that would be my ideal new year's...actually my ideal new year's would consist of looking forward to being able to live comfortably doing something with music, perhaps the only really interesting passion that there is...or being a linebacker in football! are you going to protest the inauguration this year? if not, I think you all should reconsider!...plans to go to new york to see the opening game of the yankees are in the works...that's going to be a blast...I can't wait to see yankee stadium and jeer at all the yankees fans...booya, ya shizz


it's 3am what's your neighbor listening to?

Ah yes. New Year's Eve. Time to party up and party down. Even if you have a slightly retarded and annoyingly loud child. One of the many drawbacks of living in a townhouse--even an end unit such as mine--is that you're "connected" to a neighbor. This can result in the nefarious and disturbing connection of being able to hear their shitty Latin-based bassy dubby crappy where the hell is the midrange music blasting even and quite certainly up to 3am...now I know I'm not a crotched old bastard yet, but damn if I want to come upstairs to find my wife resigned to sleeping in our guest bedroom because even after we politely asked them to turn the music down (at a very fair 1am timeframe)...yes I know it's new year's eve, it's time to party harder than andrew wk...well some people also think that bongs make good art pieces...argh so that was frustratingly annoying...but our own personal new year's eve time was spent at a friend's home in woodbridge...where I found that one of the ladies that was there, in fact, went to my high school, which furthers the belief of the small world complex...but most certainly doesn't aspire me to sign away my life to become a zombie or regret not being in the Beatles fan club circa '63...and I must say that I'm happy to note that the word "blog" is banned from the Queen's English...thank you it is highly overdue and yes I am noting the 'ironicy'.

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