taste it! J-Sin's musings...


forget the trifecta, it's a quadruple bypass!

So first this morning, we all were graciously allowed some reprieve (I'm lying of course since the onslaught of books, made-for-tv movies, and other whoring hasn't occurred yet) with Terry Schiavo's death (which of course we wouldn't have cared about if she was black or ugly, or hell, not in Florida), the pope's been given his last rites (don't think Jesus had antiobiotics while he was suffering), and this all on the heels of the death of Johnny Cochran...oh but the fourth, you ask?

that'd be that former President Gerald Ford who is apparantly on death watch...but that's not official or anything but what I've heard through the grapevine that news organizations are gathering up tapes on him...wowie, it's a cavalcade of death...

the choice of purgatory

stuck somewhere between heaven and hell
between life and deaf
windows open but boarded shut
towing the line with a half empty cup


freestyle boardless dudes

I believe lamarocket and carbomb invented this first at JMU...wicked...

what do you call Jamaican pasta?

Rasta Pasta! or even better, Rasta-roni...hahahaha, my jokes are funny

right now work is kicking my butt so I don't have much time for blogging...that's probably a good thing or I'll be busting on the pope or Jerry Falwell right about now...feeding tube companies must be rakin' in the dough right about now...


get a rope

I'm psyched for going to New York City...I'm so excited to grab some new grubbies, maybe hitting up places like Queen of Sheba (good Ethiopian food) and probably John's of Bleecker Street and maybe some good Australian Homemade goodies and maybe a cool record store or something

I really, really, really need some suggestions folks so please hook a brutha up...restaurants that are unique and not overtly pricey, anything nifty music-wise, etc...some different ethnic stuff would be cool, that sort of thing.

ok shut up and just listen to what terri schiavo actually has to say

seriously, just go and read terri schiavo's blog ok? no more diagnosis Dr. Frist...just listen for a change ya shizz...

DeLorean's are grindcore

the dude that played guitar in my old grindcore band, Endangered Feces, just bought a DeLorean...now that's pretty grindcore...

I'm suggesting that he get a personalized plate that's either "EF" or "GRIND"...how rad would that be?


drums, fondue, oh my

last night's foray into the wonderful world of fondue was awesome...great conversation, great food, and great company...there was this pot in the middle of the table and the waiter would pour in stuff so you could cook your food in it...I had the seafood trio (I know I'm a veggie but I eat fish, because I hate fish, fucka fish) and the cheese appetizer was this cheddar cheese thing with beer, garlic, and other yummies...the salad was good but the raspberry walnut vinaigrette was a bit much...but the desert was really good...we got the chocolate yin-yang, dark and white chocolate swirled in the form of a yin-yang which we dipped cheesecake, fresh fruit, and marshmallows in...yes it was filling...and so was today's venture out to the Old Country Buffet...that place is funny man...it draws some of Manassas's finest, including some dude with bedhead wearing his pajamas...no lie, he was wearing his pajamas and he was WITH people in their Easter Sunday best...how funny...anyways, also yesterday I finally was able to get the wife her own iPod, which she loves as well as purchase some accessories so I can make full great use of my drum stuff...the only disappointment was that guitar center (who has not only the most annoying staff but also the most annoying customers--more on that later) didn't have a double-pronged tom mount so I could pull my toms a little closer...all I really got there (and I say that liberally not thinking of the end price) was some hardware mounting stuff--enough for two cymbals--plus two Sambago bells, a Zilbel...then I went over to my in-laws and borrowed my brother-in-law's cymbals, he has a ride and crash that I like...he also has a hi-hat I may borrow in the future just to be a punk...anyways I put up some new pictures of various things from the past month or so, it includes some pictures of me and the wife all dressed up before our anniversary dinner, some pictures of our friends before we went out to a Manassas pool hall/dive bar, and some pictures of my dad's birthday slammer in Rockville...oh and some pictures I just took of my newly configured drum set...it's exciting! and those I've put below:


my roto toms:

my new low/high Sambago bells:

the right side of my drum set:

the position of my new second ride:

So now here's my new specs:

6" Zildjian Zilbel Cymbal
12" Zildjian Wuhan China Cymbal
20" Sabian Ride Cymbal
18" Zildjian Rock Crash Cymbal
14" Zildjian Rock Hi-Hat w/attached tambourine
14" x 8" Ludwig Snare Drum
13" x 4" Pearl Brass Picollo Snare Drum
3 Roto Toms
Bongos (these actually suck pretty bad, they're precariously mounted and one skin was the victim of a cat's claws)
Low-pitch Cowbell
Dual high/low Sambago bells
12" Ludwig Tom
14" Ludwig Tom
16" Ludwig Floor Tom
16" x 22" Ludwig Bass Drum
12" Zildjian Splash Cymbal
6" Zildjian Splash Cymbal
16" Zildjian Rock Crash Cymbal
18" Zildjian China Low Cymbal
20" Zildjian Light Ride Cymbal
17" Zildjian Medium Thin Crash Cymbal

Plus a DW 5000 Double Bass Kick Pedal, Pearl three-side square rack, and of course, a stick holder! I also plan on mounting my drum machine so I can jam along with pre-defined beats and be all Dillinger-esque...rad.

oh and about the Guitar Center dickheads...this one dude works in the drum center who is just a total egomaniac, which is funny since he's just a salesman really who knows stuff about drums...actually it seems that every drum salesman I've ever met can be a douche at times...anyways at x-mas my wife bought me a drum rack and I went with her and he was not only mean and degrading towards us (read: me) but he also proclaimed how he only worked during x-mas since his jam band that played Dead covers (I couldn't make this up if I tried) paid most of his bills and he was all rock-n-roll...so anyways amazingly enough this SAME guy was at the Guitar Center on a Saturday, telling a customer that he used to be a manager but didn't want to be anymore, and was only part-time (that's an interesting part-time gig you got there, since you're ALWAYS there when I go there) and was bickering with an extremely obnoxious customer who was trying to whittle the salesman done from the $3200 drum set down to a mere 3 grand...first off, the drum set wasn't THAT nice, it's bad when the hardware is better than the set...it played only decently and was more of a lame classic rock set that could have been made in the early 70's (ooooh but it's vintage that means it MUST be good! bah humbug, vintage drums are dumb--unless of course they're "vintage" Ludwig drums circa mid '90's and then they rule)...anyways this guy kept telling the guy that he was "ready to talk turkey"--dude you're buying a fucking drum set not a car--and that the guy he talked to promised him some price that as the obnoxious jam band salesman claimed was only $80 over cost, which they never did, since they never could go less than $100 over cost...interestingly enough (and conjuring inner smiles) the salesdick was wrong as he was told by some manager (you know, what he didn't want to be anymore) that that price was just fine...ugh, sales are stupid...could you imagine doing that for a living? kissing people's ass, lying, and trying to cheat people all the time?...no way. that sucks...I like my corporate whore job just fine thank you very much...

so after all that drum whoring, what I still want is a new drum throne (mine sucks, falls apart, and kills my ass), chimes and a washboard (because that would be some prog-rock of me), an 8" or 10" splash, one more crash cymbal, another effect cymbal preferrably a crash thing with rivets, a GONG!, an earth plate, maybe a drumbal, a re-mix efx cymbal, a timbale, smaller toms and one more floor tom, and most importantly the double-pronged tom mount...and I'm sure when that lotto ticket comes through I'll be able to afford all that stuff...


everyone should check this out

if you guys all check this thing out I could win a visor! and visor's are great...and yes it's about Adam Sandler's new movie "The Longest Yard"...come on, you know you want to click it!...please!...remember, I get a visor. I'll post a picture of me wearing the visor if I win it!

a busy day

Woke up at 8am and will be awake for many hours I believe. Today I go over to the in-laws to borrow some of my brother-in-law's cymbals for me pending drum-o-saurus...then off to guitar center to purchase some accessories (I think I'm going to get a clave!) and some drum hardware...later this evening I'm going off to meet our friends in Rockville to eat some fondue...the place is pricey but we don't eat out often and we rarely hang out with this couple who have the cutest darn kid...makes me want to have kids even more but we will wait until the wife's car is paid off...speaking of cars being paid off, my silver gray chevy is paid off and is all mine, in fact we overpaid a bit and I got a check for, brace yourself, 33 cents...the ironic thing is it cost them 37 cents to mail a check for 33 cents...that's the weird and dumb way our world works...well whatever, I'm going to make those darn bankers work--bastard punks with their crappy hours!...man sometimes I wish I could work banker hours...I mean I'm sure they work their tails off especially since I've gone to the ATM in the morning and seen them hard at work (and gossiping loud enough for me to hear them through the glass doors too mind you) at 8am a full hour before they open...I guess I'm just jealous that they seem to have time off every time there's a line item on a calendar..anyways enough about bankers...although that made me think of the nice friendly black young girl who worked at the Jefferson National Bank (which was bought by Wachovia) who went to JMU and who I found out later quit school because of all the racism she experienced down there...what a shame...she was always really friendly and I feel like a bastard for not remembering her name...speaking of college I think it's cool that some colleges offer seminars or classes on proper drinking whether it's wine or beer...man when I was in college I imbibed waaaay too much and allowed alcohol to control me (or rather UNcontrol me) and it let to a lot of events that I regret but hey I'm willing to take responsibility because it was my choice to drink...anyways I just thought that appreciating good wine is kind of an interesting thing...not that I'm a connosieur nor will I ever be one...but it would be neat to know a little bit more...we're hoping to travel to San Francisco, California to see our friend sometime in August (since July is super-packed with work for me) and I'm sure we'll try to rent a car and maybe drive around to Napa Valley...wine country, hmm that just seems weird to say...but then after that we'll begin to try to start our family...

right now I'm listening to Jesus Mora, this fantastic ambient/soundscape artist...man he can write some bleak shit that's for sure...so this weekend I hope to do some recording...I want to work on my grind solo project which needs a name and drop some new tracks for dRed too...I haven't checked in a while but I don't think anyone's purchased my CD...damn you public!

I wish this whole Terry Schiavo thing would go away and maybe it will with her impending death...I think it's downright criminal that all of these people used that tragedy to further their own politics...how disgusting and low can you go?...ugh.

now I'm off to search for some blogs on Sabermetrics and baseball stuff...rad.


wicked sick, call the janitor

I'm very honored that Thou Holiest of Metal Guys Who Has Lost His 'Edge likes my saying of the day, which is:

"Wicked sick, Call the janitor"

which was in reference to his bombastic new death metal band, Dystopia Rising

my wife is golden!

whoohoo! she got the test results back and she's alright but just has one hell of a stubborn sinus infection...whoohoo! big ups!

the pope is being a bit blasmephous

uh, isn't it blasphemy to link your suffering with Jesus?...I'm sorry it's not a heavy cross, it's called old age, bub! after surgery and best medical care on earth, how dare he claim that he's somehow in dire straights...yes, and so are the millions of other people around the world that don't get an opportunity to live into their 80's...I'm sorry I'm sure I'm offending people with this post, but this story just really rubbed me the wrong way...then again the Catholic Church hasn't been known for their good sense either...ugh. almost time for me to get a haircut...

talk about your blast from the past

who would have thought this guy would have shown up and added me to myspace??


$2 for gas, $5...I hate you!

as if the oil / energy / gas prices weren't out of control enough, some douche had to go blow up a damn BP refinery in Texas (gotta love those Red Staters haha)...I'm sure Big Oil isn't even having to lick its wounds but instead focus on its chops as it greedily devours our money as the Oil President kicks back in his spurs and distracts 'merica with stupid non-problems...is it anymore disgusting than the fact that Americans haven't begun to be outraged over this?!? yet another reason that poor people are stupid for voting Republican...

what's that? the united states using its brain?

Right on the heels of an intelligent Supreme Court decision AND yet another Florida State Court decision against the re-insertation, it appears that the IRS has finally attempted to close some abused tax loopholes that the super-rich have been taking advantage of...how disgusting is it that the people who have the most money attempt the most to pay the least...oh here comes the lame discussion of the children benefit...yeah that's right, people have babies to save on taxes and to qualify for more welfare...right.

maybe the dumb abstinence only programs they learned in school didn't work...

Florida has to tap out of any more "news" stories

After Elian Gonzalez, the '00 Election Debacle, the Hurricanes of '04, and Terry Schiavo Nonsense, Florida is no longer allowed to be in the news for the rest of the decade. They can sneak back in circa 2011 but not a minute sooner. Maybe, the Nuke Florida guy is right after all, though if he thought Gore voters were stupid...whoooweeie wonder what he thinks of Bush supporters?!? besides, Florida kills cats!...really the only cool about Florida is Burt Reynolds but even the power of Smokey and the Bandits can't overcome the suckitude of Florida...

'47 project

scope this interesting true crime blog, with its creed being:

"Los Angeles in 1947 was a social powder keg. War-damaged returning soldiers
were threatened by a new kind of independent female, who in turn found her
freedoms disappearing as male workers returned to the factories. These
conflicts worked themselves out in dark ways. The Black Dahlia is the most
famous victim of 1947's sex wars, but hardly the only one. The 1947project
seeks to document this pivotal year in L.A., and to reveal the post-war city
still buried under 2005's stucco covering.

Drawing on historic newspaper reports and visits to the scenes as they are
today, bloggers Kim Cooper and Nathan Marsak present a daily story‹-each one
posted on the 58th anniversary of its occurrence‹-illustrating the explosive
relations between men and women in the immediate post-war era and
contrasting them with contemporary Los Angeles. Crime-free posts create
context by reflecting the social milleu, advances in psychiatric law and
notable events of the day. The lurid 1947 incident reports sit beside
Marsak's acerbic contemporary descriptions, casting a hardboiled
architectural preservationist's eye onto buildings that have suffered
humiliations aplenty since the forties."

one of the bloggers is responsible for the rather wacky, Scram Magazine...maybe not as cool as non-Moscow but really not as uber-nifty as Iceland giving props to Bobby Fischer...booya!


all your links belong to us

In researching why one of our site's redirects was getting placed so much higher in search engines, I discovered (or rather re-discovered) the famous Google 302 Redirect problem...now apparantly it's really making waves, with threads talking about massive exploits and it being /.'ed...so one such blogger did some digging and it appears somewhat possible that all your links belong to us...ouch...it makes montagin' google look even less witty...all of which is superb unless you're buff or an Iranian lady training to be in the next Police Academy...

no offshore oil drilling in VA please

I know the GOP loves to wreck havoc on our environment and then scratch their heads and wonder why their babies are glowing...anyways, I don't like havoc on the environment...so join me in asking Gov. Warner not to allow offshore drilling in VA!

early to rise

I awoke at 5am this morning (well actually when my wife's alarm went off at 4:15am) and then got out of bed around 5:15 to go work out for an hour or so...I ate breakfast and I was on my way...nasty rainy morning and all...I have so much work to do in the next few weeks...I'm excited for fondue this weekend with our friends...man that sounds so yuppie, oh well, it's going to be damn tasty...this morning I shook my head at the silly news reports about the braindamaged lady in florida that everyone (read: my taxpayer dollars) is gushing over...the courts have ruled folks, time and time again...but yet the Republicans insist that they can no longer vouch for state's rights as long as they're in control of the federal government that is...maybe they'll pass a bill, stating that law is now illegal!...I'm glad to see that they no longer care about separation of powers...then again they're just taking their lead from Bush who has done the same thing with his enemy combatant nonsense all the while both branches of government are making the judicial branch much weaker...oh well what can you do?...I'm laughing my ass off at the fact that all the polls suggest Americans want nothing to do with social security "reform" from Bush Co.

explosions in the sky are the coolest band ever!...I saw Finding Neverland last night...I must say it's awesome to see an eight-year old that's a better actor than people four or five times his age...that was an absolutely GREAT movie!


ihatefivebucks.com is the best freshest site to come out! well next to jeremycoulsonhateskeyboards.com...but damn if it's not a darn close second...


Windows are for Satan!

As I was taking my wife to the hospital this morning for her CAT Scan (hoping to figure out why her sinus infection won't right itself) we drove by the local Jehovah's Witness meeting place and noted (again) that it had no windows...weird and since the one near my grandmother's house also had no windows, I figured it was worth a google to see if it was some weird rule...and it IS!...that's right, not only can they not be cheerleaders, own a flag, or say "good luck" but their meeting halls can't have windows...what a weird religion! oh, that's right, it's Michael Jackson's "religion"! once again, humankind, has embarked on a 100 yard dash in a 90 yard gym...(to borrow a phrase said by a co-worker)...

what's that, gasoline prices too high?

Then of to distraction land! After distributing a GOP memo that stated the Terry Schiavo "case" was a "a great political issue" by someone unknown source the House and Senate passed a measure effectively suggesting that the GOP no longer stands for State's Rights...after all, we can assume that's their new platform after last year's gay marriage bonanza...Sen. Frist (a doctor who's still thinks it's up in the air whether or not you can contract AIDs from sweat and tears) denounced the memo saying he really is supporting the bill that ONLY applies to this one braindead person because, he, well, you know, cares.

or something.

I wish they'd stop wasting my tax dollars and perhaps tackle more important issues like, oh I don't know:

Finding Bin Laden
Lowering gas prices and mandating improved fuel efficiency
Improving the economy
Getting out of Iraq
Fixing Medicaid (oooh and that's related to the Schiavo case!)

and speaking of Medicaid how ironic was that not too long along they (meaning the GOP) was talking of removing benefits...wouldn't that be the opposite of all that nonsense that they were spouting about as the cameras flashed this weekend? weak!


what I wrote to Congressman Wolf

"Since the House and the Senate have enough time on their hands to investigate steroids and involve themselves in the Terry Schiavo case, I expect by Monday morning that you'll also have announced the following:

A fix for the deficit.
A way out of the quagmire of Iraq.
And if Social Security is in such dire need of "fixing", a fiscally responsible solution.

If not, I expect your resignation and a promise that you will bury your head in sand like an ostrich in the utter shame that you and your fellow Republicans have brought upon our great House of Representatives. If for no other reason than ample publicity, your party has brought shame and disgust upon our most heralded of governments. You do not care for this human beingj--for if you did, you would have led an intervention a great long time ago rather than allowing this to continue onwards for years and years, let alone the several weeks it's been in the public spotlight. For shame!"

honestly, whatever happened to the conservatives notion of "state's rights"? or does that only apply when it's politically convenient? what a bunch of hypocrites...as they vote to crush Medicaid, they want to protect someone whose only existence can be reflected by her protection under Medicare...I believe you spell loser with a capital "R"

a humbling experience

is when you see your quote being used on a label's site...sure I've seen this plenty of times before but each and every time it brings a smile to my face and makes me realize the 20 hours or so that I put it into each month (that's a liberal guess) is worth it...

band practice was awesome...we still need help with a name and we need a vocalist...if you've got ideas for either, please, please leave a comment...though I'm much in love with Hasan Chop it would probably be better if we had a name that wasn't just damn funny...my ears are still ringing...now that my friends, is awesome...(I bet you thought I was going to use some cliche like "that's music to my ears" but I'll leave the Jason jokes aside this evening)...


things to do part 1 (of many I hope!)

throughout our heralded lives (or not so heralded if you live in a Red State, oh no, I live in a Red State! call the heralds! I need heralding!), we all think to ourselves, "GOSH self, I'd really like to do x, y, or z" (usually of course this doesn't mean copious amounts of sex with the last few letters of the English alphabet but then again who knows what's possible in a world where parents allow their children to sleep over at Neverland--hello there's NEVER in the freakin' name of the place!)...well I'm a fan of lists...so here's part one of many I hope (hence the nifty title of this blog entry!)

Things to Do:

  1. Invent new html tag for stoners, most likely . The effect on text would be wavy, colorful, with a hover-over effect that appears to be pot smoke and also launches a media file that has some gnarly jam band riff. I think I can hope that the W3C would adopt my code in the next version of HTML standards to be released. However I have this bad feeling that Microsoft would implement it wrong, making it cheesy or more like something that you'd see while "tripping" on hard acid, like making all the text melt or something silly. So this one is hard because if they did that, then this would just be dumb.

  2. Write the most important novel or screenplay ever written. Or at least write one or the other. Doesn't really have to be all that important. Maybe writing a poetry book on the noble exercise of writing a poetry book or maybe a novel about the noble use of the crock pot in cooking vs. a pressure cooker. There's so many subjects out there, I don't know where to start!

  3. Own one (or preferable all) of the following: a fez hat, a Viking helmet complete with horns, a propeller hat, or a hat that dispenses beer by two cleverly attached cans on either side and with an ornate straw leading into one's mouth. This can easily be accomplished via rooting through other's trash on eBay I'm sure but it's hard to figure out which one to get--amazingly there's plenty of versions available!

  4. Speaking of Vikings, go to see a Viking metal band play. They're not really Viking metal bands unless they name their swords and wear battle armor onto the stage. Medieval metal might do, but I'm really pressing to see a Viking metal band. I'm sure there's metalheads out there that will say, well, can't you be satisfied with seeing a Pagan Folk Metal band from Sweden? No, I can't. And I especially don't care for the newer Viking metal, Black metal hybrids out there. That kind of cross-breeding reminds me of Front Royal, I mean, "get off your sister dude, you can't copulate with Aeertanuum the Snake-Rider!". Honestly, if you don't have a "jö" in your name, than your band need not apply.

  5. Learn more about the world of sour cream. What is it made out of? Obviously it's a dairy product. But what makes it sour? Is it the packaging? Does the farmer squeeze the teat of the cow in a certain way and leave it in the bucket an extra ten minutes? If it's truly sour, then why is it so damn sweet on anything Mexican in origin?

  6. Throw out the first pitch in a baseball game. It doesn't matter if it's Little League, AA, A, or AAA or hell even, like the Major Leagues (I hear they need some good press these days). I pitched a perfect game on my first game of my brand new EA Sports 2005 Baseball game, let's see if I can throw a strike from 60 ft. and 6 inches away. This can be accomplished by completing #2 in this list.

  7. Sell a pair of used jeans to some Russian kid in Moscow for at least ten more Rubles than they're worth. And if Rubles isn't the current form of Russian currency, when I get around to doing this, that's too damn bad. I'll only accept Rubles for my darn Levi's punk! Hopefully I'll be selling it to that Berzerker kid from Clerks and he can sing while we do the exchange. And to answer the IRS's pending questions, yes I'll be declaring this transaction when it happens on my tax forms. Or at least my wife will, since she does everything related to the finances, because she's a banker at heart.

  8. Find out exactly how many people have typed "1" instead of "!" to punctuate a sentence and then have left it. Why? This would just satisfy a certain curiosity I have with punctuation that looks eerily similar to the same number on the keypad. Mr. QWERTY, who invented the typewriter, oddly decided that 1 should be ! when the "shift" key is held down. Why? Why was it's the % sign or hell even *? Why is it that the only other number with another symbol that looks remotely similar to it is 0's ")", which really is only half of 0's full oval shape--then again "O" is right below 0 as if it's tempting AOLer's to be eLiT3. Argh! Damn you QWERTY!

  9. Get in a fight with a guy with an NRA tattoo. I don't have to win, in fact I'm sure I won't--I'll lay down the ground rules that he can't pull out his six-shooter during the scuffle, though. I will also promise not to use my gnarly teeth to eat his ear or nostrils. I'm certain in Virginia (the aforementioned Red State!) that it won't be that hard to find a dude with an NRA tattoo. And yes I said a dude, because if I fought a chick, then when I got my ass kicked I'd feel dumb and have to take up quilting or something or drink Strawberry vodka. Oh and if that NRA tattoo is on his lower back right above his butt crack, then I'll have to tap out because that's just a silly place to have a tattoo sponsoring the NRA. Why the NRA? Because silly, if it was an NBA tattoo it would most likely be on some dude that's really tall and I'd have to carry around a freakin' stool just to be prepared to hit the tall bastard in the freakin' nostrils. Duh!

I think that's it for the part one list....stay tuned (and I know you will be awaiting!) for part two of many (I hope!)

rising from the ashes of cliché

certainly music as much as anything else is home to some righteous clichés but would you believe how fucking numbing it is to read over and over again how this band "rose from the ashes of" [insert name of band that you most likely had never heard of before]...it's seriously as bad as a band describing their new album as "all the melodic parts are more melodic and all the heavy parts are more heavy"...wow? really? are you certain of that? will you reach the zenith of melodic and heavy with your four installment? or wait to reach that level with your sixth album?

check out Slumber...their "Fallout" album is fucking awesome...finally a Swedish metal band that doesn't sound like a Swedish metal band...


J-Sin is me damn it, not you, or you, or even you!

I used to be the #1 entry in google when you searched for J-Sin...now I'm not...that makes me mad...especially when my myspace profile is just one measely entry ahead of some dumb Insane Clown Posse fan's idiotic post on a "meetup" for ICP fans (now that's one online personal thing that just shouldn't exist!)...now that's just fucking dumb...here's what jugga-dork has to say:

"What up Juggalos and Juggalettes This is J-Sin the next internatiol underground superstar I rep the Hatchet 24/7 and keep my Krown on my head. And I'm down with this Shit till I'm dead in the ground and in the afterlife I'll still be reppin."

you're still "reppin"? reppin what? the fact that you're 12?

I am however the first entry for "taste it"...as it should be...

Slayer kills hippies dead

Southpark last night was hilarious as Cartman used Slayer's "Angel of Death" to drive off the hippies that had filled Southpark...in other Slayer related news, this morning I realized that my Senior Year's Yearbook from High School was named after Slayer's "Piece By Piece" also off of the same "Reign in Blood" album...was our yearbook staff filled with closet Slayer fans? I'd like to think so...it's hard to believe that thrash metal's best offering is almost two decades old...


so my wife is awesome

because no sooner than I post this wanton wishlist of PS2 games than she gives me a call at work saying that she had picked up the baseball game!...WOW!...she didn't even read the entry...totally psychic I swear...Jose or no Jose, she's still my favorite 'roids ragin' wife!

mmm videogames

a friend at work, shot over some of these nifty screenshots of Auto Assault which look pretty cool in a very Twisted Metal Black kind of way...but then I've been wanting to get Manhunt for a while now but I really want to get EA Sports latest addition to MVP Baseball...oh what to do, what to do?!?!

the sad thing is

that if you just added water in Northern VA it would still cost at least $400k...

No way Jose.

so after a night of horrendous sleep and a bout of insomnia lasting until 3:30 this morning, I fretting about my wife's health got her call at the office...it seems her sinus infection just wasn't getting the medicine as there is some blockage in her tear duct that could be causing her blurred vision in her right eye and is preventing the infection from receiving the anti-biotic...oh what joy! so they put her on steroids for a week and she'll be getting a CAT Scan this coming Monday as a precaution...UGH...thankfully she'll be alright I'm certain but it's still not really relieving with that hanging over your head ya know?...

today is going to be a very busy day with many busy busy days ahead of me...

also, I'm looking for writers/contributers for Smother.Net so apply or something!...whoohoo!


Near Beer, DDS

As I sit here chugging Near Beer (dude it so needs to come in 40oz sizes or even cooler the much hallowed 64oz size!) I reflect on the day...around 2pm or so I had to leave work so I could go and sit in a dentist's chair (not really his chair because those correspondence classes are just so damn hard, and I wound up giving my 4 cents a day to some kid in Somalia who never writes--DAMN YOU SALLY STRUTHERS!) and have my mouth assailed...as it turns out the chipped tooth was actually a filling this same dentist put in earlier (say, six-eight months ago maybe? regardless his fixing of the tooth came free of charge) that apparantly fractured (I'm too metal for my teeth) and got all chipped up...also I needed to get a cleaning so they took care of that, not to mention some new x-rays and doesn't it bother you when they arm you with Padded Armor +2--yes stolen straight from Baldur's Gate--before they take said x-rays of your mouth while hiding behind you in some room where they flick the switch to zap you with devil rays (and not the ones in Tamba Bay mind you!)...well it freaks me out...so did his discovery of a cavity (I love it when they say "slight decay", how can decay be slight, is that like frame 235,890 from one of those sped-up videos of dead animals they show you in science class and movies directed by Oliver Stone when he's been on the mushrooms a bit more than usual) which he also took care of...so as if the stupid tooth drilling with its mighty nasty smells of burnt tooth isn't bad enough, he slips as he's poking me in the mouth and slices up the inside top portion of my mouth causing it to hemmorage and my imagination run wild as I'm just two handcuffs and a firmer grip away from being held down against my will...so that sucked...so did the piece of my tooth that later flew up and somehow managed to skip it's damn way into my EYE!...OUCH!...no novacaine on the old pupil, thank you very much...so yeah, that was annoying (though I really like my dentist, he's a cool dude) but I attribute it to the fact that it was his 33rd birthday...maybe he was celebrating early or something...anyways, having your teeth cleaned sucks...I admit I'm horrible at the whole flossing thing and each time I promise to be better and then I get lazy and it sucks because my gums bleed like a siv (what is a "siv" because I know I'm spelling this wrong) whenever I do...so boo! that blew ass...but what was worse, was the onset (and subsequent successful blocking of, mind you) a full-on mini-panic attack...I focused on one thing in the room and told myself to shut up and move on and not allow myself to be a wussie and that it was all in my head and other conversations you have with yourself that you usually don't share except in some rambling, shambling, off-hand clear-the-throat way on, say, your blog for instance

so yeah.

that sucked.

a lot. actually a whole boatload of fuck toys covered in slime suck. pancakes of doom (my latest phrase for whatever reason, maybe because pancakes can be stacked really really high) level of suckitude.

but I got through it. and that's the most important thing. I didn't tell my wife when she got home because:

a.) she had a bad day at work
2.) her blurred vision in her right eye is getting worse as is her sinus infection and she has a doctor's appt. tomorrow morning which has me nervous (see above paragraph for my own sick dumb dementia of worry), concerned, fretting, yet knowing somewhere deep down inside me that she's gonna be ok. just like I was, post-ER trip.
iii.) I'm convinced these attacks are all a figment of my imagination.

yes I said these attacks in the plural form. because, while quite rare, it's happened other times but has been very minor and is usually, and oddly, when I'm in bed (which for whatever reason I'm avoiding at this current juncture)...so hopefully I'll get a good call of good news and I'll clap my hands together, smile, and think to myself how damn lucky I am every moment of my day...

while our dumb bonus checks at work that we were supposed to get fell back to our next paycheck (damn it!) I did get an annual raise, which is pretty good...I think I'll be checking out some drum percussion stuff (I have a three-sided rack with only two things attached to it, and my drum heads are at least 6 or 7 years old, plus I have a spare cymbal collecting dust on the floor since I have nothing to mount it with)...there's TONS of stuff I'd just love to own but I'm not going to let myself go crazy, heck I'll probably only spend like $50, which to me, is still a lot of money...in addition to the raise, I got my very LAST bill for my car...wow, has it been 5 years already? that's crazy...I remember buying that car...that was one of the most exhiliarating feelings in the world (to no surprise of my own, my wife had the same feeling a year later when she bought herself a car too)...I had my buddy from college drop me off in the middle of nowhere at this car dealership with a bookbag of CDs (I believe the much loved Vision of Disorder was in there as well as my own band Fistagon's CD!), some identification paper stuff, and most importantly my check book...dropping $2 grand down--believe you me, if I could have put nothing down I would have, after all that was my freakin' student loan in action! I was able to drive off in just the car that I had done all the research on...no my friend didn't wait around till it was all taken care of...he protested thinking it was unwise but I think deep down I would have thought it would jinx me into not buying it that day or something...but the cool thing now that it's all paid off is that $270 bucks that each month went into one of the worst investments a person can make--by the time I had driven it off the lot, I'm sure it was worth only 3/4 of what I paid for it, blue book--can now go towards savings and our inevitable quest to have the Shawn name live on in the form of human spawn...as much as I ballyhooe and protest (ye, protest too much!) the whole having-kids-thing and being-old thing, damn if it's not really freakin' exciting...I've been thinking about names lately and all that jazz...hell we looked at a freakin' crib this past weekend that's been the home to three or four of my cousins...it's going to be hard work, be stressful, but that topic is guaranteed to get my insides all gooey--and that's not the Near Beer talking!

time for bed.


This Year's Candidate For Biggest "No-Duh" Headline Ever

On Fox News, No Shortage of Opinion, Study Finds


all the headlines you can laugh your ass at

recklessly hilarious...

this is my BOOM stick!

this morning as I was showering Army of Darkness was on UPN or some channel that doesn't take a lot of pressing on the channel key to get too...to say it was a struggle to get out of bed this morning is like saying that Easter might involve some candy and a bunny rabbit...my throat was a bit sore and neither me nor my wife got very good rest...of course I stayed up till a half hour after midnight reading "Faithful" (my LD self usually takes half a century to finish a book--this has been the book I've been reading since X-mas) and I went to bed even though I only had some 15-20 pages left to pour through...it's a great read and has gotten my juices psyched for baseball...speaking of baseball, I was able to score two tickets on Memorial Day to see the Nationals vs. the Braves...the seats aren't the best in the world but they satisfy my desire to be near the 3rd base dugout (the home dugout) and not be way in the nosebleeds...I've never be to RFK to actually see sports or anything in which I have to be seated (only been there to see the Vans Warped Tour and it was inside on the grass and there weren't actual seats that you sat in) so I have no way of knowing if I just purchased crap seats with a blocked view or if they're moneyball tickets...I'll go with the later because I'm too psyched to get down on anything...in just a couple more weeks we go up to NYC to see the Yankees opener, which I believe is televised on Fox (look out for the guy struggling not to pop any Yank's fan in the mouth!) and even though it looks like Curt Schilling isn't going to face the Big Unit I'm sure it'll be a great match-up nonetheless...the Yankees are DAMN old...I don't know that they have a single player younger than say 28 or so...

anyways, enough about hardball...

this weekend was pretty fun...on Saturday I went up to Rockville and hung out with the old man who just turned 50 on the 11th...he finally went to the doctor after having some real bad sinus infection that was driving him nuts...glad he went, he needs to live another 50!...it was cool seeing my brothers, my middle brother brought up his girlfriend and her baby...she seems pretty nice but dude, hearing my brother called "Dad" (he's not the father) is just weird...seeing my brother changing diapers (NO he's NOT the father!) is even more weird...but I've never seen him happier...I think he likes feeling like he's needed...his girlfriend was booted from her house and I believe at the ripe old age of 17 or 18...guess they have some stuff in common huh? I'm so beyond angry at my mother I don't know really how to express it...it's pretty typical but whatever, I'm not going to waste any breath on that nonsense...we came home that evening to a phone message from my brother-in-law who we called back...he apparantly just recently played pool against the #1 ranked pool player in the world...he said he got to break, and then watch him run the table...not once but TWICE...then his girlfriend played the guy who must like to let girls think they have a chance since he let her sink three balls before destroying her, the waitress at the bar got a total of five before her fate was sealed...he sounds like he's doing good but he's getting crushed at work and might move back to the States if he doesn't land a university position...the selfish part of me hopes he comes back...

speaking of in-laws, last night we had them over and made homemade pizza and hung out...that was fun...we watched the end of Tortilla Soup that we had started some 6 or 8 months ago and which has been sort of a running joke between me and my mother-in-law...so yeah that was fun...looking forward to band practice this week although once again, our bonus checks aren't going to be in this paycheck "but yeah, they'll be in the next one"...I'm beginning to wonder if it's not a bunch of bullshit since I've heard conflicting stories every week...not that I need the money but damn if it wouldn't be nice to drop some bones on some drum hardware...our annual raises however are supposed to be reflected in this paycheck...we'll see...

and speaking of work, this next couple of weeks are going to be really hairy...there's a lot of work to do and not much time...the world world of web development beckons...


nationals, brothers, and a half-century

My dad's fiftieth birthday is today...wow he's old, but so am I...I went to a restaurant last night with my wife and ordered a draft beer, I got carded, which I never really mind, but then the girl was like "wow you're much older than I thought!"...she of course was much younger than us, probably 21 or 22...but dude, that sucks!...boo! on being old...so as I wait these next two hours to see if I can score some Atlanta Braves vs. Washington Nationals tickets (the first team being my favorite since, oh I don't know, 1990! and a team that I've never been able to see live) I reflect on my conversation with my youngest brother last night...we're all meeting up at my grandmother's house in Rockville to celebrate my dad and having dinner and what-not and he called me for directions...well then he tells me that he's no longer living with my mother (this being the second time in less than a year) and step-father...wow, my mother sure knows how to parent doesn't she? that's one, two, three times that she's had a son whose been either kicked out or moved out of his own house because of our mother...this time she accused him of doing drugs (he's the straightest kid I've ever met--doesn't drink, smoke pot, any of it, and is a really good student), lying, and the ilk...it bothered me to hear the nonsense that my step-father has said towards him too...why does shit like this have to happen? now my youngest brother's life is a mess and he's not going to go to college full-time only maybe taking one class this fall and "taking time off", which he should spend SOMEWHERE FUCKING OTHER THAN STEPHENS FUCKING CITY...I swear that place sucks souls...my mother is a total fuck-tard and seemingly lives in a warped world all her own where she is queen and everything must bend to her will...it's ironic seeing as how she invited me down to her house in a few weeks (I couldn't go because we're going to NYC that weekend) and she never mentioned a word about my brother...what a filthy cunting liar she is...ugh. I'm so filled with rage and rawed out emotion that I can't even finish a good thought without wanting to blast-beat my way into a curse-riddled montage of hatred...I better get some tickets damn it!


get your heal on?

this kind of stuff scares me...it's just this whole idea that spreading religion is an absolute must rather than allowing those interested, to, um, be interested...religion and god aren't meant to be a plague or spam or a "marketing campaign"...I understand the community and togetherness aspect of it, but is that really what they're trying to accomplish here? there seems to be this underlying message that's just rather, well spine-tingling cult-like about it...I don't really care if you, or you, or YOU have religion and practice it openly, that's your right, that's your privilege, and you righteously deserve it...but I don't like the preying (note the "e") aspect that so many religions, churches, mosques, synagogues, and everything in between practice...it's just sad to see so many of these faithful folks ripped off, I guess some of these so-called moralistic marauders are just truly malleable and will shake and nod with anything the Big Ones spout off about, following in the footsteps of the Giants like some lambs with slaughter furtherest from their collective consciousness...the Giants being the liars, manipulators, and con artists that permeate every microcosm of society...it's just hard to obfuscate the real genuine from the fake controlling nonsense...

maybe the white house should get one of these

apparantly our friends up north had developed something called the fruit machine which was to help eliminate all homosexuals from the civil service by detecting that they were gay...UGH. how lame.

the exciting new business of venetian-blind laundering!

and are you bored with your hunting?...you might want to try your hand at taxidermy...heck you can even teach your dad! but don't try to put those dirrrty words on a jersey that you might mutter under your breath as you realize that perhaps you took the wrong career path...

I'm going to New York City

in a couple of weeks to see the Yankees/Red Sox home opener on April 3rd...we have tickets the following night to see the legendary Les Paul (yeah, the guitar dude) play...but we're going to be there Saturday afternoon/night as well as monday during the day and a bit on Tuesday, so what else should we do!?...maybe hit up a musuem? see Central Park (I've only been near the outskirts), go shopping at nifty record stores? laugh at the rasta's selling skag weed in Washington Square? hmm, I wonder if we'll see anyone famous...last time I was in New York I stopped off at some Irish pub to rest my feet and get a beer...it was chill place and as we walked in, none other than the bald white guy named Moby walked by, being all skinny and vegan and probably looking to score some sample that would make him another million bucks...anyways, reply to this post if you've got any ideas!


you know my wife would put together those IKEA packages

but unfortunately, she couldn't follow the diagrams without a penis

delay breaks the rules...again

sigh, but will he ever resign or be tossed out on his ass or even better in jail? after all he broke the rules again...but honestly the pressure is on the GOP to actually do something otherwise they'll lose even more creditibility and give the Democrats even more ammo to damage their nonsensical "we own morality" clause...


Mr. sXe busts his cherry

all these many, many years, I had tried to convince my ex-roommate to drink alcohol. Enough, and pathetic (I'm well aware of this) enough to make such things as:

a.) bake beer bread (he replied that the alcohol burned off--fuck)
2.) exchange his Food Lion Cola for a Beast Lite in his cozy (he smelled it--damn it!)
iii.) cooked several dishes with wine, beer, and assorted alcohols (again the alcohol burned off--double fuck)

So why should it surprise me that he fucking decides to drink a shot of VODKA!?! because a girl pours it for him?!?! MOTHERFUCKER. Dude I wanted him to drink a beer with me because I was getting married and no dice, and that bastard wastes his virginness with some chick? And not even his wife, though he tells me he goes home and she gives him wine and a Mudslide (none of which he likes!)...dude metal guys need to drink beer and whiskey, not RASP-FUCKING-BERRY VODKA!...weak.

his punk ass better drink some regular old fashioned beer (oooh pabst!) with me...isn't it ironic that the biggest drunk in the house and the guy who never drank, almost switch places (with healthy amounts of exagerration on my part), with me not drinking anywhere close to what I did and him, well, drinking! fucking sell-out. he seriously better drink with me one day.


drunk guy in a little radical group


things not to do when you're planning on having kids

a.) read about kid's first helmets
2.) read about a colicky baby
iii.) come under the realization that you're really, really, looking forward to playing and watching GI Joe


4 skinnee j's? corpsegrinder's headed to texas (bastard)

Corpsegrinder, also known as our bassist, is going to this year's SXSW in Austin for the interactive media portion...I am so jealous!...ARGH!...the coolest part is it's company paid for! bastard...so yeah, practice was great, but I must admit I get so unduly frustrated with my playing...we haven't come up with a name yet though we threw around a bunch like the above title (yes that's a joke especially considering my hefty beer gut!)...hopefully he'll get to check out Tarantula, Grupo Fantasma, University, or even Jonah's new band Gratitude...oh but of course that's just all on THE FIRST FUCKING DAY!...seriously, I'm going to go next year damn it...

so yeah yesterday was a good day...not only fun band practice but I finished writing over 80 reviews...so many that I was too exhausted to upload any of them...so I'll be pissing off the wife tonight by doing that instead of hanging out with her...I so wanted to stay home this morning as I got like zero sleep last night...I'm a food channel junkie as I stayed up late watching about 2 hours worth of Iron Chef America (first time a chef didn't make all 5 required dishes, and it was the dude from DC who owns Galileo) as CNN's Anderson Cooper bleated on and on about how he enjoyed the blending and presentation (seriously that's all his input was), the American Pie Contest (dude that makes me so want to make a pie, and not just "Sweet Cherry Pie" either!), and then the history of hamburgers in America and even though I'm a vegetarian I can so appreciate the beauty of a great burger...oh man I'm making myself hungry!...


and in case you didn't already know

this is what it's all about

the taste it of porn!

oh no, there's porn with my favorite phrase in it!...BOO! at least it wasn't called "Taste It Brawny"

the hypocritical Sen. John Warner and his views on the filibuster

Recently I wrote to Sen. John Warner (R-VA) to tell him not only my displeasure in Bush's radical appointees to the Judical branch but also to urge him not to support the so-called "nuclear option"...the "nuclear option" is one in which the traditional unlimited debate known as the filibuster would be stricken from the Senate rules thereby not allowing the minority party (in this case the Democrats) to block judicial nominees and halt votes on other important legislative responsibilities...his response was a meek and hypocritical one:

"It is interesting to note that the "filibuster" - defined as an extreme dilatory tactic to obstruct or prevent action - is never mentioned in the Constitution. The word "filibuster" is also never even mentioned in the Standing Rules of the Senate. On the other hand, the Constitution is clear. It specifically enumerates those instances in which a super-majority vote of Senators, rather than a simple majority vote, is required for Senate action..."

first of all, there's a lot of things "not mentioned" in the Constitution. Copyright law, women's right to vote, the "right to bear arms", etc. just to name a few...does that mean that it's not an important piece of the American legislature? Of course not...even Sen. John Warner himself said that "he right of unlimited debate has been a hallmark of the Senate since its inception."

of course what's the issue? The Republicans want to support their President's radical rightwing freakazoids...so Mr. "You can Aids through sweat" Senator Bill Frist wants to nuke it and get rid of it...of course forgetting that Republicans have used the filibuster to halt the nomination of a Surgeon General appointed by President Clinton, more recently used the filibuster to halt airline worker's aid, and of course the outburst over judicial nominees is but a rehashing of what Clinton said years ago, almost exactly the same:

"President Clinton accused Republicans Saturday of posing "a very real threat to our judicial system" by blocking the appointment of dozens of federal judges for political purposes."

This of course is not to even bring up one of the first highly publized usage of the filibuster to block judical nominees, that of a Republican filibuster of President Johnson's nomination of Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas to become Chief Justice, which eventually led to a withdrawal by Johnson...but honestly do we expect anything less than moderate hypocrisy by the Republicans these days? I know I don't...

who doesn't like some good black romance novels?

You know you read Zane...who can't get their ebony-on?? hahaha


the classic perp walk

you gotta love this great .gif from the American Leftist...peep the original post too...


a real life of agony

seriously, life of agony officially sucks even more than they used to...why? they're going on a tour with Mudvayne and American Head Charge...of course Bloodsimple is opening and they fucking rule...I'd love to go just see that band and see how Tim Williams rocks it...I'll never forget being backstage at the very first Ozzfest and hanging out with those guys...Vision of Disorder was really good though their later material started to get a little draining...I always thought Mr. Williams could rock the mic and do everything I loved vocalists to be able to do...scream, sing, yell, and write interesting lyrics...Bloodsimple picks up where they left off, though they're definitely not remotely close to hardcore like VoD was (though I'm sure a certain Serbian would've said that they need to "STOP THE WHEEEAAAHHHH SINGING SHIT" anyways)

well then...

thanks for clearing that up for me. you're right, this is silly. give me a hollar anytime. because "swallows human lives by the thousands", "I've got $20", and "Wanda's #1" can't ever be forgotten...besides, anyone who let me crash at his parent's house because my mother threw me out of mine will always have a special place in my heart, radical haircut or not...

greenspan's continued double-speak

So today, the Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan comes out and says that the Federal budget deficits are unsustainable...now this is the same man who supported Bush's tax cuts for the uber-rich and who supports the privatization of social security--both of which will enact trillions of additional dollars onto the deficit and budget...so is this just more doublespeak from him?

money quote:

"Extending all of the expiring tax cuts add about $1.8 trillion to the federal debt over 10 years, according to the Congressional Budget Office. That would come on top of a rapid escalation in the federal debt from $3.4 trillion to $4.3 trillion as a result of soaring annual deficits since 2001."

I myself may be a full-on liberal who supports entitlement programs as much as the next bleeding-heart but I've always believe in fiscal conservatism...the issues are always the same, lame pork barrel projects, tax cuts for the super rich rather than for the poor and middle class (thus bolstering their spending and actually increasing the wealth of property owners), and of course ridiculous over-spending in the realm of the military...but my two pennies find themselves in an extraordinarily full wishing well...

lil' kim, the next Martha Stewart

sure, Tupac, Biggie, and Jam Master Jay's killers might still be at large, but I still don't really have sympathy for Lil' Kim's legal problems...


well, big brother rears its ugly head

some kid got arrested for a short story he wrote abou zombies, the reason? because of terrorism concerns...and his GRANDPARENTS TURNED HIM IN...now if that's not totally Orwellian I don't know what is...seriously...this is more than enough reason to allow the Red States to have their own idiotic nation of conservative prison-state psychosis...

more like sukn ass

this morning during my daily commute into work, I noticed a big dumb Humvee aggressively driving down I-66 (and is that really an interstate? it only goes through Virginia and turns into Constitution in DC--which of course isn't a state either) swerving from lane to lane to get that extra ten yards ahead of traffic...but the gross thing because the el fake-o blond woman behind the wheel was the license plate that said "SUKN GAS"...wow...thanks to folks like you, we have a war to protect our national interest (albeit an absurd fascination) with consuming oil at an alarming and staggering rate...if I had my dream car, it would come equipped with heat-seeking Sidewinder missiles on the sides and I would have fired one right up her fucking tailpipe...not only was her car obnoxious and a testament to America's greed and selffishness but her driving told stories too as she got off of one exit only to continue down through the merge lane BACK onto the highway to avoid yes, that's right about a dozen cars lined up in congestion...wow I bet she got where she was going a whole 25 seconds sooner! but hey that might have saved her a half liter of gas or so...

I continued on listening to Marduk's newest disc "Plague Angel"...they're really good blackened death metal with some interesting twists and turns on the normal formulaic genre...but then I threw in the new Funeral Diner album called "The Underdark"...dude, THAT'S one helluva band!...their lyrics are really interesting and introspective while the music is this neat take on indie rock with screamy and screechy vocals amid some atmospheric experimental rock...their drummer is awesome...of course I usually like most things off of Alone Records...

10 years of yahoo

Yahoo! celebrates it's decade of existence with a fun little Netrospective...there's definitely some flashbacks in there like i kiss you...


fucka regex

this site saved my collective butt today...combine that with the OROMatcher user guide and I'm a happy camper...

a musing that's not too amusing

I just read a couple of minutes ago what a former friend wrote (I guess) about me, or at least about a couple of folks that he was close with...he seemed to think it would have been better for everyone had they not all been so close...that's a shame, really, and I hope I'm totally misreading, which in these days is much more prevalent than it ought to be...unfortunately I left some things really unsettled and didn't make a good attempt at righting the wrong's and leaving things on good terms...for that I certainly own a lot of regret, but there's not a day that goes by that I wasn't happy and grateful for each one of those great moments that close friends share...after all, at the end of the day, the great and positive truly outlast the negative and harshness, well, at least for me it does...for every bad moment there's a hundred great moments and that'll last a lifetime at least in the corner of the mirrors of our eyes, hearts, and brains...maybe one day things will right themselves like a sinking ship taking on water getting patched back up at the dry-dock--it might float again but it'll probably never be trusted to go deep-sea fishing with...okay, I'll get off the whole "feelings" thing and take the tone slightly less serious I promise...

and now I see the irony in my obsession with that Vision of Disorder song earlier...weird!

you brought this nightmare to light

yes, that's right, I have Tim Williams and VoD totally on my mind...last night "No Regrets" was stuck in my head for whatever reason...I think it's because I've been rocking his new outfit Bloodsimple's self-titled debut in my car every morning...that guy has the most wicked voice, he can sing melodically and on key, can scream, can yell, and do normal vocals as well as anyone out there...plus he was a cool guy...I'll never forget being backstage at the very first Ozzfest chatting with Vision of Disorder with my best friend...now those were some fun times...we got to meet a whole bunch of the side stage bands as well as the now-deceased Dimebag Darrell and Phil Anselmo who were one of the main acts that year...okay now I must get some of these songs out of my head so I can concentrate on Regular Expressions!

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